Keith Nelson
05-28-2007, 05:50 AM
I've got a complete run of the Aiki News/Aikido Journal magazine from 1992 through 1998 (and a couple of later issues) in excellent condition that I'm looking to move off of my book shelves. I also have a few Aikido Today issues that I'll throw in with the lot. Individual issues are listed below.
I'd like to sell them as a whole lot, rather than piecemeal, but will take offers for piecemeal sales. These were between $5 and $7 when new and I can't find them anywhere else online for less than $15 per issue. So, I figure $120/obo + actual shipping costs for the whole batch.
Aiki News/Aikido Journal
1992 (19): 92,93,94
1993 (20): 95,96,97
1994 (21): 98, 99, 100, 101
1995 (22): 102,103, 104, 105
1996 (23): 106, 107, 108, 109
1997 (24): 110,112
1998 (25): 113,114
1999 (26): 118
2000 (27): 119
Aikido Today
1994: #32 & #33
1998: #56
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