View Full Version : Bas Rutten teaches Barfighting

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Pierre Kewcharoen
11-09-2007, 11:05 AM
Funny yet informative. He mixes some aikido joint locks in there, but the whole maintaining peace that you find in aikido he pretty much throws out the window.


Pierre Kewcharoen
11-09-2007, 11:11 AM
Just watched it like 3 times keeps getting funnier. lol I don't believe in eye for an eye, I believe in two eyes for an eye!

Gerardo Torres
11-09-2007, 12:22 PM
Yeah this is a true classic.

"Make distance... AND GRAB A CHAIR"

Now that's strategy right there. Beat that Musashi! :D

Ron Tisdale
11-09-2007, 12:41 PM
Is it a WOODEN chair?



R (sorry, couldn't resist...)

11-09-2007, 12:57 PM
If the stories are right, Musashi was just as likely to grab the closest wooden piece lying around . . . . so it could be chair vs. chair . . .!!

Gernot Hassenpflug
11-11-2007, 07:08 AM
Sometimes you're lucky to make distance...and get the hell out of Dodge. When the other guy is a lot better and gave you the benefit of the doubt :-)

11-11-2007, 06:59 PM
Heel, heel to the balls!

I will try this for jiyuwaza at my next grading.

Dan Austin
11-11-2007, 08:27 PM
Bas is the man. And at 3:02 he shows the Universal Counter that replaces just about every variation of ikkyo, nikkyo, etc. and works against nearly every uke attack typically seen in most Aikido dojos. ;)

11-14-2007, 05:33 AM
I've got this DVD... Good info in there... Not pretty, but effective..

Pierre Kewcharoen
11-14-2007, 09:50 AM
Im sorry sir but Im gonna have to break your leg

Gerardo Torres
11-16-2007, 11:47 AM
Im sorry sir but Im gonna have to break your legand after that you follow with DENGE DEDENGE DEDANG!

This video should be titled "101 Ways To Win A Barfight... And Spend A Long Time In Jail" :)

gregg block
11-16-2007, 04:06 PM
Best way to win a barfight is to stay out of bars. Espcially ones known for fighting.

Pierre Kewcharoen
11-19-2007, 07:50 AM
Best way to win a barfight is to stay out of bars. Espcially ones known for fighting.

Hmm does that mean no TGI Fridays or Applebees too?

Beard of Chuck Norris
11-21-2007, 10:10 AM
I like this guy's style.

A lot of these dudes are just so honest about it all. We aikido people try to resolve a situation in a peaceful manner but he clearly can't be bothered with that approach! Smeyash! Creyash! Beyash!

If it helps people not be victims, great.... just hope they don't become the fight starters!

Ooof! It's brutal! :D

Haha, "your talking to a guy, blah blah, something's gonna go wrong and you wanna choke the guys out..."

12-09-2007, 08:17 AM
Who would teach breaking someone's knee just for calling your girlfriend a name and not physically doing anything to her?


Pierre Kewcharoen
12-10-2007, 07:11 AM
Who would teach breaking someone's knee just for calling your girlfriend a name and not physically doing anything to her?


I think some of the teachings are supposed to be put into a comedic sense. He shows both sides of the rainbow of the aggressor and defensive person. Still good to know.