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Howard Popkin
09-05-2007, 02:11 PM
To all interested parties:

Okamoto Sensei will be in the US in October.

October 9,10,11 will be in Franklin Square, New York.

October 6,7 will be in Charlotte, North Carolina.

October 13,14 will be in Dallas, Texas.

For details, please contact :

NY - howardpopkin@yahoo.com
NC - makoto333@iwon.com
TX - bushido69@earthlink.net

Thanks !

Howard Popkin

Aran Bright
09-23-2007, 11:50 PM
Hello Howard,

Can you tell me a little bit about Okamoto sensei or the Roppokai?



David Orange
09-24-2007, 10:03 AM
Hello Howard,

Can you tell me a little bit about Okamoto sensei or the Roppokai?

Aran, until Howard can reply, here are some things to whet your interest:




Hope that helps a little.


09-24-2007, 10:56 AM
FWIW, Howard is a top-notch player himself--beautiful, subtle technique.

When I first watched Roppokai (and Kokokai) DR on video, frankly I laughed. It REALLY looks fake.

It's different taking the UKEMI.

If you're in Florida, you can see Howard this coming weekend a Josh Drachman's dojo in Boca. I'll be there. Hope to see you.

Highly recommended.

Howard Popkin
09-24-2007, 02:09 PM

I was out fishing, and it was good :)

Okamoto was a student of Horikawa Kodo for many years. Okamoto was the first of Kodo's students to receive 7th dan and shihan. Upon Kodo Sensei's death, Okamoto decided to open his own school, primarily because he had moved to Tokyo and the distance to Hokkaido was great.

Okamoto Sensei's primary focus is on high level balance breaking and locking skills. While that is his main goal, his jujutsu technique is stellar, but seldom seen by the public.

If you have more questions about Sensei or the Roppokai, please free to contact me.

Thanks for writing.


PS Thanks for the kind words Don, How is the shoulder ?

Cady Goldfield
09-24-2007, 04:54 PM
I was out fishing, and it was good :)

For marlin, or Puerta Vallarta bikinis? ;)

Howard Popkin
09-24-2007, 08:10 PM

Too funny, but I actually am into the fishing. The other stuff was a bonus :)

Looking forward to a great seminar with Sensei !

Take care,


Cady Goldfield
09-24-2007, 09:45 PM
Holy cow! You caught enough tuna for a year of sandwiches! Or at least to capture the undivided attention of every cat in your neighborhood. Congrats!

And have a great seminar...

Howard Popkin
09-25-2007, 04:35 AM
7 yellowfins - 70-95 lbs
2 swordfish - 100,135lbs
100 mahi - all 7-9 lbs
14 tilefish - 5-18 lbs

It was a really good trip :)


09-25-2007, 07:03 AM
7 yellowfins - 70-95 lbs
2 swordfish - 100,135lbs
100 mahi - all 7-9 lbs
14 tilefish - 5-18 lbs

It was a really good trip :)


Yeah, looks like it. Reeling in one of those big fish probably made catching the 100 little ones worth it. :)


Ron Tisdale
09-25-2007, 07:41 AM
That is one serious fish!

I'm running low on time and money for seminars just now, but I do plan on getting up to NY one of these days Howard.

Best to you and Okomoto Sensei,

Howard Popkin
09-25-2007, 07:21 PM

Drop me an e-mail. Love to talk.

Everyone else,

Thanks again for all the nice words. Have to go eat sashimi :)


Howard Popkin
10-06-2007, 06:18 PM
To all interested parties,

I hope he isn't angry with me for posting this, but Ole Kingston from Denmark has informed me that he will be attending the seminar in NY with Okamoto Sensei.

It is always an honor when Sensei comes, but it is an additional bonus when Ole comes.

Ole is a true hero. He is the highest ranked non-Japanese in the Roppokai. If you don't know about Ole, please do a search about him on the net. Many things have been written about him, including a major motion picture in Japan a few years ago called "Aiki".

Thanks for reading !

Howard Popkin
NY Roppokai

Howard Popkin
10-12-2007, 12:22 PM
To all interested parties,

Okamoto Sensei was fantastic, as usual.

Everyone in attendance got to feel Sensei's aiki over and over.

Awesome softness.

We are all looking forward to seeing Sensei again next year.

I'll post when I have dates.

Thanks !

Howard Popkin