View Full Version : AikiWeb Workshop 2009: March 20-22, 2009 in Seattle WA
AikiWeb System
09-16-2008, 11:53 AM
Posted 2008-09-16 10:48:27 by Jun Akiyama
News URL:
AikiWeb is honored to present the AikiWeb Workshop 2009 with George Ledyard sensei, Howard Popkin sensei, and Toby Threadgill sensei to take place on March 20-22, 2009 at the Two Cranes Aikido dojo in Seattle, WA.
These three instructors from three different lineages will share their budo experience during this three-day workshop. They will present different but compatible approaches to the physical application of techniques and principles from their arts of Aikido, Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai, and Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin Ryu.
More information is available at
Please help spread the word about the AikiWeb Workshop by downloading a flyer from the above URL and posting one at your dojo. Thanks!
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Ron Tisdale
09-16-2008, 12:05 PM
This should be a great seminar! I probably won't be able to make it, but best wishes for the presenters, host, and participants.
Dennis Hooker
09-16-2008, 12:23 PM
I am so happy Jun is doing this. The seed Chuck, Ellis and I planted a few years ago is starting to grow. I hope it grows into other parts of the country as well and using as many good instructors as you can find. If I was able I would attend but right now I can't. I hope it is well received and with these outstanding instructors it will be a most valuable seminar I am sure. It is so good to see people walking the walk and not just talking the talk. Folks if you have not been to one of these give and take share and learn sessions you are missing something unique. I think Jun has paired up three teachers who will check their egos at the door and work and share together. You attending will reap the harvest of that labor of love for budo and budo knowledge.
09-16-2008, 01:22 PM
WOW. That sounds like a great seminar. Perhaps Dan might show up too!:D
09-16-2008, 03:56 PM
three great senseis in one place, but then we also have march madness. tough call. :D
Howard Popkin
09-16-2008, 04:30 PM
Yea Phi,
Because I never go to a sports bar and have a few beers :) We get the evenings off, dont we ? :)
See you soon !
09-16-2008, 04:42 PM
The first spring chinook of the season will be pushing up the lower Columbia. Blackmouth fishing will continue strong in Puget Sound.
Howard Popkin
09-16-2008, 07:43 PM
I don't need a seminar to visit then :)
Salmon is a good enough reason.
09-16-2008, 09:16 PM
Sounds great. Too good to miss.
Unless something interferes,
count me in.
George S. Ledyard
09-17-2008, 01:56 AM
Sounds great. Too good to miss.
Unless something interferes,
count me in.
It'll be great to see you, Lynn!!! The last time I saw you, Tennenhouse was attached to your arm in a fruitless attempt to do an ikkyo... It's been too long.
- George
Keith Larman
09-17-2008, 09:12 AM
Hmmm, maybe a good time for me to work in a visit to some friends and family...
Now to find cheap airfare...
09-17-2008, 09:43 AM
Hmmm, maybe a good time for me to work in a visit to some friends and family...
Now to find cheap airfare...
It aint lookin good for that Keith. I was checking prices from Ontario California yesterday.:eek:
Keith Larman
09-17-2008, 09:51 AM
It aint lookin good for that Keith. I was checking prices from Ontario California yesterday.:eek:
So far just under $400 RT from Burbank... And since I'd be bringing family... Expensive weekend...
Janet Rosen
09-17-2008, 10:08 AM
and I just used my free JetBlue passes in order to be with my sister on her 60th bday one wk after this seminar (sigh)....
09-17-2008, 11:20 AM
So far just under $400 RT from Burbank... And since I'd be bringing family... Expensive weekend...
I can fly out to Dan's barn for about the same price.
Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say "thank you!" to all of the expressed interest and support so far in the AikiWeb Workshop. I also wanted to thank the three instructors -- George Ledyard sensei, Howard Popkin sensei, and Toby Threadgill sensei -- for bearing with me over the last several months in organizing the workshop so far.
I can say that having had the pleasure of personally training with all three instructors, I think everyone who attends the workshop will come away with a new outlook on their aikido and budo training. My experience with them has always been interesting, informative, and positive. I can't wait to have all three of them on the same mat together -- talk about synergy!
As far as airfare goes, my experience has been that looking too far in advance often returns higher prices than not. When I travel to seminars and such, I usually plan well ahead but look for airfare about two months ahead of time. I would imagine that folks on the West Coast will be able to find tickets under $200. (As an example, tickets for LAX to SEA for 12/5-12/7 is currently $158 per person today.)
I hope I'll get the chance to meet many new folks from AikiWeb as well as have the chance to reconnect with folks I've met before!
Best regards,
-- Jun
09-17-2008, 12:09 PM
I would imagine that folks on the West Coast will be able to find tickets under $200. (As an example, tickets for LAX to SEA for 12/5-12/7 is currently $158 per person today.
Hey Jun,
What airline would that be? Best price I've found for that route was $209. Are you sure that's not the one-way price? However, it does seem that prices are a bit lower when you get within a couple months. Thanks for the tip.
What airline would that be?
It's a roundtrip ticket from LAX to SEA on Alaska Airlines for December 5th through 7th (found on Travelocity) and is meant to show that airfare is usually pretty low about two months before planned departure. Prices may be different for March right now, of course, but I would recommend checking prices in December and January for the workshop.
Hope that helps,
-- Jun
Roy Dean
09-17-2008, 12:35 PM
Awesome. I'll try to make this one...
