View Full Version : Kubi Nage???

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09-25-2007, 10:13 AM
Please if someone can tell me how to perform this technique, because Yudo Kubi nage seem to be different from the aiki way of applying it.

I founded this...

09-25-2007, 01:53 PM
That video is so embarrasing... No wonder Aikido has a bad name.
When we do this technique, uke is coming in at full speed and is usually airborne by the time he/she hits the mats.

This video somewhat looks like a Sumi otoshi, as opposed to a kubi nage.

09-25-2007, 01:57 PM
Please if someone can tell me how to perform this technique, because Yudo Kubi nage seem to be different from the aiki way of applying it.

I founded this...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auw3aiOcbpIKUBI NAGE? Nasty. I know a technique different from the one in the video by this name. Basically, you grab UKE's head and twist. It sure looks like a killing technique to me.

Rick Stickles does one on his Expo (aikidojournal.com) demonstration. You also see it discussed in Crane and Crane's Aikido in Training, book and Lost Technique vid (maybe lost because it's pretty dangerous.)

That video is so embarrasing... No wonder Aikido has a bad name.
When we do this technique, uke is coming in at full speed and is usually airborne by the time he/she hits the mats.What was so bad? It was teaching speed.

This video somewhat looks like a Sumi otoshi, as opposed to a kubi nage.I think of SUMI OTOSHI as going outside of UKE. Going inside like this I would call KOKYU NAGE. But then, all our organizations have their own names for these things, don't they.

09-25-2007, 02:59 PM
It seems that nobody knows the exactly way to perform it, please fell free to post any comments, to me, this video I posted, doesnt look like sumiotoshi (CORNER DROP) It looks more like a kokiunage

09-25-2007, 03:59 PM
It seems that nobody knows the exactly way to perform it, please fell free to post any comments, to me, this video I posted, doesnt look like sumiotoshi (CORNER DROP) It looks more like a kokiunage

Kubi nage? Hmm start with yokomen uchi enter in tsugi ashi, take ukes head/neck with both hands, turn to face the same direction as uke and drop onto one knee while cutting kashima stylee (we don't have pulling in aikido :p ) ukes head into your center.

09-25-2007, 04:07 PM
Actually think the hands thing might be wrong. I've seen two ways. One where you meet yokomen uchi with one hand and then wrap the other hand around the back of ukes head/neck as you turn then then cut and drop.
The other you somehow take it with both hands and then cut and drop.

09-25-2007, 04:57 PM
Thank alex....
Do you have any picture of this, I will be easy for us to get the idea.:cool:

Peter Goldsbury
09-25-2007, 05:04 PM
Please if someone can tell me how to perform this technique, because Yudo Kubi nage seem to be different from the aiki way of applying it.

I founded this...

One shihan who used to do kubi-nage (kubi means neck, by the way, not head) was the late Morihiro Saito. At a seminar I attended he was doing it from kata-dori. He broke uke's balance, took the head, now in range of atemi, and twisted the neck (which is why it is dangerous). Hence the name. You can do at least a hint of this even in the very basic irimi-nage.

Of course there are a number of other waza where you can take the head, but do not necessarily twist the neck. The waza shown in the video is one of them.

09-25-2007, 05:06 PM
I believe the Crane's refer to the head throws as men nage-been a long time since I looked at the video.

Peter Goldsbury
09-25-2007, 06:21 PM
I believe the Crane's refer to the head throws as men nage-been a long time since I looked at the video.

Men basically means 'face' and many of the Japanese compounds have the added meaning of what one does with the face: the look or expression. On p.233 on the book, Crane explains that it means 'head throw', but this is a very 'local' meaning, in my opinion.

We do the whole range of 'men-nage' waza illustrated on pp.238-241 of Cranes' book, but here they have always been called kubi-nage, because the neck is twisted.

The main term for head in Japanese is atama, also read as TO. As far as I know, the term does not appear in any terms for aikido waza.

