View Full Version : Different names for techniques
11-26-2001, 08:35 AM
Hello everyone,
I have a somewhat difficult question. I am studying Fugakukai Aikido. I have recently reached the rank of Yonkyu and have been seeing unfamiliar names to me for techniques in this forum and elsewhere on the net. I am trying to compare the techniques I am learning, to the more "traditional" styles of aikido. I like to know how they evolved so to speak. I understand that in my style of aikido techniques may have been modified so much that they don't even resemble the techniques they are derived from...but I am currious. If anyone has an knowledge or can direct me to a website that can help me out...I would be very greatful
11-26-2001, 09:55 AM
Hello, I would like to know what names you use for you techniques, it would be interesting to have more names for waza, like there isn't enough already :)
A nice example is Ikkyo, AKA Ikkajo, AKA Oshi Taoshi, AKA Robuse Taoshi and AKA Ude Osae.
In response to your post I would recommend books rather than the web. First look at Osensei's Budo and Budo Renshu, and then move up along the time line, so to speak. Look at Saito Sensei's works and then Aikido by Kisshomaru Ueshiba. The syllabus of the Tomiki and Yoshinkan schools have been very constant (through time that is) so they will let you see Aikido in the late 20's early 30's and then the 40's quite well so book like Shioda Sensei's Total Aikido might also be helpful. This should give you an insight to the 'evolution' of Aikido waza
But personally I don't think any one should really think too much about the so-called changes to waza over time.
11-27-2001, 09:03 AM
Thanks for your help,
I think you are right about looking at a few different books.
Some of the names we have that are different...and some are very subtle to say the least. I have seen for ex: shomenuchi which we refer to as shomenate. My understanding is that uchi and ate both mean strike but uchi is more of a sword type strike as opposed to our push type strike.
We have the waking kata...or Tegatana no Kata(hand/arm sword form) consisting of twelve forms
1. shomen ashi--foward step
2. waki ashi--side to side step
3. tenkan ashi--pivot step
4. shomen tegatana--foward push
5. uchi mawashi--inside sweep
6. soto mawashi--outside sweep
7. uchi soto gaeshi--inside/outside reversal
8. uchi mawashi gaeshi--inside sweep reversal
9. soto mawashi gaeshi--outside sweep
10. ude goshi gaeshi--arm hip reversal
11. o mawashi--major sweep
12. yoko o mawashi--side major sweep
these are what most everything else we do is based on. we practice this daily in multiple times.
then there's 8 releases or Hanasu no Kata
and then the 23--Ju Nana Hon Kata--also radori no kata
broken up into Atemi waza, Hiji waza, Tekubi waza and Uki waza..and I can go on...but that is what I mean.
Thanks again for your info.
If anyone is interested in this you can read about it in Shihan Nick Lowry's AI KI DO "Principles of Kata and Randori" from 12 Winds Publishing
Peace to all.
10-18-2004, 03:59 PM
I study at the Houston dojo under Shihan Karl Geis. I am Shodan, and my advice to you is don't get too bogged down with your comparison. I have a shelf full of books and am no clearer to understanding similarities between styles. There is a direct correlation with Tomiki, but a very tenuous correlation with other styles. For instance, Shiho-nage is the first throw
traditional Ueshiba style teaches because they employ about
a gazillion variations of it. We on the other hand don't teach it till well into the 23, (or 17 for you Tomiki people). I have found that Shihan Geis's method of teaching, that is, stressing that everything is dictated by Uke and that as Tori you need only blend and wait for a technique to present itself
so long as you keep the Uke unbalanced, is the key. Trying to force a technique like many other styles do, will only present Uke an opportunity to release off of your movement and change roles with you. You will find this out as you proceed into Randori. Remeber that the "techniques" you learn in class, the 23 or 17, are only the tools. A toolbox does not a house make. It provides you the means to build the house. The individual techniques provide you a basis of understanding how to execute a technique in it's strictest form, but in a fight nothing is ever so pretty. Ude-gaeshi can easily be performed with one hand if you out walk Uke and keep him off balance. Another warning, trying to execute techniques as described by other styles will play havoc with your Kihara. As Shihan Geis says, he who walks best will win. In many styles that use brute strength, amply illustrated in this forum by the ubuquitous use of such adverbs as "cranking" ones opponent, the Tori must stop and plant in order to deliver the requisite strength. This runs completely counter to Fugakukai, where kihara (constant movement) and kuzushi (off balance) are gospel. So careful not to retard your progression by exploring too far afield until you have sufficient understanding of those concepts to adapt techniques to them rather than ignore kihara and kuzushi in an attempt to bring them into your repetiore too soon.
10-18-2004, 05:18 PM
Hi Keith,
The message you replied to is about 3 years old, I'm not sure the OP is still reading.
While its good to be enthusiastic about ones own style, as you clearly are, I think you're making some assumptions about what is happening in dojos of other styles.
In particular, there are not "many styles that use brute strength", I think you've misunderstood the word "crank" the way its used by a lot of folks. I certainly dont interpret "cranking on a technique" as using a lot of brute force, just performing it with, shall we say, gusto.
Also, Fugakukai is far from unique in emphasising the importance of kuzushi. I think you'll find that's actually pretty universal.
Lyle Laizure
10-19-2004, 08:56 PM
Thank you Sean.
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