View Full Version : Any fellow Table-Top RPG'ers?

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11-12-2008, 01:47 PM
Simple and to the point. I do truly love martial arts, and Aikido above them all, and I also have other interests. So I am curious as to others that might share them.

Any fellow gamers out there? And I primarily mean the paper and pencil types.

And if anyone likes, any other students of Hypnosis and NLP?

Anja Lampert
11-16-2008, 04:00 AM
I used to... but somehow a few years ago aour rpg-group broke apart, means we couldn't find a regular basis for playing... but it was great fun and sometimes we still laugh about some silly ideas we had back then :D

11-27-2008, 09:54 PM
Yup, but we've had a hold on lately due to people in the group not being able to make it.

Been playing since '88


11-28-2008, 08:59 AM
Old Time Grognard here...

Started with Panzerblitz in 1970 and D&D in early 80"s. I still play mostly online though via WOW and Hexwar.

Right know I have an interest in a company that's developing the Wheel of Time Online.

WIlliam Hazen

11-28-2008, 03:08 PM
Old Time Grognard here...

Started with Panzerblitz in 1970 and D&D in early 80"s. I still play mostly online though via WOW and Hexwar.

Right know I have an interest in a company that's developing the Wheel of Time Online.

WIlliam Hazen

You play WOW William? :D . Me and my son plays WOW and I've never played after the last expansion to lvl 80. I got the dvd for the last expansions bu too lazy to download it. I got 5 lvl 70's right now all on PVP servers. My son did not stop so he lvl'd 2 toons to lvl 80's in 10 days.