09-25-2007, 06:48 PM
Thank alex....
Do you have any picture of this, I will be easy for us to get the idea.:cool:

Unfortunately not. I've had a mooch around the net and I can only find the judo version, which is quite a bit different from what I've been taught.

Marc Abrams
09-25-2007, 07:46 PM
I have less of a concern about the technique and more of a concern about what the uke was doing. The uke reminded me of scenes of "Night of the Living Dead." I would not be happy if one of my students said that I taught him/her how to attack like that.

Marc Abrams

09-25-2007, 11:19 PM
James is awesome. That goes in my book as best attack of the year.

09-25-2007, 11:40 PM
Thanks all for posting, I saw the Judo version, but to me there is no aiki in that, thanks all anyways this is my first time posting here , and I am very happy to have all of your answers :)

Demetrio Cereijo
09-26-2007, 06:08 AM
One shihan who used to do kubi-nage (kubi means neck, by the way, not head) was the late Morihiro Saito. At a seminar I attended he was doing it from kata-dori. He broke uke's balance, took the head, now in range of atemi, and twisted the neck (which is why it is dangerous). Hence the name.

Something like this (http://www.iwamaivanovo.ru/download.php?video=botov_kuminage.avi), but here is called kumi nage (probably a typo)

Peter Goldsbury
09-26-2007, 06:23 AM
Something like this (http://www.iwamaivanovo.ru/download.php?video=botov_kuminage.avi), but here is called kumi nage (probably a typo)

Sorry, It was impossible to download the video on to my computer.

09-26-2007, 09:04 AM
You can found it here http://www.iwamaivanovo.ru

The attack here is Ryo mune dori,
which is the way to perform it when the attack is

-Ushiro ryote dori

Gracias Demetrio:)

09-26-2007, 09:21 AM
You can found it here http://www.iwamaivanovo.ru

The attack here is Ryo mune dori,
which is the way to perform it when the attack is

-Ushiro ryote dori

Gracias Demetrio:)

Hmm. I've done that before in Ju-jitsu but never in Aikido. The kubi nage I've been shown is pretty much like a drop ippon seoi nage only you're holding uke's head rather than their arm.

Demetrio Cereijo
09-26-2007, 02:22 PM
Sorry, It was impossible to download the video on to my computer.

I've just uploaded to youtube the clip.


The attack here is Ryo mune dori
I think is an attempt to a standing gyaku-juji-jime.

As been said before, there are more in Crane's books/video

gregg block
10-15-2007, 09:18 AM
What a ridiculous attack.

10-15-2007, 12:07 PM
What a ridiculous attack.

Amir Krause
10-16-2007, 02:48 AM
What a ridiculous attack.

While I must admit to finding these videos (I checked a couple of other techniques too) unimpressive, from my technical point of view looking at Tori (the technique performer). Though, without feeling the technique on me, I am not sure if my problem stems from real technical deficencies or only from style differences which make me think some essential components are missing from the techniques (to the point they would not work had I tried to practice them this way in the dojo).

Still, I do not get your problem with the attack. The attack is clearly simbolic by intention. In fact, it seemed so symbolic I think it is hard to perform techniques on it.

These videos were labeled as a basic level teaching aid. And at that level, a fast and realistic attack would hinder the learning of the techniques, and derail attention from it.


Beard of Chuck Norris
10-16-2007, 09:19 AM
Please if someone can tell me how to perform this technique, because Yudo Kubi nage seem to be different from the aiki way of applying it.

I founded this...

I'm sure the teacher appeared on some "Expert Village" kendo videos too. But... even a lowly ikkyu such as myself could see a lot of stuff you shouldn't pay attention to. It was bad kendo unfortunately.

this aikido video, a little weird that the attack is a zombie style one but i guess we can forgive that for the purposes of teaching.

We do something very similar (in terms of technique) although we relate it to ude furi. I'm not too down with the aiki terminology but there could be a few different names for that technique.
e.g. omote tenkan... ude oroshi, aiki nage, ude nage, ?kubi nage? Each organisation might call it something different, you'd probably have to feel it to decide.

