View Full Version : This Weekend in West Virginia

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Howard Popkin
11-12-2007, 07:34 PM
To all interested parties,

I had the honor of spending the weekend at Mark Murray's Dojo in West Virginia.

They are a very dedicated and talented group who worked hard all weekend. They didn't even make fun of New York accent:)

It was truly a pleasure being there and I look forward to going back soon.

Thanks for everything, especially the effort.

Howard Popkin

BK Barker
11-12-2007, 08:12 PM
Howard I want to thank you so much for everything you shared with us from the techniques to the fishing stories! I know that I learned a lot and you opened my eyes even more towards my inner feelings of martial arts. I enjoyed every minute of it... even the picture at the end. Which I want to send you a copy. Thanks again for everything!

Oh yeah I almost forgot just remember that martial arts are safe and photography is dangerous!!!
http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/images/smilies/animated/photo.gif = http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/images/smilies/animated/crutch.gif


Howard Popkin
11-12-2007, 08:53 PM
Thanks for the kind words.

How's the foot ?

Hope all is well.


BK Barker
11-12-2007, 09:03 PM
The foot is fine but I tore my calf muscle again... but this time it's a little worse then before. I'll be fine but my activities have been put on hold for a while though. Talk to you soon!


Howard Popkin
11-12-2007, 09:25 PM
I didn't do it :)

Feel better !!


11-13-2007, 06:57 AM
Thanks, Howard! It was a great weekend for us, too. Everyone loved it. I keep trying to tell them that I'm a small fish in a big ocean, but I think experiencing that concept helped them understand it better. :)

Especially since you were able to explain and show things clearly and easily. Last night, I'd forgotten half of the stuff we did on Saturday, but the others remembered it. Some impression you left. ;) (All good)

For everyone else, if you have a chance to get on the mat with Howard, I'd definitely suggest taking it.


Ron Tisdale
11-13-2007, 07:31 AM
I'm really sorry I couldn't make it...but the SO would have CRUCIFIED me, as I just got back from Seattle! :O :D

Sounds like y'all had a great time!


11-13-2007, 07:38 AM
*swears incessantly about car issues*

I shoulda woulda been there!!!! Glad the event went well and can't wait to hear more about it.

11-13-2007, 09:24 AM
Not to make Ron or Budd feel any worse, um, okay, so maybe it is -- ;) But, yeah, we had a great time. And I really wished you two could have made it. Unfortunately, life throws curve balls, like an SO and a car break.

Out of the two, erg, I think the car break is an easier fix. It's a lot tougher to fix an SO that's angry. *That* could last months and have repercussions throughout the years. A car you can just get rid of. Well, wait. Maybe I have that backwards. LOL!

I'll give you two a ring sometime soon,

Brian Griffith
11-13-2007, 09:54 AM
Great Weekend! Great experience. Thanks again...hope to train with you again soon.

Brian (the other one)

David Orange
11-13-2007, 12:40 PM
Especially since you were able to explain and show things clearly and easily...

Mark, could you describe a bit of how the Roppokai method relates to what you've felt from the others you've mentioned? Do you feel like there's a similar internal aspect?



11-13-2007, 01:03 PM
Mark, could you describe a bit of how the Roppokai method relates to what you've felt from the others you've mentioned? Do you feel like there's a similar internal aspect?



Hmm ... I probably won't get you any answers that you'll like.

Roppokai method. Got just one iota above zilch about Roppokai methods. This was my first intro into them and I got about as much insight as a blind and deaf man in Tokyo during rush hour trying to find another American. :)

The "others". Dan, Mike, Rob (I usually put them in order that I met them). Again, rank beginner. If you think I know what's going on, ask Budd or Ron about it. I feel like I'm still fumbling around trying to crawl, let alone stand or walk. Here, I might just be blind in Tokyo rush hour, etc. ;)

Do I think there's similarities? Yeah, definitely. Could I quantify them? No, not really. Well, let me backtrack a little. In a manner, I could quantify them. Here's how:

Dan: Great teacher, great guy, definitely suggest training with him.
Mike: Great teacher, great guy, definitely suggest training with him.
Rob: Great teacher, great guy, definitely suggest training with him.
Howard: Great teacher, great guy, definitely suggest training with him.

In the Budo world, if you find top notch guys who are also great teachers, grab them and don't let go. Any one of the above fit that description. You would not regret getting your hands on any of them.

And just like everything else, each person applies his/her skills in a different manner. I think maybe that's why it's sometimes hard to judge from a beginner. I can feel what's being done to me, but I have a hard time feeling what the other person is doing internally to accomplish that task.