09-18-2008, 08:28 AM
I don't need a seminar to visit then :)
Salmon is a good enough reason.
Howard, where there are salmon, there are bears. and bears don't taste good raw, even if you have good sake. :)
hmm airfare is going to be a killer. I am going to have do quite a bit of bake sale. failing that I have to try exotic dancing to pay my way; at least I got the nice big black skirt. :)
09-18-2008, 09:11 AM
Howard, where there are salmon, there are bears. and bears don't taste good raw, even if you have good sake. :)
Ah, but do bears have real aiki?
hmm airfare is going to be a killer. I am going to have do quite a bit of bake sale. failing that I have to try exotic dancing to pay my way; at least I got the nice big black skirt. :)
Do you have matching fish nets for your skirt?
09-18-2008, 10:17 AM
If at all possible, I'll be there. Three great instructors and the new Two Cranes Dojo is a fabulous venue. Probably be a few other TNBBC'ers there as well. :)
09-18-2008, 03:28 PM
A pretty long haul for us Gators, but I guess it all evens out, since it was here last year... Will certainly try to work something out... :)
For those of you who have not been to one of these, it's certainly worth the effort.
Toby Threadgill
09-19-2008, 03:49 PM
First I'd like to thank Jun Akiyama for the honor of being asked to participate in this event. I have yet to meet Howard Popkin but I've known Okamoto Sensei for over a decade so it will be fun to connect with another person from the Roppokai. And then there's George Ledyard who I always enjoy spending time with. I've taught at George's dojo in the past and always enjoy his open minded passion for all things budo.
One thing I'd like to offer up. If there is anything anyone attending is specifically interested in concerning TSYR, please don't hesitate to let me know about it. This being a unique venue, I'm interested in knowing what participants would like to see or experience. The sotoden or teachings I'm allowed to demonstrate publicly, are actually quite comprehensive when compared to those in most koryu, so please feel free to make requests. If you ask for something off the list, I'll just say so but frankly the chances of that are pretty remote. I have easily worked around such restrictions for years given the depth and diversity of our curriculum.
I think this promises to be a great opportunity to get hands on experience with differing but related perspectives of budo. With differing eyes and styles to access, the participants will get a unique opportunity to observe and feel those things we all share and those things that make each of our pursuits unique. Opportunities like this are rare so I encourage people to attend this workshop. Besides, If my suspicions are correct there will lots of laughing and smiles along the way. You don't think I do this stuff just so I can play with sharp pointy things do you? I'm in this for the laughs and camaraderie of it all.....
Oh...And lets no forget the beer.
Toby Threadgill / TSYR
09-19-2008, 04:45 PM
You don't think I do this stuff just so I can play with sharp pointy things do you? I'm in this for the laughs and camaraderie of it all.....
And looking forward to it.
Rei, Domo.
09-19-2008, 06:40 PM
Oh...And lets no forget the beer.
Toby Threadgill / TSYR
I can't wait to see you and Howard together, you'll get along swimmingly. Where's the party on Saturday? :D
Can we drag Big Tony up here? :cool:
Keith Larman
09-24-2008, 06:58 PM
Well, I'm still a bit tentative given my schedule, but I'm hoping to be there. And hey, I can bring some sharp pointy things with me too.
09-24-2008, 07:24 PM
Count me in! :)
Can folks from the area recommend some hotels, or PM me and let me know which hotel/motels to stay away from (as ever area has these). Please/thanks.
Mark Gibbons
09-24-2008, 09:22 PM
For accommodations close to Two Cranes many places to stay are grouped either near the University of Washington or on Aurora Ave near Green Lake.
University District ( had a reasonable list near the University of Washington. Depending on finances I would probably stay near here. If you don't have a car, bus service from the U to Two Cranes is pretty good.
Green Lake - Aurora Area ( had some places in another area with motels.
Aurora has a deserved reputation for drugs, gangs and prostitution. I wait for a bus in the area at night after training, I remain alert. Stuff happens. Check the places carefully and you'll probably be fine. It's hard to tell which motels on Aurora are renting rooms by the hour. The Nexus by Northgate looks pretty good from the outside. The University district has occasional violence, students, and the prices are probably higher.
Personally I would seriously not try for a place on Aurora South of 85th and North of the bridge. Some are really cheap but you probably will not find them using the internet.
I don't have any personal experience with these places. I've known lots of people that stayed happily at the University Inn. Downtown Seattle also has many places. Seatac is 30 miles away and I would get something local rather than stay there.
If you have a particular place in mind you could send me a PM. I travel near some of these places daily, some weekly and might be able look them over for you.
09-26-2008, 10:12 AM
What Mark said about Aurora. I've had family stay at the Extended Stay America ( just off Aurora before and it's fine. Particularly good if you want to pick up some food for your stay and do some of you own cooking since each room is more like a studio apartment than a hotel room. The drive would be 10-15 minutes (,+Seattle,+WA+98133&geocode=&dirflg=&daddr=8512+20th+Ave+NE,,+seattle,+wa&f=d&sll=47.725423,-122.341054&sspn=0.010638,0.019312&ie=UTF8&z=14) from the dojo.
Ron Tisdale
09-26-2008, 10:45 AM
I don't know if I can swing it, but with so many people I've been wanting to meet and train with coming, I'm going to put some effort into trying...
09-26-2008, 12:22 PM
I don't know if I can swing it, but with so many people I've been wanting to meet and train with coming, I'm going to put some effort into trying...
