View Full Version : Brandon from Berkeley

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10-23-2008, 02:19 PM
Happy to be here and participating after lurking many times over the past decade. I put my intro material on my aikiweb blog (http://www.aikiweb.com/blogs/brandons-blog-8081/). Please feel free to check it out and go to my personal website at bdwc.net (http://bdwc.net) as well.

I'd like to get an idea how many people here are or have been involved with aiki beyond the dojo (I know, there's a thread for that - going there now) and Aiki Extensions, the international NGO. Anybody?

Nicholas Eschenbruch
10-24-2008, 12:51 AM
Hi Brandon,
good to see you again here after meeting you on the mat last month!

Quentin Cooke
10-24-2008, 01:37 AM
Well just to show you that there are people out there reading this stuff, thought I'd say Hi, Brandon as well.

Come on guys, there must be loads of you out there that think that aikido means more than two hours or so on the mat each week. Wouldnt you like to join an organisation that is taking it to another level?