View Full Version : Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho Iowa Seminar August 23rd-24th 2008

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Damian Gonzalez
06-25-2008, 10:19 AM
7th Annual Midwest Musha Shūgyō (Warrior's Pilgrimage)

Samurai Martial Arts Seminar
With James Williams Sensei

Where: Masa Katsu Dojo (http://masakatsudojo.com), Ames, Iowa (http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=ames,+ia&ie=UTF8&t=h&z=12&iwloc=addr)

When: August 23-24, 2008

• Principles of the sword (kenjutsu), the foundation of Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho
• Application to unarmed combat (aikijujutsu)
• Combat strategy
• Self-defense

All skill levels welcome!

Price: $200

How to Register and Pay:
Payments may be made in one of the following ways.
• Via Paypal with credit card or Paypal account: visit our Seminars page (http://masakatsudojo.com/seminars.php) and click "Pay Now" for this seminar.
• Mail payments directly to Garry Riedemann. For contact information, see our Contacts page (http://masakatsudojo.com/contacts.php).

About the Instructor:
James Williams sensei is Kaicho of Nami Ryu Aiki Heiho (http://namiryu.com) and head instructor at The Dojo of the Four Winds. With over 47 years of experience in martial arts, Williams sensei has a world wide reputation for his proficiency in samurai bujutsu (martial arts). His most recent appearance is in the August 2008 issue of Black Belt magazine (http://www.blackbeltmag.com/), available now, in which he provides a primer for those wishing to delve into the Japanese sword arts.

For more information, visit masakatsudojo.com (http://masakatsudojo.com) or namiryu.com (http://namiryu.com).

06-26-2008, 08:39 AM
IMHO, if you get a chance, attend this one.
Williams Sensei is always worth it.
One of the few who knows it, knows how to explain it, and wants you to get it.
Be there or regret that you missed it.

Derrick Roffman
07-16-2008, 03:43 PM
There will also be a price for those who would like to go for one day of $110.

Derrick Roffman
08-18-2008, 08:24 AM
If anybody is coming in by airplane, please first of all, notify us you're coming, and need a ride from the airport as we're glad to do so. We will also be holding a tameshigiri demonstration on Sunday for anybody local that would just like to watch James cut in public, we will be having it at Brookside Park behind the tractor in that little corner.

Thank you