View Full Version : Hypnosis in Ki Demonstration

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Brian Crowley
02-05-2002, 03:32 PM
I was home today from work, surfing the boards, and ran across this post. It is an explanation of how someone used "waking hypnosis" to achieve what appears to be an extraordinary Ki demonstraton.

Knowledge is certainly power in this case, so please take a few minutes to check out this thread if you are inclined to search out examples of Ki. I think that being armed with this information will make it a little easier to spot variations of these parlor tricks.

People who use these tricks are a disgrace - regardless of whether they also have some technial skill in physical techniques.


02-05-2002, 04:26 PM
Thanks for pointing that out.

If anyone ever gets the chance, watch Paul Mckenna sometime. He's a stage hypnotist. I've caught him on tv, would love to see him live, and it's an amazing experience. He get's people to collapse too.

We so want to believe.

02-06-2002, 02:36 AM
There are no true definitions of Ki, not even to the Japanese.

There are different forms of Ki that people understand, from the natural to the mystical. From what I've learned the Ki that is taught in Rei-Ki and the Ki that is taught in Ki-no-Kenkyu-kai were different. In Rei-Ki, Ki is more mystical. While in Ki-no-Kenkyu-kai, Ki is just the natural order of things, the way it is.

Charisma is a form of Ki. A ballet dancer has certain Ki to be able to do their movements and be well balanced. Even to be able to strike fear just by a glare is also a type of Ki. Gravity, air, flowing water, wind, they are also Ki, universal Ki.

Being able to hypnotize someone, I do take it as a form of Ki. The person is able to push his/her will to another is quite a feat. Now if everybody could do this, then it is nothing. Now denying that it is hypnotism and that it is purely because of excellent proficiency in his technique is dishonorable.

There was an Aikikai taikai (big meet, actually it was an international embukai) after the late doshu passed away. There was a big bald guy (sorry for using this term because I don't know the shihan's name, maybe someone could relate), that demonstrated his Aikido just by staring at the uke, and the uke can't even attack him, thrown without even getting the chance to attack the nage.

Call it what you want, but I personally do not take Ki to mean a great sphere of energy that shoots out from within us (like in those Japanese anime). The answer is actually very simple, and very natural, Ki is what makes things be the way they are (I'm taking the Ki-no-Kenkyu-kai version of Ki).

In ninjutsu, hypnotism techniques were even taught, it is part of their ninpo in order to overcome their opponent.

Brian Crowley
02-06-2002, 07:40 PM
Being able to hypnotize someone, I do take it as a form of Ki.

I agree it requires some talent and considerable skill to put on shows like these.

The person is able to push his/her will to another is quite a feat.

Of course the other has to be somewhat open to the suggestions and have sufficient trust in the perpetrator to accept the suggestions.

Now if everybody could do this, then it is nothing.

I think almost anyone could be taught to do these tricks to some extent. Not everyone of course, but probably more than we would like to think. Don't you think you could get some proficiency at this kind of routine if you practised for a few years ?

Now denying that it is hypnotism and that it is purely because of excellent proficiency in his technique is dishonorable

Unfortunately this is exactly what does happen in a martial arts context. The claims are always that the practioner can manipulate energy, or some such BS. And of course, if you study for 30 years under such a master you too might be able to tap into some of these powers. The Bad Budo site that I posted this from shows several of these con-men. In my opinion, it is not just dishonorable, it is abusive, deceitful and dangerous.

These people should be held in the same regard as good pick-pockets. You have to admire the skills they have developed, but remember that the bottom line is that they are thieves. In fact, I think I like the pick-pocket better since he only takes your money once & doesn't try to create a disciple out of you !
