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chip trapp
08-26-2008, 09:01 PM
hey everyone. i am an extreme newbee. not only have i not ever posted anything on this site, this is the first site i have ever posted on. i am not sure what to expect. so please be patient with me.
text massaging, chatting on line just is not my thing but after looking over this site i feel i can benefit from the many formats on this site. and just because i have always been uncomfortable talking to people i don't know, the postings on this site seemed positive and helpful. so i am looking foward to participating. i am unsure of any etiquette associated with forums so any guidance would be appreciated. thanks chip

Will Prusner
08-26-2008, 11:40 PM
Glad to have you. Hope we can help in your pursuit!

One tip I'd give is to get friendly with the "search" function (towards the top of the page). It will help you determine whether the question you're asking has already been answered. Might save you some time, instead of having to wait for folks to answer a question that's already been asked in the past. The search function is your friend.

Also, in most circumstances, reviving threads from waaaaaay back in the past is a questionable action. Unless of course you have a fresh, new, revolutionary and pertinent perspective to add.

One more thing, there is a spell check feature (button) underneath the text box. It helps make sure we can communicate as effectively as possible. The spell check is your friend.

I'm sure if you do a Google search you can find a whole lot of information on internet forum etiquette, if you are interested. Google is also your friend.

Other than that, welcome aboard! Learn much, be friendly and keep an open mind. Anxiously anticipating hearing your perspective in the future.


chip trapp
08-27-2008, 03:56 AM
will, thanks for the welcome and advise. look foward to becoming familiar with this process. thanks chip

Dieter Haffner
08-27-2008, 06:15 AM
Welcome aboard Chip.
The search function is your friend.
The spell check is your friend.
Google is also your friend.
I would like to add one more thing to this list: William Prusner is your friend. :)
He has given you some good advice.
And as you can see, Smilies can be your friend as well ;)

BTW: keep your elbows inside the seat at all times, your head tucked in and your fingers on the keyboard ... and enjoy the ride. :eek:

08-27-2008, 09:23 AM
Hi Chip,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun