View Full Version : Master Chen Bing Taijiquan Seminar in San Diego

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07-01-2008, 12:14 PM
Just received this email;
Master Chen Bing, the nephew of Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang and Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing, will be here at the Taoist Sanctuary:
Broadsword- Tuesday and Wednesday July 8-9 6-9pm $100
must know the 38 form
Push Hands- Thursday July 10 6-9pm $50
Silk Reeling Exercises- Monday July 14 6-9pm $50
Come and enjoy working directly with Master Chen Bing, a powerful and energetic taijiquan practitioner.

02-13-2009, 11:49 AM
Great opportunity to see true masters at the seminars at Taoist Sanctuary.

Grandmaster Chen Xiaowang will return in fall 2009.

Master Jan Silberstorff will return in winter 2009.

We anticipate hosting Grandmaster Chen Xiaoxing and Master Chen Bing in spring/summer 2009.

San Diego seminars are held at the Taoist Sanctuary

Limited sleeping space will be available in the school for$10 per night (futon pads available, hot water but no shower facilities, microwave, food within walking distance). You MUST reserve this space in advance.


02-20-2009, 05:06 PM
Wow. I'm hoping I can go to this (not sure if I'll be in So. Cal then though)...

By the way, here are a couple of videos of Chen Bing doing "push-hands" from a seminar in Miami last year (with some MMA guys):

