View Full Version : IAO Event / Special Class with Kurt Sensei

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Wissam J. Faraj
10-25-2007, 05:36 AM
As you all know, we here at the Jaramana Sport Center in Damascus had the recent honor to welcome Kurt Bartholet Sensei, 6th Dan Aikikai. Although his visit was a very short one, we had the opportunity to organize a Special Class on the 17 Oct 2007, the evening of his arrival.

During this Special Class we were privileged to acquire a few insights into the latest techniques and practices in the Aikido world. These techniques were explained and demonstrated by Kurt Sensei, who later practiced them with all those present at the Special Class.
This Special Class was another occasion for Iraqi and Syrian Aikidoka to meet and develop together.

We hope these events will continue into the future with the visit of more Sensei's, and we also hope that you all have the opportunity to attend.

Best regards

Wissam Faraj