View Full Version : Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Seminar in Virginia

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Jim Sorrentino
04-23-2008, 09:04 AM
Greetings All,

On June 13 and 14, Aikido of Northern Virginia will host a seminar with Roy Goldberg-sensei, 6th dan, Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu. There will be three classes:

• Friday: 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
• Saturday: 9:30 am - 11:30 am; 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm

The cost of the seminar is $80. There is no daily or per-class rate. Participants should plan to attend the entire seminar. Registration and payment is due by Friday, June 6. Attendance is limited to 40 participants. There will be no registration at the door. Weapons will not be used.

Roy Goldberg-sensei is the East Coast Representative for the Daito Ryu Kodo Kai North American Headquarters, and a senior student of Hayawo Kiyama, shihan. For more information, please see http://www.aikido-nova.org/goldberg2008.pdf. See you on the mat!


Jim Sorrentino
05-08-2008, 10:05 AM
Greetings All,

There are still several spaces left in this seminar. If you're curious about Daito Ryu in general, and the Kodokai in particular, this is an excellent opportunity to investigate. As Dan Harden said, "If you want to train DR I could not reccomend [sic] a better group." (See http://www.e-budo.com/forum/showpost.php?p=424278&postcount=15.)

Registration and payment are due by Friday, June 6.

See you on the mat!


05-08-2008, 12:30 PM

To change the subject, but since you brought up DR and E-budo. Things remain interesting in these arts don't they? The folks over on Ebudo were all concerned about DR (not to be confused with real Koryu) being in danger and shrinking. So much is dependant on the ones leading or representing their arts isn't it?. It seems under some mens leadership, individuals, and entire dojo's are leaving. I wonder why that is, when under other representatives the art is doing fine-even growing?

I was talking with Howard the other day about that very topic; DR, Koryu and the internet. We were wondering
What's sadder; to spread misinformation directly, or to be used by someone who is willing to compromise not only their own integrity, but to allow you to sacrifice your own in the process by passing out misinformatiion. I mean can you imagine how very low someones opinion of you must be to knowingly and willing use you by feeding you bullshit when they know you are going to write it publcily. I mean how very low is that? I guess being used as someone's b!#$, isn't strictly a term for convicts only. in any event, I don't associate with men like that or act that way myself, so I can only imagine how it must feel. I choose to be a straight arrow and treat people with respect. Anyway, we couldn't decide which was sadder. I guess it's all just simply sad.

Fortunately, time has demonstrated that there are still men with uncompromising integrity and honesty who will not compromise themselves, even in the face of being wrongfully slandered by others. Isn't that great? Also fortunate, is it is just these types of men, who do well in the legitimate, or real koryu. A place where your integrity still means something. So there is hope.

Another topic of discussion was with a head of a dojo who's entire group walked out and joined another organization in the same art. Sadly that was also due to more poor judgments and decisions made by some men in charge. Seems some people really do mine affiliating with men with questionable discernment who would teach in their solid dojos, then validate and align with...uh...some rather questionable and whacky characters teaching wierd martial arts.
It may be a very trying time for some lineages to continue. I remember one Japanese Shihan telling me "Danny, (he always caled me Danny, I wonder why) sometimes its better to train under the Japanese teacher, rather than the American." I used to think that was good advice, but over the years I've met several real koryu teachers who are Menkyo Kaiden and happen to be American teachers. As a group,they exhibit integrity, continuity, humility and skill. So again, there is hope. I guess it just depends on where you look, and who you choose to associate with.
Personally, while I have some extremely cutting and revealing things that can be said about teachers, arts and such. I keep my mouth shut, and preserve a measure of restraint and dignity.
Sorry to change the subject, It just got me musing out loud.

05-08-2008, 03:43 PM
Having been mislead in the past about budo and aiki, I'm not sure what is worse. But I think more people are affected than just people who are deceived by a malicious trickster. The path of discovery about stories told to you by an external source is very much the same as the stories many of us tell ourselves about our own training, own skill, and ability. How you handle things when you get a wake up call makes all the difference.

The important thing is to accept the discoveries (i.e. truths or approximations thereof) you come to realize for what they are, get over the cognitive dissonance that you are not what you once thought yourself to be (visa vis membership in an organization or skill levels you once thought you had), might not have the friends you once did, be the person you thought you were, and move on to better training if you can find it.

As for the deceivers, who knows what makes them tick. But, we all have work to do.


05-08-2008, 06:38 PM
Fortunately, time has demonstrated that there are still men with uncompromising integrity and honesty who will not compromise themselves, even in the face of being wrongfully slandered by others. Isn't that great? Also fortunate, is it is just these types of men, who do well in the legitimate, or real koryu. A place where your integrity still means something. So there is hope.

So Sensei Hardin in all seriousness...Are there any teachers that you can recommend? Other than Toby Threadgill and Nathan Scott I have not had any contact with Koryu Teachers here on the West Coast. I would be very interested in anyone who has experiance with your teaching since it's kind of hard for me to get back to Boston because of my mother's poor health at the moment, and even Mike Sigman is too far away in Colorado.

Thanks in advance,

William Hazen

05-08-2008, 10:30 PM
So Sensei Hardin in all seriousness...Are there any teachers that you can recommend? Other than Toby Threadgill and Nathan Scott I have not had any contact with Koryu Teachers here on the West Coast. I would be very interested in anyone who has experiance with your teaching since it's kind of hard for me to get back to Boston because of my mother's poor health at the moment, and even Mike Sigman is too far away in Colorado.