Hmm ... here's an example. None of the above had any trouble "double weighting" me. (As a clarification for Mike S., cause I know you'll wonder what I mean -- I mean getting me to put weight in the same hand same foot so that it sort of immobilizes me.) So, while I know that my same side hand/foot are "locked up", I couldn't tell you how they did it internally. I'm too busy being locked up. :)


Howard Popkin
11-13-2007, 01:10 PM
[QUOTE=Mark Murray;193858]Hmm ... I probably won't get you any answers that you'll like.

Roppokai method. Got just one iota above zilch about Roppokai methods. This was my first intro into them and I got about as much insight as a blind and deaf man in Tokyo during rush hour trying to find another American. :)


1) Break Balance
2) Relax
3) Enter
4) Repeat as necessary !!!

You did great, just need some more exposure.

As for me being a great guy, you bribed me with ribs and beer, of course I'm going to be nice :)

Thanks again !!!


11-13-2007, 01:15 PM
Mmmm . . . ribs and beer . . . .fueling budo relationships for as long as they've been around ;)

11-13-2007, 01:25 PM

1) Break Balance
2) Relax
3) Enter
4) Repeat as necessary !!!

LOL, sure, sure, make it sound easy.

You did great, just need some more exposure.

Aww, you're just saying that because you'll get more great food when you come back. ;)

As for me being a great guy, you bribed me with ribs and beer, of course I'm going to be nice :)

Thanks again !!!


Hmmm ... I'll have to up the bribe next time. Oh yeah, maybe I can get you some "souvenirs" to take back with you. Like we saw at the Texas Steak place. :D

11-13-2007, 01:28 PM
Mmmm . . . ribs and beer . . . .fueling budo relationships for as long as they've been around ;)

Speaking of ... remind me to pick up some more of that great local brewery root beer. (Yeah, yeah, I'm not a beer drinker. I like sake and scotch mostly.)


Ron Tisdale
11-13-2007, 02:03 PM
MMMMMmmmm....beer, sake, ribs....or is that sake, beer, ribs...oh whatever. Just give me some!


BK Barker
11-13-2007, 03:15 PM
[QUOTE=Mark Murray;193858]Hmm ... I probably won't get you any answers that you'll like.

Roppokai method. Got just one iota above zilch about Roppokai methods. This was my first intro into them and I got about as much insight as a blind and deaf man in Tokyo during rush hour trying to find another American. :)


1) Break Balance
2) Relax
3) Enter
4) Repeat as necessary !!!

You did great, just need some more exposure.

As for me being a great guy, you bribed me with ribs and beer, of course I'm going to be nice :)

Thanks again !!!


You mean I missed the Ribs and Beer! :eek: Man for some reason I feel that I missed out on more then just ribs and beer! :drool: Thanks Mark! :rolleyes:

BK Barker
11-13-2007, 03:17 PM
Great Weekend! Great experience. Thanks again...hope to train with you again soon.

Brian (the other one)

Dont you mean "The Big Guy"... ;)

11-13-2007, 03:47 PM
Dont you mean "The Big Guy"... ;)

LOL. Yeah, well, the other Big Guy got swept off his feet. Surely a sight to see. ;)

David Orange
11-13-2007, 05:34 PM
Do I think there's similarities? Yeah, definitely. Could I quantify them? No, not really. I can feel what's being done to me, but I have a hard time feeling what the other person is doing internally to accomplish that task.

Yeah. What I mean is, did it feel similar to what you described on meeting Dan? Or something of a completely different nature?

From the rest of your post, it sounds like you found it "similar" at least?



BK Barker
11-13-2007, 08:29 PM
LOL. Yeah, well, the other Big Guy got swept off his feet. Surely a sight to see. ;)

Swept... wasn't no sweeping about it I got hit with a block wall! But that still dont bother me as much as missing the ribs and beer... LOL...

Howard Popkin
11-14-2007, 02:17 AM
sorry :)

Erik Johnstone
11-14-2007, 07:12 AM
Speaking of ... remind me to pick up some more of that great local brewery root beer. (Yeah, yeah, I'm not a beer drinker. I like sake and scotch mostly.)


What??!? No beer? Ah well; good thing you were quick to make up for it with the Scotch. Must be the "Murray" in you! :cool:


11-14-2007, 08:57 AM
What??!? No beer? Ah well; good thing you were quick to make up for it with the Scotch. Must be the "Murray" in you! :cool:


Yeah, Ron and I were amazed, we downed an entire ABC sampler in front of Mark (all the while going, "Mmm", "Yum" and "That's Good!") and he was totally unmoved . . . . and even still brings up their homemade root beer . . . :D

Erik Johnstone
11-14-2007, 09:14 AM
Yeah, Ron and I were amazed, we downed an entire ABC sampler in front of Mark (all the while going, "Mmm", "Yum" and "That's Good!") and he was totally unmoved . . . . and even still brings up their homemade root beer . . . :D

Wow! Mark is a great guy, but I just can't get my head around that! ;)

Brian Griffith
11-14-2007, 10:10 AM
You guys are making me thirsty...!

