View Full Version : extra long kaku obi?

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10-30-2007, 03:22 PM
I've been thinking about starting my iaido practice again, the problem is I've gotten a little bigger around the middle lately and the obi I once used will no longer fit. I've looked around the web and can't seem to find a source for kaku obi that are longer than 12 feet. Does anybody know of a place where I can get an extra long kaku obi?



Timothy WK
11-01-2007, 04:19 PM
Ninecircles.com has an obi that's 7cm by 480cm (http://www.ninecircles.co.uk/product_details.asp?ProdID=127&CatID=32). That's... (quick math)... ~2.75 inches by ~15.75 feet. That's kinda skinny but should still work for iaido. The belt I have (http://www.ninecircles.co.uk/product_details.asp?ProdID=126&CatID=32) is about ~13 feet long, but that may not be long enough. They have an elasticized belt (http://www.ninecircles.co.uk/product_details.asp?ProdID=125&CatID=32), which is also ~13 feet, but may work for you. Another option may be their velcro belt (http://www.ninecircles.co.uk/product_details.asp?ProdID=488&CatID=32). I'm not sure how long that one is, but you could email and ask.

I know you can find some of these belts at US stores, but I know the guys that run Ninecircles, and I know they'll try and help you out.

Timothy WK
11-02-2007, 05:30 AM
If you want something more local, SDK Supplies offers a "large" obi (http://www.sdksupplies.com/cat_uniform.htm) that's 450cm by 9cm, or ~14.75 ft by ~3.5 in.

They also make custom uniforms and obi (http://www.sdksupplies.com/cat_reberuniforms.htm). I assume you could order one suitable for iaido, but you could also email and ask.

11-03-2007, 10:14 PM
Thanks, I'll check into 'em.


Jory Boling
11-05-2007, 02:24 AM
how long of one do you need?

11-07-2007, 02:41 AM
The large size mentioned from SDK (14.75 ft) sounds like it should be just about right.