All the cool kids will be there... :D
c'mon Ron you can do it. :)
Allen Beebe
09-26-2008, 12:26 PM
Chris is right. Use your intent man!
Ron Tisdale
09-26-2008, 12:40 PM
Yeah, the good stuff, intent!
Well, going through a job change in December...don't know how that is going to work out yet. But if everyone stays moderately healthy, I'll have the vacation time. Keep a good thought!
Pat Togher
10-16-2008, 01:26 PM
I just joined the forum (though I have been lurking for a while), so this is my first opportunity to comment. Many thanks to Jun for organizing this seminar! I am sure it will be great.
I had the opportunity to meet and train with Popkin Sensei and Ledyard Sensei at Howard's last seminar in the Seattle area. It was both enjoyable and enlightening. I look forward to training with both of you again at the upcoming seminar, and meeting and training with Threadgill Sensei.
Hi everyone,
I am happy to let everyone know that the registration for the AikiWeb Workshop 2009 is now open!
You can download the registration and waiver form here:
More detailed information regarding the workshop may be found on the workshop page here:
Please don't hesitate to ask questions about the workshop should you have any!
I look forward to meeting and training with folks at the AikiWeb Workshop 2009!
-- Jun
Mark Gibbons
10-31-2008, 04:15 PM
Are there any limits on the number of people that may register?
Hi Mark,
At the moment, we're hoping to have a maximum of about fifty participants. If we reach near that number, I'll consult again with the instructors (as well as Kimberly) to see if we want more folks.
Thanks for the question,
-- Jun
Keith Larman
10-31-2008, 06:52 PM
Looks like I've talked the wife into it. I've got family up in Edmonds so I'm planning on bringing up the kid to visit while I go play... Now just to hope I hit the window right for air fare...
Hi Keith,
I'm glad to hear you'll be coming up for the workshop! It's going to be a great weekend. I'm looking forward to meeting and training with you.
Anyone else looking into or planning on attending?
-- Jun
Marc Abrams
11-02-2008, 06:55 AM
Count me in.
Marc Abrams
Jeremy Hulley
11-02-2008, 02:02 PM
I'll be there as well as some of the other TNBBC folks..
Marc, it'll be great to see you again, as always!
Jeremy, I'm looking forward to meeting you and others from the (in)famous TNBBC.
Will there be any others whom I can expect, at this time, to see at the upcoming AikiWeb Workshop (
-- Jun
11-03-2008, 10:15 AM
I'm popping my registration in the mail today. 50 people is just about perfect for that space.
John Connolly
11-03-2008, 02:56 PM
I'm planning on attending! Toby Threadgill is an excellent technician and teacher and a helluva nice guy, George Ledyard is virtually an institution here in the PNW, and I look forward to meeting Howard Popkin and feeling his technique. What a great line up!
Ron Tisdale
11-03-2008, 03:02 PM
I hope to be able to confirm the dates shortly as far as airfare. I heard over the weekend that several carriers are dropping prices...hopefully that will apply to fares that far out.
Several of us PDXers from the Kodokan will be there.:)
11-04-2008, 03:11 PM
Several of us PDXers from the Kodokan will be there.:)
There goes my property value... ;)
John Connolly
11-04-2008, 05:59 PM
Well, they're not going to stay, just visit, like a temporary Nickelsville in your back yard.
Tom, I for one look forward to your visit. I have room enough for you, Alan, and Doug to sleep in my large bushy pompadour.
Hey, who's slumming with who here?:eek:
Howard Popkin
11-12-2008, 03:12 PM
To whom it may concern:
Due to unforseen circumstances, I will not be able to participate in the Aikiweb seminar.
I would like to publicly apologize to Jun for this and I wish him nothing but success for this and all of his endevours.
Howard Popkin
Daitoryu Aikijujutsu Roppokai
New York Shibu
Jeremy Hulley
11-12-2008, 03:31 PM
That's a bummer. I hope everything is ok with you.
Best Wishes
Hi Howard,
No apology needed; I appreciate your letting me know and I support your decision full-heartedly. I only feel a bit disappointed that I won't be able to train with you, George, and Toby on the same mat! Alas -- next time!
Best regards,
-- Jun
Pat Togher
11-13-2008, 11:52 AM
Hey Howard,
sorry to hear this. I also hope all is well with you and yours.
Howard Popkin
11-24-2008, 08:56 AM
To Whom it May Concern:
I felt compelled to explain my recent withdrawl from the Aikiweb Seminar.
When I was 18, I had injured my right knee very badly. 10 operations later and 20 years of some rough hobbies and my doctors have told me it is no longer an option to wait to have my knee replaced.
If I wait any longer, I could risk the opportunity to have the knee replaced successfully, so I have decided to do it ASAP.
I don't know what the rehab will be like, so I have decided to cancel my schedule until I know for sure what I will be dealing with.
Thanks again for everyone who expressed a concern.
Howard Popkin
Hi Howard,
Thanks for letting folks know. I hope that your upcoming knee replacement goes well and that you're back on the mat fully recovered. Make sure you do your rehab religiously, though. I'm looking forward to training with you again with your "knee 2.0"!
On a related note, I am getting ready to announce who will be taking Howard's place. I, for one, am excited to have this person participating at the upcoming Workshop! Stay tuned...
-- Jun
Howard Popkin
11-24-2008, 12:56 PM
Thanks !
