View Full Version : Northern California Aunkai Seminar

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08-24-2007, 09:41 PM
*** Northern California Aunkai Seminar ***

* Dates: November 10 and 11th, a Saturday and Sunday

* Time: Right now, we're looking at 10 am to 4pm, with an hour break for lunch.

* Location: We will hold the seminar at Stanford in the wrestling room (it has mats). The wrestling room is located in the basement of the Arrillaga Family Sports Center on the Stanford campus. For those of you from out of town, Stanford is located within easy driving distance of three major airports: San Francisco, San Jose and Oakland. There are lots of good places to stay and eat in the neighboring city of Palo Alto, although you'll find cheaper places to stay a little bit down the Peninsula. Avoid booking anything in East Palo Alto-- it's a different city and kind of a rough neighborhood.

* Cost: 180 dollars for 2 days.

* Contact Information: Tim Fong is organizing the seminar, and can be reached at tyfong919 (at) gmail.com. I am coordinating the seminar with Stanford, and can be reached at mikeym (at) cs.stanford.edu.


The Aunkai's founder, Akuzawa Sensei, has developed a unique approach to training from his extensive background in Chinese and Japanese martial arts. Rather than focusing on specific techniques, he and his students work to develop the martial body itself, thus forming a core set of body skills that the practitioner can apply to whatever form of martial art they choose. This seminar is open to all interested students regardless of what art they currently study. For more information about Akuzawa Sensei and the Aunkai, please see their website at http://www.aunkai.net/eng. Additional information on the Aunkai is available on this thread on AikiWeb: http://www.aikiweb.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12119. (Wording borrowed from the organizers of the Seattle Aunkai seminar.)

Please pass this seminar announcement on to anyone you think might be interested.

08-25-2007, 05:57 AM
to whom do we send payment and are checks ok?

Tim Fong
08-26-2007, 04:10 PM
I would like to clarify that I am not the seminar organizer-- it is being sponsored by Stanford Aikido club. Please direct all inquiries to Mike Malkin. Thanks.

08-26-2007, 06:25 PM
I would like to clarify that I am not the seminar organizer-- it is being sponsored by Stanford Aikido club. Please direct all inquiries to Mike Malkin. Thanks.

"Tag, yer it..." ;)

Peter Ralls
08-30-2007, 03:24 AM
I would be very interested in finding out more about this seminar, however, I notice that Mike Malkin doesn't have any contact information listed. I also know there are at least two different Stanford Aikido clubs. So I am at a loss at how to go about registering for this seminar, or acquiring more information regarding it. Perhaps someone can help me out?

08-30-2007, 06:45 AM
I would be very interested in finding out more about this seminar, however, I notice that Mike Malkin doesn't have any contact information listed. I also know there are at least two different Stanford Aikido clubs. So I am at a loss at how to go about registering for this seminar, or acquiring more information regarding it. Perhaps someone can help me out?

email mikeym (at) cs.stanford.edu replace the (at) with @.

Hope that helps.

Peter Ralls
08-31-2007, 06:01 AM
Thank you Hunter.