View Full Version : Hello from Rochester, New York

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06-04-2007, 10:48 AM
Hi, I'm new to Aikido. This month of June will be my second month training. I'm mainly interested in the spiritual aspects of Aikido. The physical aspects are nice, but they're not what drew me to Aikido.

06-04-2007, 06:36 PM
Greetings, Alex, and welcome to the top floor! :) At this point I'm stuck in South Jersey, but I do make it up there for various weekends when I can, including this weekend. Hope you're enjoying it so far.

You'll find plenty of excellent reading on this site once you know where to dig. At the bottom of each thread there are links to other more or less relevant threads, which can lead to gold more often than lead. anyhow, welcome to aikiweb as well!


06-04-2007, 06:48 PM
Greetings, Alex, and welcome to the top floor! :) At this point I'm stuck in South Jersey, but I do make it up there for various weekends when I can, including this weekend. Hope you're enjoying it so far.

You'll find plenty of excellent reading on this site once you know where to dig. At the bottom of each thread there are links to other more or less relevant threads, which can lead to gold more often than lead. anyhow, welcome to aikiweb as well!


Thanks for the kind greeting, Michael. By this weekend, would that be the June 10th, Sunday morning class? If so, I'll try to make it. I usually come on weekdays, but always like to meet more people.

Also, thanks for the reference to the links below. Quite helpful!