I was hoping to be Colonel Steve Austin, but that doesn't seem like a reality :)
Enjoy the seminar !
I was hoping to be Colonel Steve Austin, but that doesn't seem like a reality :)
You can always just make those "sha-na-na-na-na-na" noises during keiko if you'd like...
-- Jun
Ron Tisdale
11-25-2008, 02:58 PM
Howard, best wishes for a speedy and full recovery! If I make it out, I'll be sad you aren't there.
Jun, as you know, I make ALL KINDS of funny noises during keiko...I'll try not to make the ones my fiance prefers not to hear... :D
Ron (yeah, work is killing me, haven't been able to post, read, or train in a while)
Howard Popkin
11-25-2008, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the kind words.
Hi everyone,
I am happy to announce that Aaron Clark sensei (6th dan, Jiyushinkai Aikibudo) has agreed to take Howard Popkin sensei's place at the upcoming AikiWeb Workshop! I have trained with Aaron and have found him to be a terrific instructor, an excellent budoka, and a great guy to boot.
So, the line-up for the Workshop now stands at:
George Ledyard sensei (6th dan, Aikido)
Toby Threadgill sensei (Menkyo Kaiden, Takamura-ha Shindo Yoshin-ryu)
Aaron Clark sensei (6th dan, Jiyushinkai Aikibudo)Needless to say, I am truly happy and honored to have these three instructors participating at the AikiWeb Workshop.
The AikiWeb Workshop will take place on March 20-22nd, 2009, at the Two Cranes dojo in Seattle, WA.
More details can be found here:
I hope you'll join us for a wonderful weekend of training, sharing, and experiencing.
-- Jun
Aaron Clark
12-04-2008, 11:32 AM
Hello everyone,
I wanted to take this opportunity to thank Jun Akiyama and the AikiWeb for inviting me to participate in this Workshop. Thank you! I am very excited to meet everyone and share ideas and experience. I am looking forward to being on the same mat with George Ledyard sensei and Toby Threadgill sensei. I am still fairly new to the Washington state area and I look forward to making new friends. I was present for the first AikiWeb Workshop in Greensboro and I think these are a great format for bringing people and training methods together.
Ellis Amdur
12-05-2008, 03:06 AM
That Aaron will be teaching is wonderful news, and is one more great reason to attend the training. Most trainings - and the Aikiweb ones being no exception - have had a single flaw. Age. George and Toby are o-l-d. Old men. Aged. Sclerotic. One foot in the grave. Tottering relics of begone days.
(I suppose I should add a smiley or something, but what's to smile about - we are old.).
Anyway, with a touch more seriousness - having teachers of 30 -40+ years experience and knowledge is a wonderful thing. But it is a different wonderful thing to work with a top level young teacher. Aaron reminds me of my closest friend Kuwamori Yasunori, another muscular guy who had that same combination of experience of aikido and judo, and a refreshing lack of mystic pretension. Aaron will throw you hard enough to clear up your sinus infections and unblock your swimmers ears - and leave you bouncing up for another go-round.
What a great mix of instructors! Have fun - everybody go!
Ellis Amdur
Howard Popkin
12-05-2008, 12:20 PM
Only my knee is old :) After looking at Clark Sensei's website, I'm only 2 years older then he is :)
Seriously, I'm glad someone so qualified as Clark Sensei was able to jump in. Its going to be a great seminar. Sorry I can't make it ! Congrats to Jun for putting together such a great line up.
Best wishes,
Toby Threadgill
12-06-2008, 01:59 PM
That Aaron will be teaching is wonderful news, and is one more great reason to attend the training. Most trainings - and the Aikiweb ones being no exception - have had a single flaw. Age. George and Toby are o-l-d. Old men. Aged. Sclerotic. One foot in the grave. Tottering relics of begone days.
I was just about to take exception to this....but here I am in New Zealand about to tart my last day of teaching down here. My back is killing me and I feel like my parts are all broken.
Ellis s right. We are old...LOL
George S. Ledyard
12-09-2008, 01:02 AM
I was just about to take exception to this....but here I am in New Zealand about to tart my last day of teaching down here. My back is killing me and I feel like my parts are all broken.
Ellis s right. We are old...LOL
I prefer to think of myself as a high mileage late model rather than old... on the other hand my back and knees are saying otherwise.
- Geo
Chuck Clark
12-09-2008, 11:13 PM
I'm really glad to see Aaron getting to hang out with you older guys so he can see that I'm not the only one with little "quirks" that need to be overlooked...
I'm sure you all will have a great time.
Safe, Peaceful, and Joyful Holidays to you all.
Hi folks,
I've received some registrations so far before Howard's announcement that he won't be able to make it and before the announcement of Aaron's participation in the Workshop. I've kept the checks undeposited for now since I wanted to make sure that people who have so far registered are OK with the instructor change.
Please let me know as soon as you can if you've registered and whether you would like to cancel your registration or if you would like to continue with your participation. If folks can let me know via e-mail using this online contact form (, I would appreciate it!
Otherwise, I'm quite excited about the Workshop and hope I'll see a lot of you there! I'm sure it'll be a great weekend, both on and off the mat.
-- Jun
Alan Turton
01-03-2009, 10:23 PM
Greetings All,
It would be wonderful to be able to have a Forum here in New Zealand. It is a very long way for travel from this part of the World.
Seasons Greetings to all.