I doubt i'd call it a neck throw though but i'm still a beginner. Certainly doesn't look like neck throws i've seen, but i doubt i've seen em all! :)

peace and love


10-18-2007, 07:15 AM
I'm sure the teacher appeared on some "Expert Village" kendo videos too. But... even a lowly ikkyu such as myself could see a lot of stuff you shouldn't pay attention to. It was bad kendo unfortunately.

this aikido video, a little weird that the attack is a zombie style one but i guess we can forgive that for the purposes of teaching.

We do something very similar (in terms of technique) although we relate it to ude furi. I'm not too down with the aiki terminology but there could be a few different names for that technique.
e.g. omote tenkan... ude oroshi, aiki nage, ude nage, ?kubi nage? Each organisation might call it something different, you'd probably have to feel it to decide.

I doubt i'd call it a neck throw though but i'm still a beginner. Certainly doesn't look like neck throws i've seen, but i doubt i've seen em all! :)

peace and love


We do have kubinage on our syllabus Jo, think from ikkyu and above if my memory serves might be shodan though. Doesn't look like the vid though. Ours usually involves a hand on the neck, it depends upon the entry and attack but often it can involve pushing them back while holding the neck (think a bit like shomen-ate to the throat but not quite), variations include manipulating the neck by controlling the chin which might look more like the vid. Without the zombie attacking though :eek:


Paul Sanderson-Cimino
10-18-2007, 10:30 AM
I've seen something vaguely similar, called kubi-ate kokyunage. So a neck-striking throw. E.g., from yokomenchi, nage steps inside uke's strike radius and counterstrikes the neck to throw. No head-twisting, though. I remember the oddest thing was that nage's rotation isn't the way you'd expect...like. Let's see. From gyaku hanmi (left foot forward), nage would step in with the left foot, rotate clockwise on the balls of their feet, and then strike with the right hand.

(My recollection is a bit fuzzy.)

10-19-2007, 09:23 AM
There is a photo of Saito Sensei applying Kubi nage in his book Aikido Its Heart and Appearance.

Matthew White
10-19-2007, 01:54 PM
this is Kubi Guruma, first technique of Owaza Juppon kata of Tomiki aikido. IMHO it is done very poorly here. I tried to find a better video of it on YouTube with no success.

the attack is very stilted. not good.

likewise, this technique (as done in Owaza) is performed go-no-sen... basically wait till uke has almost hit you (say, a couple of inches away from your chin) before moving.

the idea is to get uke to totally commit to the attack, they actually think that they have you and you're going to hit the ground. then you make a small turn almost in place, and connect at the wrist and neck. the spacing and light touch causes kuzushi in uke, sending an S wave through their spine and tipping them slightly off the line of attack. you take the space in which they need to recover and they go over the pinky toe of the lead foot. because of the rotation of nage, the light connection, and the attempt at recovery from the S wave, uke tends to spiral around nage while in the air, making the throw happen >180 degrees from the original line of attack.

Chikai Aikidoka
10-20-2007, 03:07 AM
Kubi nage as per 'Teachings of the founder of Aikido' book.

The pictures appear to be the application of Kubi nage from Ryo mune dori with O' Sensei's atemi to the inside of the elbow. One picture with a gyaku hanmi atemi while the other with an Ai hanmi atemi.

Am I right?


10-20-2007, 03:23 AM
I would agree with you since that is how I was taught kube nage and that is how Saito Sensei performs his kubi nage in his book Traditional Aikido (although I originally said Its Heart and Appearance).
If I can I'll try and post a picture of it.

10-20-2007, 10:57 AM
Kubi nage as per 'Teachings of the founder of Aikido' book.

The pictures appear to be the application of Kubi nage from Ryo mune dori with O' Sensei's atemi to the inside of the elbow. One picture with a gyaku hanmi atemi while the other with an Ai hanmi atemi.

Am I right?

I would call these techniques hatchi mawashi instead of kubinage. Anyway that's just a name. The technique is great. Thanks.

10-20-2007, 04:10 PM
Thanks to everyone, because all your answer now I can have a clera view of the technique,
thanks all.....