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philippe willaume
09-14-2007, 07:06 AM
I long for the day when this whole question and all like it can be relegated to the "can superman beat up batman?" circular file where they belong.

Batman with or without kryptonite?


09-14-2007, 08:28 AM
Batman with or without kryptonite?


I'm going with the punisher. He will take out batman, steal the krypto and then make a bullet to head shot superman!

philippe willaume
09-14-2007, 09:22 AM
I'm going with the punisher. He will take out batman, steal the krypto and then make a bullet to head shot superman!

I think that is hijacking the thread...

09-14-2007, 09:42 AM
I think that is hijacking the thread...

What about Superman versus.... Muhammad Ali?


philippe willaume
09-14-2007, 10:14 AM
What about Superman versus.... Muhammad Ali?


Man, you just can not do that, you can not pick up any super hero we happen to like, this is diverting the thread to unfathomable ends, like ninja vs pirates, knight’s vs samurai or katana vs long sword.

I mean the question is very clear superman vs batman and for the moment we should stick to that until we have exhausted the subject

And in an effort to bring us back on track
Don did you consider that Bruce Wayne being loaded to the hilt could hire the Punisher? Beside If I am not mistaken they have worked together in the past, and parted in good terms

09-14-2007, 12:23 PM
Don did you consider that Bruce Wayne being loaded to the hilt could hire the Punisher? Beside If I am not mistaken they have worked together in the past, and parted in good terms

The Punisher has tangled with the Batman twice, once with the "replacement" Batman (Jean-Paul Valley AKA Azrael) and once with the "real" Batman (Bruce Wayne).

Their encounter (with Bruce Wayne) was chronicled in Punisher / Batman: Deadly Knights


During their battle, the Batman allowed himself to be hit by the Punisher, but only once:


Now, what's this technique? Kokyu-nage?


09-14-2007, 01:56 PM

09-14-2007, 03:36 PM
this is diverting the thread to unfathomable ends, like ninja vs pirates, knight's vs samurai or katana vs long sword.

OT: There's a pretty definitive answer to Pirates vs Ninja here (http://www.wellingtongrey.net/miscellanea/archive/2007-07-25--pirates-vs-ninjas/pages/2007-07-25--pirates-vs-ninjas-01.html). Enjoy. :)

Neil Mick
09-14-2007, 07:42 PM
Batman with or without kryptonite?


If I recall correctly, Batman beat the cr#p out of Superman in the "Dark Knight" series. But, he first made sure that Supes got hit with a nuke and a few AA missiles before he closed to hand-to-hand.

Brains beats braun, every time (at least in the comics... :) ).

philippe willaume
09-17-2007, 03:57 AM
If I recall correctly, Batman beat the cr#p out of Superman in the "Dark Knight" series. But, he first made sure that Supes got hit with a nuke and a few AA missiles before he closed to hand-to-hand.

Brains beats braun, every time (at least in the comics... :) ).

well yes but is dark knight cannon as far as the batman continuum is concerned ?


Mark Freeman
09-17-2007, 05:04 AM
You guys really ought to get out more:crazy:

09-17-2007, 05:49 AM
Yeah, besides, Mighty Mouse would take them all anyday . . . ;)

09-17-2007, 07:47 AM
Or better yet.. how about the Punisher and... Archie?

Neil Mick
09-18-2007, 03:33 AM
well yes but is dark knight cannon as far as the batman continuum is concerned ?


Depends upon whom you talk to, I suppose. AFAIC, the Dark Knight series got me back interested in Batman...

(PS Mark, you're right: we probably SHOULD get out more...:hypno: )

James Davis
09-18-2007, 10:08 AM
If I recall correctly, Batman beat the cr#p out of Superman in the "Dark Knight" series. But, he first made sure that Supes got hit with a nuke and a few AA missiles before he closed to hand-to-hand.

Brains beats braun, every time (at least in the comics... :) ).

LOL! Nuking somebody is brainy now?!:D

I'm sure that if Lex Luthor can get some Kryptonite, Bruce Wayne can.

09-18-2007, 11:47 AM
LOL! Nuking somebody is brainy now?!:D

I'm sure that if Lex Luthor can get some Kryptonite, Bruce Wayne can.

If you've watched the Justice League Animated Series, as well as Batman Beyond. you'll see that the Batman does have a chunk of Kryptonite handy:


Neil Mick
09-18-2007, 03:23 PM
LOL! Nuking somebody is brainy now?!:D

You might notice that in comics, TV (ESPECIALLY sci-fi), and movies: using a tac-nuke is considered "thinking outside the box."

Yes, I know...silly, but what can you expect from our hyperviolent society?

(PS Also, as I recall, Bats didn't actually fire the nuke at him. Some insurgents (or, something) did, and Supes met up to do battle with Batman, afterwards.

If I remember correctly. The comic WAS circa 1980's, after all...)

Yeah, besides, Mighty Mouse would take them all anyday . . .

An flying, opera-singing rodent, take out BOTH Supes and Bats...? :eek:

Only if he were singing Wagner...! :D The Nibelungen could put ANYONE to sleep!