Alan Turton.
Hi folks,
Just a quick reminder that the AikiWeb Workshop will be taking place in Seattle, WA on March 20-22, 2009. Featured instructors will be George Ledyard sensei, Toby Threadgill sensei, and Aaron Clark sensei.
I just bought my ticket and noticed that prices are quite good, with some fares even as low as $92 roundtrip! Classes start at 6pm on Friday the 20th and run until 4:30pm on Sunday the 22nd, so be sure to try to schedule your flights accordingly.
More information on the Workshop may be found here:
I hope to see a lot of familiar names and faces at the Workshop!
-- Jun
Ron Tisdale
01-22-2009, 02:36 PM
Sorry folks, won't be able to make this one after all...conflict came up. I'll miss being there...but I know it will be great for all of you.
Howard Popkin
01-22-2009, 02:59 PM
Me neither Ron :(
I had a fight with a surgeon with a chain saw and lost :)
I'm sure it will be a wonderful event !!!!
Thanks again to Jun for understanding !!!
Best of luck !
01-22-2009, 03:02 PM
Me neither Ron :(
I had a fight with a surgeon with a chain saw and lost :)
I'm sure it will be a wonderful event !!!!
Thanks again to Jun for understanding !!!
Best of luck !
Get well soon Mr. Popkin!:)
Keith Larman
01-22-2009, 03:03 PM
I'm trying to make it -- just need to confirm the schedule with some relatives so I can bring the kid along to visit while I'm at the seminar. Makes it easier to justify the trip...
01-22-2009, 03:43 PM
I'm really glad to see Aaron getting to hang out with you older guys so he can see that I'm not the only one with little "quirks" that need to be overlooked...
I'm sure you all will have a great time.
Safe, Peaceful, and Joyful Holidays to you all.
Any chance you'll be stopping by the event Chuck?
Howard Popkin
01-22-2009, 07:54 PM
Mr. Wood,
Thanks very much. Coming along, but not up to fighting speed just yet.
I'm sure this will be a great event ! :)
Enjoy !
Chuck Clark
01-24-2009, 12:49 AM
Any chance you'll be stopping by the event Chuck?
I'll stop in for bit for a visit at some appropriate time and go for a meal break or something Christian. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I most likely won't get on the mat yet... :yuck:
Susan Dalton
01-29-2009, 07:47 PM
I'm coming, too! (I'll have to miss a day of work, so I had to wait for approval.)
01-30-2009, 11:16 AM
Jun, any word on how full this thing is getting?
Susan Dalton
01-30-2009, 07:50 PM
I'll stop in for bit for a visit at some appropriate time and go for a meal break or something Christian. I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. I most likely won't get on the mat yet... :yuck:
Great! I look forward to seeing you.
Dennis Hooker
02-02-2009, 10:34 AM
For those of you that know Toby and George you know what you are in for and if you don't know Aaron get ready for another excellent instructor and super nice young man who is one of the most talented budoka I have ever met.
Jun, any word on how full this thing is getting?
There is still plenty of space, so please don't be discouraged from having folks send in their registration. I'll be sure to post well ahead of time if the spaces begin filling up.
For those of you that know Toby and George you know what you are in for and if you don't know Aaron get ready for another excellent instructor and super nice young man who is one of the most talented budoka I have ever met.
Thanks, Dennis, for your thoughts. I'm truly honored and excited to have these three instructors for this year's Workshop. Of course, having you, Ellis, Chuck, or Howard there would have been great as well!
I, for one, am looking very forward to the Workshop.
For those who may now know, the AikiWeb Workshop will take place in Seattle, WA on March 20-22, 200. More information on it can be found here:
-- Jun
Susan Dalton
02-02-2009, 08:22 PM
For those of you that know Toby and George you know what you are in for and if you don't know Aaron get ready for another excellent instructor and super nice young man who is one of the most talented budoka I have ever met.
I only had the opportunity to work with Aaron at one seminar (Aikiweb Seminar in Greensboro 2004), but once I did, I rushed over to partner with him every time I could. Dennis, I sure wish you were going to be there, too.
Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder that the early registration discount deadline is coming up! To receive the discount, please make sure that your registration is postmarked on or before March 1st, 2009.
I just picked up another batch of registrations at the post office. I'm looking forward to training with you all!
The AikiWeb Workshop will take place in Seattle, WA on March 20-22, 2009 with instructors George Ledyard, Toby Threadgill, and Aaron Clark: (
-- Jun
02-12-2009, 06:04 PM
Due to a change in plans and priorities, I will not be able to attend. Deepest regrets. My loss.
Have a great time. How could it be any other way with these great instructors.
Looking forward to the reviews>
Hi Lynn,
That's too bad -- I was looking forward to training with you again and otherwise catching up. Hopefully next time!
-- Jun
02-24-2009, 10:19 PM
My registration is in the mail and my ticket is purchased. I'll be there.
Hi Tarik,
Great! I'm looking forward to training with you again!
-- Jun
Mark Gibbons
02-25-2009, 04:00 PM
Are visitors going to be allowed to watch the seminar? The question came up after class today. Sensei wanted me to ask.
Are visitors going to be allowed to watch the seminar?
Yes, please let people know that observation is welcome. No video taping, though, please.
-- Jun
Mark Gibbons
02-26-2009, 04:48 PM
Thank you.
03-02-2009, 09:26 PM
Got confirmation of my tickets today.