Thanks in advance,

William Hazen
Please Dan?:D

Jim Sorrentino
05-09-2008, 09:19 AM
Hi Dan,

Thanks for your sober, thoughtful reply. :D
I was talking with Howard the other day about that very topic; DR, Koryu and the internet.
Do you mean Howard Popkin? If so, what's the difference (in intent, not content) between Howard Popkin's well-received introductory seminars on Daito Ryu Roppokai (which he has taught at various aikido dojo), and what Roy Goldberg does?
Another topic of discussion was with a head of a dojo...[snip] I remember one Japanese Shihan telling me...[snip] ...but over the years I've met several real koryu teachers who are Menkyo Kaiden and happen to be American teachers. It wouldn't be a post from Dan Harden if there were no references to personal conversations between Dan and various senior budo figures who must not be named. :) I used to believe that argument from authority was the weakest form of argument, but I was wrong; argument from anonymous authority is weaker. :p
I choose to be a straight arrow and treat people with respect.Is that what you were doing in your post above? If so, you need more practice. ;)
Personally, while I have some extremely cutting and revealing things that can be said about teachers, arts and such. I keep my mouth shut, and preserve a measure of restraint and dignity.Yet you seem to offer insult, hyperbole, and innuendo. Respect, restraint and dignity? Not so much! :) And revelations about various teachers and arts? None. :straightf
Sorry to change the subject,Should we also add "insincerity"?

Getting back on topic, there are still spaces available for the upcoming seminar. Please see http://www.aikido-nova.org/goldberg2008.pdf for more information.

See you on the mat!


05-09-2008, 09:34 AM
Jim!!! LOL :D

William Hazen

Howard Popkin
05-09-2008, 11:42 AM
How do I always get dragged into this ?????????

Be well,


George S. Ledyard
05-09-2008, 02:28 PM
How do I always get dragged into this ?????????

Be well,


This is entirely your fault....
- George

Ron Tisdale
05-09-2008, 02:47 PM
Hey Howard,

you're just the nice guy standing on the corner that everybody points to when the cops show up! :D

Ron (you guys behave now, before you all have to kick my butt) ;)

Jim Sorrentino
05-30-2008, 08:37 AM
Greetings All,

There are still some spaces left in the seminar. Registration and payment must be received by June 6. For more information, please see http://www.aikido-nova.org/goldberg2008.pdf.

See you on the mat!


05-30-2008, 10:32 AM
Since you wanted to use me for some form of recommendation by once again referencing me "out of the blue' from a contentious thread almost two years old from another forum. I now recant any support for Roy whatsoever. I do hope you follow him though, and hopefully in a very serious and dedicated manner for a decade or hopefully more.
Since you wanted to use my opinion in a public forum, here it is revised from two years of dealing with you.
"Folks, I’d skip this one. Were I looking, I'd train with Howard, or Ark or Mike."

Do you mean Howard Popkin? If so, what's the difference (in intent, not content) between Howard Popkin's well-received introductory seminars on Daito Ryu Roppokai (which he has taught at various aikido dojo), and what Roy Goldberg does?
Since you asked,
I’d say, one is a stand-up, guy that actually knows and teaches...aiki. One who's organization is solid and growing, not shrinking. One who at least attempts to pick solid, reputable dojo’s to align and grow with.
Then there's the other guy.

Hey, since you place like placing yourself in the middle of other people's long dead business and repeat lies in a public venue-next time you see him, ask him how the Katana and Tanto I forged for him are doing? He'll know. The ones he spent weekends at my house and I many months forging, out of 16,000 layers of steel -worth over $6,000.00 -which he publicly brags about from the other side of his mouth-in front of many people- without mentioning he never paid me a dime. Or maybe Jim, you both can just stop, and handle yourselves with some dignity.

Again, as I have asked you several times before, Jim, never mention me, reference me, or include me in any post. Let it go.
Good luck in your training.

Howard Popkin
05-30-2008, 01:11 PM
How do I always get dragged into this ?????????

Be well,


Err, Um, do I need to repeat myself ?????



05-30-2008, 02:04 PM
Hi Bud
Well now, hasn't my phone been ringing off the wall. The real question is whether or not Jim is going to finally realize that he has been had and used in the worst way. Although not his fault- I did repeatedly try and warn him about it. Hopefully, he will make this the last public discussion ever had with my name linked with organizations and people I have long since dissassociated myself with, want no part of, do not publicly discuss, and are none of his business.

Sorry about your name being brought up, That said. my recommendations that people pursue training with you - remain. :)

Howard Popkin
05-30-2008, 07:24 PM

No problem. I appreciate the kind words about me and I am sorry that these sort or problems have to happen at all.

Be well,


05-30-2008, 09:29 PM

No problem. I appreciate the kind words about me and I am sorry that these sort or problems have to happen at all.

Be well,

I feel the same way. Over the years I have come to greatly appreciate the budo men who do their real business behind the scenes. Unfortunately sometimes private advice, even from multiple voices simply falls on deaf ears, so other steps need to be taken. I'd be delighted to just see it drop and let folks get back to training.

The kind words are well earned. So no thanks are necessary. I hope things continue to go well for you and the organization.
Have a nice weekend