BK Barker
11-14-2007, 10:14 AM

Nothing to be sorry about as it was a real learning experience for me as well as the others.... I think the range of the looks on their faces went something like this...

:eek: :blush: :sorry: :straightf :eek: :freaky: :hypno:

then of course mine was probably something like this...
:straightf :crazy: :dead:

LOL... Heck it was awesome!

Howard Popkin
11-14-2007, 10:22 AM
Nothing to be sorry about as it was a real learning experience for me as well as the others.... I think the range of the looks on their faces went something like this...

:eek: :blush: :sorry: :straightf :eek: :freaky:

then of course mine was probably something like this...
:straightf :crazy: :dead:

LOL... Heck it was awesome!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :D

See you soon !


11-14-2007, 10:36 AM
Wow! Mark is a great guy, but I just can't get my head around that! ;)

Well, it has something to do with the Northern Lights in full glory, lots of beer and many women. Suffice to say that after Jan 86, there was no more beer. The rest was fine. :D


11-14-2007, 10:39 AM
Nothing to be sorry about as it was a real learning experience for me as well as the others.... I think the range of the looks on their faces went something like this...

:eek: :blush: :straightf :eek: :freaky: :hypno:

How would you know? You were fluffy bunny falling at the time. LOL!

then of course mine was probably something like this...
:straightf :crazy: :dead:

LOL... Heck it was awesome!

It was kind of hard to see, you being in midair and all. :cool:

Howard Popkin
11-14-2007, 10:58 AM
Nothing personal, but when I think of Brian, fluffy bunny is not the picture that comes to mind :)

11-14-2007, 11:24 AM
Nothing personal, but when I think of Brian, fluffy bunny is not the picture that comes to mind :)

LOL! No, me either. But that's what makes it so funny. :D

BK Barker
11-14-2007, 11:50 AM
How would you know? You were fluffy bunny falling at the time. LOL!

It was kind of hard to see, you being in midair and all. :cool:

Those where the looks I saw when I rolled over and looked up at you guys. With my expressions I am guessing at best but I bet I was close with my guess though.

Glad I am not the fluffy bunny looking kind of guy...Yeah I'm a fit fluffy in the middle but hey I tend to think of myself as a kind of ... well BOUFO.... Big Old Ugly Fat Ogre... LOL... You know I just might regret posting this but oh well! :D

Howard Popkin
11-14-2007, 04:07 PM
Now you're making me feel bad for hitting you so hard :(

On second thought, if I didn't, you wouldn't have believed it :D :rolleyes:


Really looking forward to going to WV again, especially because now I know we have a big crowd for beer and ribs :D

Take care,


11-14-2007, 07:15 PM
Now you're making me feel bad for hitting you so hard :(

On second thought, if I didn't, you wouldn't have believed it :D :rolleyes:


Nah, don't feel bad. He survived. It was the photography that did him in. ;)

Besides, Alex was the one that piped up, Oh, I want to try that. LOL!

Really looking forward to going to WV again, especially because now I know we have a big crowd for beer and ribs :D

Take care,


Yep, next time we'll try for an evening out with beer, ribs, and for the single people - really cute waitresses. :D

Howard Popkin
11-14-2007, 08:22 PM
Now you're talkin'

See you soon !!!!!

BK Barker
11-15-2007, 09:07 AM
Nah, don't feel bad. He survived. It was the photography that did him in. ;)

Besides, Alex was the one that piped up, Oh, I want to try that. LOL!

Yep, next time we'll try for an evening out with beer, ribs, and for the single people - really cute waitresses. :D

Yep dont feel bad it was cool! Remember martial arts is safe and photography is dangerous! LOL...

I can't believe Alex did that... but oh well.

Now that's a plan but not only the single people can enjoy a really cute waitress!!! ;)

Brian Griffith
11-15-2007, 09:35 AM
Now that's a plan but not only the single people can enjoy a really cute waitress!!! ;)
Now that would be dangerous....!:uch:

BK Barker
11-18-2007, 04:29 PM
Now that would be dangerous....!:uch:

I have a full face motorcycle helmet you can wear home... and a full coverage chest protector somewhere here as well.... :D