Mike Collins
03-02-2009, 10:29 PM
This oughta be fun. I'll bring my gi with me, but I doubt whether or not I'll train. But I can meet many good folks to train with and eat with and hang out. Kewl,
Mike Collins:freaky:
03-02-2009, 10:40 PM
This oughta be fun. I'll bring my gi with me, but I doubt whether or not I'll train. But I can meet many good folks to train with and eat with and hang out. Kewl,
Mike Collins:freaky:
Brother Mike, if you dress out, I'll train soft and slow with you as much as you want.
Hi Mike,
I, too, would be happy to work with you -- even if you don't dress out. But, please do wear something...
To everyone else: The workshop is just a few weekends away -- March 20-22nd in Seattle, WA. I'm looking forward to meeting and training with everyone. More details here:
-- Jun
Mike Collins
03-03-2009, 02:39 AM
Of course I'll wear something. Hanes or Fruit of the Loom that's all that are in question. Driving there, that outa be fun. Never went that North in a car. Any snow? Bad roads?
But there is not a way to miss this one. Lord willin and the creek don't rise. A few people I'd like to see teaching with more time.
:crazy: :freaky:
Mark Gibbons
03-03-2009, 12:03 PM
The kid's class ends at 9:45 on Saturday, so please do wear something. I'll be the old fat guy helping out with the kids before the seminar.
See you there.
Driving there, that outa be fun. Never went that North in a car. Any snow? Bad roads?
Here's a website that provides weather information coupled with Google Maps trip information:
I really hope you can make it, Mike!
-- Jun
Susan Dalton
03-06-2009, 07:21 PM
Mr. Collins, I will be so happy to train with you and with Mr. Hacker again, as well as with Jun and Aaron and Tarik and everyone who'll be there. I also would like the chance to partner with you, and we can go as slow as you'd like. That's good for my old back anyway.
Susan Dalton
03-06-2009, 07:25 PM
The kid's class ends at 9:45 on Saturday, so please do wear something. I'll be the old fat guy helping out with the kids before the seminar.
See you there.
Now, now, Mark, that's experienced and pleasantly plump when talking about the rest of us. In Greensboro, Michael Hacker told me I'd know him because he'd be the bald guy, and we had like 15 bald guys on the mat. I look forward to meeting you.
Peter Goldsbury
03-06-2009, 08:48 PM
Hello Jun,
A belated Best Wishes for the success of this workshop, which has all the makings of a Memorable Event. I have some good memories of the first Aiki Expo.
Peter Goldsbury
Hi everyone,
Just a quick reminder that the early registration discount deadline is coming up! To receive the discount, please make sure that your registration is postmarked on or before March 1st, 2009.
I just picked up another batch of registrations at the post office. I'm looking forward to training with you all!
The AikiWeb Workshop will take place in Seattle, WA on March 20-22, 2009 with instructors George Ledyard, Toby Threadgill, and Aaron Clark: (
-- Jun
03-08-2009, 05:07 AM
Hey Chris,
Haven't seen you in awhile. I'm just starting to ease back into training at Aikido Redmond (I was lured in by a poster at work on the Microsoft campus, where I drive a shuttle bus). It's been maybe two years or so since I've trained at TCA. I'm not sure whether I'll go to this thing or not; I'm basically a noob all over again, and recovering from a bike crash to boot. But maybe I'll see you and Jeremy there.
It's been a long hiatus from training, but an even longer one from Aiki Web--it says I last visited 09-15-2000. I'm amazed I even remembered my UID.
Paul DeShaw,
Seattle, WA
Keith Larman
03-10-2009, 07:52 AM
Hey, didn't think I was going to be able to make it, but now it looks like I will. I'll get the form filled out and check mailed today! Gonna have to spend a little time doing family/business stuff while I'm up there, but I'll be there assuming there's still room.
Hi Keith,
It'll be great to have you at the Workshop! I'm looking forward to meeting you (and everyone else!).
-- Jun
PS: There's still room at the Workshop! More information at
Toby Threadgill
03-10-2009, 06:11 PM
Hey, didn't think I was going to be able to make it, but now it looks like I will. I'll get the form filled out and check mailed today! Gonna have to spend a little time doing family/business stuff while I'm up there, but I'll be there assuming there's still room.
Hey Keith,
It'll be great to see you again. It's been too long.
Keith Larman
03-11-2009, 12:46 AM
Yeah, it has been a while. But I'm really looking forward to the trip. My dad lives up in Seattle (well Edmonds actually) and I've got a customer up that way as well. So I'm bringing the kid to visit her Grandpa while I sneak out to play all while justifying the trip as a business trip (for me at least). My only concern at this point is whether my back will be healthy enough to really get out there and learn something.
See ya in a couple weeks.
Keith Larman
03-13-2009, 12:48 PM
Man, didn't realize it was getting this close. Check and waiver went out yesterday.
Man, didn't realize it was getting this close. Check and waiver went out yesterday.
Great! I'll look for it at the post office this upcoming week.
And, for folks who are local to the Seattle area, there are still spaces remaining at the upcoming AikiWeb Workshop. More details are available here:
-- Jun
Susan Dalton
03-15-2009, 07:32 AM
I"m so sorry, but I will be unable to attend the seminar after all. Have a wonderful seminar. Please take a picture of Mike Collins on the mat!
03-15-2009, 12:07 PM
I'd rather be laying hands on the Mick than taking pictures of him. Looking forward to next weekend!
