View Full Version : 4th AikidoNZ Friendship Seminar Auckland 3rd August 2008

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07-15-2008, 01:11 PM
Posted 2008-07-14 18:06:14 by Dunken Francis
News URL: http://www.aikidonz.co.nz/Events/tabid/103/Default.aspx

4th Friendship seminar Auckland Sunday Aug 3rd
9am to 4.30pm
North Shore Music Theatre, Recreation Drive, Birkenhead
$15 for all five sessions!! Buffet Lunch included!!
INSTRUCTORS: Mike Standford 7th dan, Gail Eder 4th dan, Tony Schaufelberger 4th dan, Dianne Haynes 5th dan, Junichi Nishimura 6th dan.
Contact Graham gbapromo@wave.co.nz or 09 573 6217 for bookings. Limited availability so strictly first come first served basis.

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