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10-06-2008, 12:37 PM
Hello all on aikiweb!:)

I first began my martial arts training about 22 years ago at the age of 13, joining a new local Wado Ryu club run by Unel and Steve Wellington. After a year or so I had to give up due to ill health:uch:

I was able to resume training again at a different dojo 15 years ago but after 2 1/2 years my health problems resurfaced and I had to give up again:(

I have been interested in Aikido for a number of years although I have never been able to train myself.

I am very pleased to say my son has just started training under Sensei Don Morgan at the Port Talbot Dojo so at least I get to go along and watch him train instead. I have to say the desire to train is still there but I am currently not able to do so.

I look forward to talking to you all on here soon and probably asking loads of questions!;)

Regards to all, Steve.

10-06-2008, 12:38 PM
Hi Steve,

Thank you for your introduction and welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

Joyce Lunas
10-06-2008, 01:19 PM
Hello all on aikiweb!:)

I first began my martial arts training about 22 years ago at the age of 13, joining a new local Wado Ryu club run by Unel and Steve Wellington. After a year or so I had to give up due to ill health:uch:

I was able to resume training again at a different dojo 15 years ago but after 2 1/2 years my health problems resurfaced and I had to give up again:(

I have been interested in Aikido for a number of years although I have never been able to train myself.

I am very pleased to say my son has just started training under Sensei Don Morgan at the Port Talbot Dojo so at least I get to go along and watch him train instead. I have to say the desire to train is still there but I am currently not able to do so.

I look forward to talking to you all on here soon and probably asking loads of questions!;)

Regards to all, Steve.

Welcome, Steve.
I am confident that you WILL pick it up at some point. Some loves never die and the power of the spirit lies ahead, showing us the bright lights.
I know you understand fully what i am talking about :)

Be well,
we'll see you around


10-08-2008, 10:41 PM
Hello Steve,

Welcome to Aikiweb and please feel free to ask any question regarding Aikido. There's a lot of experienced members here who will be willing to answer your question.