Keith Larman
03-17-2009, 03:56 PM
Great! I'll look for it at the post office this upcoming week.
-- Jun
Do you have a schedule yet of who's teaching what when (if that makes any sense)? I have to schedule some time for business while I'm up there and I'm also trying to schedule time with some family. So i'm goign to be "in and out" a bit and wanted to try to optimize my visit as best possible.
Howard Popkin
03-18-2009, 07:22 AM
Go to this seminar, the waza will be great and I hear the sarcasm will be Shihan level, maybe even Menkyo Kaiden :)
Seriously, three great teachers under one roof and no nonsense, just fun play time.
If I could, I'd be there !
Best of luck Jun !
03-18-2009, 11:23 AM
And where's the party on Sat? I only go to these things to hear Toby's stories! :D
Hi folks,
I'm going to see if I can't hammer out details for a schedule in the next day or so. Also, I'm seeing where might be a good place to gather on Saturday evening. I'll let you all know!
Howard, wish you could be there with us! Perhaps next time, eh?
-- Jun
Keith Larman
03-18-2009, 11:33 AM
And where's the party on Sat? I only go to these things to hear Toby's stories! :D
"So, you like Astronomy?" :D
Toby Threadgill
03-18-2009, 04:36 PM
Keith, Christian.....
So.....Have I told you Takamura's story about kusaimen ?
Keith Larman
03-19-2009, 08:28 AM
03-19-2009, 10:48 AM
I don't think so... :)
Hi folks,
I have put up a more detailed schedule on the Workshop page:
It's still tentative, but I think we're going to go with it.
As far as dinner on Saturday evening goes, I'm pretty sure we'll try to set something up. Tentatively, let's see if we can't get together on Saturday night at around 7pm at a nearby restaurant? I have a list of nearby restaurants that Two Cranes Aikido sent me; I'll consult with the instructors to see what they think tomorrow.
I look forward to training with everyone tomorrow!
-- Jun
George S. Ledyard
03-22-2009, 08:32 PM
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers and sisters;
For those this weekend that shared their training with me
Shall be family; be they ne'er so vile,
This weekend has enhanced our condition:
And students of Budo now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their selves diminished whiles any speaks
That trained with us upon this weekend past.
In short, it was a great seminar. I can't thank Aaron Clark and Toby Threadgill enough for their friendship and Jun for his efforts in organizing the event.
Especially thanks to all those who trained. I have seldom seen such a group train as cleanly together as this one. It was a pleasure, start to finish... Not one single discussion about whether what are did "worked on the street" (and only one tirade from Toby about fake Koryu) ... just a great weekend!
And thanks to Kimberly Richardson Sensei for letting us use her space. It is easily one of the nicest dojos I know of and the atmosphere it provided enhanced the experience.
03-22-2009, 10:21 PM
Many thanks to Jun for organizing this workshop.
I (as I'm sure everyone did) learned a great deal listening to and feeling technique from the sensei who took the time to share their knowledge and skill with us. Thank you very much for your time, and it was a pleasure to meet both Toby Threadgill Sensei and George Ledyard Sensei.
Everyone that attended provided a great deal of new information and good fun for me. I hope to train with you all again in the future :D .
03-23-2009, 02:22 AM
Jun, thanks for putting this together again. I want to also thank George Ledyard Sensei, Toby Threadgill Sensei, and Aaron Clark Sensei for their generous instruction and openness in sharing common principles between the different system.
It was great to meet Mr. Ledyard and Mr. Threadgill and put faces and body feel to their writing and training. I'm looking forward to future opportunities.
I'd also like to say that Two Cranes Aikido is a beautiful dojo and I want to offer my appreciation and thanks to Kimerbley Richardson Sensei for making it available.
I was disappointed that more local people did not attend the clinic, but it has been observed in prior clinics that this sort of thing really only attracts people already predisposed to be exposed to different systems.
03-23-2009, 11:22 AM
Seminar pet-peeves - Not this time!
I want to thank Jun-san for organizing the great event that many of us locally attended this past weekend, in Seattle. Folks came from Colorado, Texas, California and Oregon, just for starters, and there were folks from a number of local dojos there.
For the first time that I can ever remember my biggest seminar pet peeve did not occur! I find it frustrating to see a lesson from the visiting instructor and then go to work with a partner who just does what he or she usually does at training, instead of really trying to do the new material from the lesson. Everyone has seen Ikkyo, and thinks they know what is being taught when the visiting instructor starts demonstrating an ikkyo principle, but perhaps the method is different or some detail is the focal point. What is the purpose then to just practice ikkyo like you always do, back home? What a waste of a seminar and the partners you don't often get to train with.
Not once, this entire past weekend did anything like that occur. EVERYONE I met had an awesome training attitude and effort. It seemed like one of the best groups I have had the pleasure to attend a seminar with. My thanks go out to the instructors for their insights, and the participants for helping me try techniques in new ways. I learned a lot, and I only hope I can retain most of it.
What a great event. Can't wait for the next one.
W. Holloway
Jeremy Hulley
03-23-2009, 11:42 AM
thanks Jun for working to set this all up..
Thanks to Toby, George and Aaron for some great instruction and graciousness.
It was nice to meet lots folks and see old friends. I had a great time.
Thanks to Robert and Lynda for being good hosts and Kimberly and the Two Cranes community for the use of their dojo.
