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11-08-2007, 06:41 PM
...The people I'm interested in seeing are the ones who claim to train with resistance, since that's what I'm interested in doing...

i don't mean to be harsh (or maybe i do) but training with resistence goes both ways. sure you can be a dick on the mat and 'stop' the other person, but like i said, when the same 'principal' is done to you, you're supposed to keep practicing, and not lose your composure. not end up screaming not to resist you which is what you did at our seminar, and others.

your long winded posts hold no air, when you act like a crybaby on the mat.

G DiPierro
11-08-2007, 07:10 PM
i don't mean to be harsh (or maybe i do) but training with resistence goes both ways. sure you can be a dick on the mat and 'stop' the other person, but like i said, when the same 'principal' is done to you, you're supposed to keep practicing, and not lose your composure. not end up screaming not to resist you which is what you did at our seminar, and others.I have no idea what you are talking about, and I'm fairly certain that I never did anything like this at your dojo. I haven't even been there in 4 or 5 years, which was before I really started doing serious resistance training anyway. I'm guessing whatever did happen you have embellished each time you have retold or remembered it since then, which I bet has been several times given your apparent level of interest in me. If I had any idea of what you were even talking about I suppose I could give you my side of the story, which would probably be very different from yours, but as far as I can tell this one is pretty much out made up out of thin air. Anyway, it would have nothing do with the topic of this thread since I was not an aikido shihan at the time you allege this happened, nor am I now.

11-08-2007, 07:21 PM

You and I shared a dojo together for almost a year.
Please tone it down. I know where all the skeletons are.

Chris Parkerson


Call it out!
(cf. my first blog (http://www.aikiweb.com/blogs/deweys-blog-12276/being-quot-called-out-quot-3092/))

Avery Jenkins
11-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Uh-oh. I hear it coming now. The dreaded



Never did a thread deserve it more.

11-08-2007, 07:30 PM
because of your actions about 5 years ago, you were banned from our dojo and others around the area, so you're spot on about the time line. congrats on confirming at least one thing for us.

you were there, i was there, as well as about 90-100 others on the mat. so this was not made up out of thin air. if i were in your shoes (or feet) at the seminar, i'd try to block it out of my memory too.

the only interest i have is that newer students that find this great site don't get confused by your drivel.

you're right. you are not a shihan...i don't think anyone here has the ill sense to think that you ever were! ha!

but it does have something to do with the topic. resistence is resistence, whether its training with a shihan or one of us simpletons.


G DiPierro
11-08-2007, 08:27 PM
because of your actions about 5 years ago, you were banned from our dojo and others around the area, so you're spot on about the time line. congrats on confirming at least one thing for us.This is going nowhere and has no relevance to this subject, so I wouldn't object to the thread being closed at this point. I personally hate to get into to this type of thing because there is no way the outcome can be good for anyone, but since you are making a big public matter out of what I had considered a private issue between myself and your dojo, I will defend myself and respond to your allegations. I hope that this will settle the matter once and for all. Let me quote you the entire text of the letter I received from the secretary of your dojo so that there is no possible confusion about any omissions:

I am writing to you on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Midwest Aikido Center. We are concerned for the safety and security of our members and other guests attending and practicing at seminars or regularly scheduled classes. The Board, after evaluating your behavior as observed by members of the Board and other seminar participants, believes that you are unwilling to participate and practice Aikido in a prudent manner with your partners. As our prime responsibility is the safety and security of our members and guests, we request that you refrain from attending any future seminars or practicing during any regularly scheduled classes at the MAC.

Sounds reasonable enough on the surface, but there is no mention of any specific event or events that has led them to reach this conclusion, and certainly none like the one you allege here. Surely if there was some smoking gun of the kind you suggest they would mention this piece of evidence. I know I would if I was asking someone to leave my dojo for such a reason.

Instead, their entire basis for this decision is that they "evaluated my behavior" according to some unmentioned criteria and then reached the conclusion that "I am unwilling to practice aikido in a prudent manner." What exactly is a "prudent manner" in which to practice aikido anyway? They didn't bother to explain that either, so apparantly it's whatever they decide it needs to be to fit their needs at the time. The letter is nothing more than a bunch of bureaucratic double-speak that doesn't tell me or anyone else anything other than that they had some political differences with my approach to aikido.

If someone doesn't like me or can't handle my approach to aikido that's fine. I have never had an issue with their choice and I had no problem respecting their request. However, if you are going to come on a public forum and make allegations about me that are untrue and have no basis in reality then that is a different matter entirely. Your dojo made its choice not to continue their relationship with me. Get over it already. I'd say it's a matter that is far more relevant to me than it is to you and yet I had no problem at all moving on. Yet here you are several years later making a big of deal out of it on an entirely unrelated thread. I really don't understand why you are so obsessed with me and cannot let this matter go.

11-08-2007, 08:47 PM

please don't flatter yourself by thinking that someone's obsessed with you.

many people on this forum and on others have questioned you about what credentials you may have to be able to criticize aikido practices. you conveniently go silent.

thank you for showing that letter from the dojo, though. as one reads your lengthy posts, and reads that letter, its easy to see what your practices is about, what understanding how much understanding in aikido you lack.

at least it will be a way of steering unsuspecting new students away from your misguided lessons.

now we can close the thread :)

G DiPierro
11-08-2007, 08:59 PM
please don't flatter yourself by thinking that someone's obsessed with you.Then why are you mentioning me even in threads that I have never even posted in (http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13527)?

many people on this forum and on others have questioned you about what credentials you may have to be able to criticize aikido practices. you conveniently go silent.I wasn't aware that one needed credentials in order to criticize something. That would kind of defeat the purpose, wouldn't it?

at least it will be a way of steering unsuspecting new students away from your misguided lessons.I'm more than happy to steer new students to other teachers. I prefer working with experienced martial artists who have prior or other ongoing training since they are more prepared for the realities of martial arts training and better able to understand and evaluate what I do in the context of what other teachers do within the wider martial arts community. I try to avoid accepting beginners with no previous martial training, not because I am unwilling to teach them, but because I don't think they are ready for what I expect from students. I'd rather them go study with someone else for a year or several and then come back.

now we can close the thread :)At least we agree on something.

11-08-2007, 09:46 PM
Thread split and closed. Come on, folks.

-- Jun