View Full Version : Winter Gasshuku at Aikido Shinryukan NZ, 6/28-29

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04-09-2008, 12:17 PM
Posted 2008-04-03 04:42:33 by Simon Puffett
News URL: http://www.aikidonewzealand.com/News.html#Winter

June 28th & 29th 2008 - Winter Gassuku (free accommodation provided) with Guest Instructor Toshiharu Sawada shihan 7th Dan, Dojo Cho Kimori Dojo, Nagoya, Japan & New Zealand Aikikai Federation Technical Director Nobuo Takase shihan 7th Dan.

This year's Winter Seminar will focus on the relationship between Aikido Weaponry and Taijutsu. Both Sawada Shihan & Takase Shihan have both individually accumulated over 42 years of practice. All Aikido practitioners are welcome to experience the wealth of knowledge these to gentlemen possess.

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