View Full Version : Woman's Staff vs. Multiple Attack

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04-07-2008, 07:16 AM
Enclosed is a staff video from a seminar that I recently taught. Compare and contrast the following:

1) Small movements compared to how a staff is perceived as solely a long range weapon.,

2) Manipulation of the opponent, into leverage and fulcrum

3) Emission of chi through the length of the weapon

4) Notice how the vocalization is different from the vocalization of my "percussive" open hand. the vocaliztion now takes into consideration the "length of the weapon and the attribute of emitting chi".

5) The is one of fifteen new videos on staff and 5 bow theory.

Staff Video Multiple Attack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jULRveUwNwg

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

04-08-2008, 11:07 AM
Transitions Big to Small

In terms of taoism, the staff would be seen as a "male" energy. It is large, expansive and "showy" much akin to the male peacock with his colorful feathers.

The hidden knife is Yin. She is female, dark, deep, hidden and most importantly the recepticle for knowledge.

Once the female student learns to use the knife with finesse and facilty she moves on to the "long staff". She transmutes her skill to the staff. Instead of muscling the staff. She learns to finesse it. This is altogether different than how a how strappling man would be first taught to use the staff.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

04-09-2008, 08:41 AM
Various Methods

Notice that this "staff method" incorporates the entire weapon. The front of the staff is used like a spear and is sometimes akin to nagigata. It also uses the both ends of the staff, similar to quarterstaff.

More importantly, this staff method is close in. It is use vertically moreso than traditionally horizontal. In this way, the opponent can be guided and manipulated rather than simply struck with percussive strikes.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

04-10-2008, 09:34 AM
Staff Basics/Male and Female Interactions


Please note how the male in this situation "blends grasps and then manipulates the opposing force. Look for the joining of the attacker's staff to the receiver's staff. He attempts to guide and direct while be fluid and mobile.

PS I appreciate meeting Chris on this board. He came all the way from Ohio to take classes for an entire week. I look forward to seeing him in May.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

04-11-2008, 07:42 AM

staff targeting and accuracy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVtbryOZT3w

In this tape look for the accuracy at the tip of the weapon. Notice that the weapon is being guided and directed by both the right and left hand. The guidance is slight. The guidance demands a high degree of "fine motor movement/finesse vs. the limited use of gross motor movement/muscularity.

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Michael Douglas
04-11-2008, 08:51 AM
Thanks for posting the vids, I just watched all three.

04-11-2008, 09:08 AM
Thanks for posting the vids, I just watched all three.


You are quite welcome. If I may ask, do you practice the weapons?

Joseph T. Oliva Arriola

Michael Douglas
04-13-2008, 12:15 PM
I don't practice staff at the moment but I do a small amount of 16th-century reconstructed North-European backsword/cut-n-thrust with buckler/hand/dagger, plus a tiny amount of knife with rubber trainers only.