Hi folks,
Just a really quick logistical post here. If you have images that you want to upload into the AikiWeb Gallery, please do so into this new category:
... or by going directly to that category's upload page here:
More thoughts in a bit. Until then, thanks, everyone, for a truly wonderful weekend!
-- Jun
Keith Larman
03-23-2009, 02:29 PM
Hey, I had a fantastic time even if I had to skip a few sessions for family and business. Heck, my physical therapist would have killed me if he knew I was doing it at all. But, hey, that's what muscle relaxants are for, right? :D
I had a blast. Great to put faces and voices to the soundless names and typing on forums. And it is truly great to get on the mat and learn so much from the three great instructors (even if Toby did embarrass me a bit -- he's much too kind).
I was struck by something at a couple times during the seminar. I've told people many times that appreciation of antique Japanese swords isn't learned on line, from books, or from youtube. You can look at pictures, read forums, but until you see a few really good swords in person with someone guiding your way you really have no idea what a good sword is. 10 minutes with the real deal in your hand is worth a year of solid reading. I was struck with the exact same sentiment repeatedly during the seminar with each instructor. How many quantum jumps in knowledge and insight happened during that weekend? I know I'm coming home with a lot I'm still chewing on... 6 pages of typed out notes and counting at this point...
It is good to get outside my comfort range every now and then. Very good. And *very* enlightening.
And I forgot my camera... So I hope people will share their photos.
Finally, a huge thanks to Jun. That seminar is what it is all about in the end. I wasn't sure how it was going to gel with three such diverse instructors. But it did. And the participants stepped up to the plate as well. But none of it would have happened without Jun's patience and persistence. Thank you, Jun.
Howard Popkin
03-23-2009, 03:09 PM
Sounds like everyone had a great time.
03-23-2009, 11:54 PM
Thanks to everyone who had anything to do with this. To those I was lucky enough to get hands-on with, thanks. To the others, maybe next time.
Aaron Clark
03-24-2009, 03:27 PM
I wanted to take this time to thank Jun for organizing this workshop and for inviting me to participate. I believe his efforts to break down barriers within the Budo community will bear fruit and I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to that goal. I also wanted to thank Kimberly Richardson Sensei for providing her beautiful dojo to us for this event and making us feel at home. Wow, that place is a dream come true! It was a real honor and pleasure to share the mat with George Ledyard sensei and Toby Threadgill sensei. I look forward to many more years of fellowship and friendship with you both. I was very impressed by everyone at the seminar and the level of ethical training I observed. I appreciated everyone's willingness to try new things, think in different ways, and take care of their partners. All of you represented your schools and your teachers with excellence. I look forward to the next one!
03-26-2009, 07:04 PM
Thank you to everyone that made this the great event that it was.
Keith Larman
03-27-2009, 04:58 PM
Ya know, it is funny. After that weekend of instruction by Toby, Aaron and George, I find it very difficult to post to many of the threads on the forum. It seems so "limited" in comparison to the experience of learning direction with such diverse people. And by that I mean both the instructors and the participants.
And in retrospect there were a few people I really wanted to say thanks to. The young lady I spent some time discussing music and swords with at dinner from (I think) Clark's groups. It was great talking with you but also a joy watching you practice with your fellow students, especially when you were working with Will S (nice to meet you in person finally, Will). I only got to pair up once with her, but I was seriously impressed with her abilities. And of course it had to be something we never do in our style so I felt like a dyslexic hippopotamus... Oh, well, that's what learning is about.
To George Ledyard, I am sorry, I was going to leave you contact information on my sword stuff as you had asked, but I had to miss the last session and I completely blanked on getting you information before I wandered out the door. Mental overload on my part. My contact info is in my sig here in this post.
And a thanks to Walker for his patience with me on the bokken disarm. I can be a bit slow sometimes. ;)
Someone, please, post pictures. I forgot my camera at home and I know there were some photos being taken. I'd love to have a memento...
Chuck Clark
03-27-2009, 08:44 PM
I really enjoyed observing during this past weekend and getting a chance to meet and visit with both old friends and meet new people.
I know it's obvious, but it's really hard for me to not be on the mat.
I understand your enjoyment spending some time with Amanda, Keith; I've known her for many years now. She is very serious about her training. BTW, I sent Jun 75 photos this morning.
I think the sort of workshops that Jun has sponsored on several occasions now are very powerful and I look forward to more. I see way more similarities than differences between longtime budoka and we certainly can learn from each other.
Best regards,
Toby Threadgill
03-29-2009, 12:09 AM
Sorry about my delay in posting but I’ve had a very busy week.
I want to thank Jun Akiyama for organizing the Aikiweb Workshop and inviting me to participate. It was a pleasure to share the venue with the likes of George Ledyard sensei and Aaron Clark sensei. I’ve known George for years and always enjoy him immensely. Aaron Clark sensei was only an aquaintence previously but after this event I consider him a good friend and highly admired budo technician. What more can anyone ask of such a venue.....
Efforts like this are fortunately becoming more accepted. They cross boundaries, open minds, and dispell myths, while providing practitioners of budo a diverse experience to draw upon. It’s easy to stay safe in the familiar surroundings of your own pond but in my experience, the depth of budo is best appreciated outside familiar walls where confidence and an adventurous spirit is allowed to flourish.
I suggest that everyone try to attend events like this from time to time. It really is a great opportunity.
Toby Threadgill / TSYR
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