View Full Version : New Video: Aikijujutsu Nanadan

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Roy Dean
05-15-2007, 02:35 PM
Posted a new video of a seventh degree blackbelt demonstration in Seibukan Jujutsu, a modern jujutsu system founded by Julio Toribio. Sheila Haddad (www.livingtheway.com) was the first person to complete the technical requirements of the system, and did so in elegant fashion.

The requirements were numerous and deep. All 7 katas, each corresponding to a dan level, had to be performed back to back. Tai sabaki followed, which serves as an intermediate step between kata and henka (variations), where techniques are performed against prearranged attacks. Sword, sword retention, Knife defense, and henka (improvised techniques against strikes and grabs) were some of the skills on display. Seibukan Jujutsu is a dynamic art, and this demonstration captures each of the elements this modern martial art and way stresses in it's philosophy: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Void.

A high quality version can be seen here:


And on Youtube as well:


Look for an interview from this top ranked jujutsu and ninpo practitioner in the next E-Journal of Jujutsu.


Roy Dean


Ron Tisdale
05-15-2007, 02:55 PM
Wow, love to train with her someday! impressive.


05-15-2007, 04:20 PM
Posted a new video of a seventh degree blackbelt demonstration in Seibukan Jujutsu, a modern jujutsu system founded by Julio Toribio.

Nice demonstration. If I'm not mistaken that's Torbio Sensei taking ukemi for the first 1/2 of her demonstration as well. Personally I think that says a lot. I don't think I've ever seen an aikido instructor do that.

05-16-2007, 01:14 AM
Tori's techniques are tight and not sloppy. I do not doubt that the locks are effective and they will definitely serve their purpose.

Some question Roy... why are you guys wearing Tabi boots? Does Sebukan Jujutsu have any connection with Ninjutsu?

And at 7th Dan level, why was there no RAN-DORI or JIYU-WAZA section? Or was it omitted/edited?


05-16-2007, 06:00 AM
Wasn't Julio Torbio at the Aiki Expos?

If so, trained with him and many of his students several time.
Always excellent.

05-16-2007, 07:39 AM
Nice demonstration. If I'm not mistaken that's Torbio Sensei taking ukemi for the first 1/2 of her demonstration as well. Personally I think that says a lot. I don't think I've ever seen an aikido instructor do that.

My teacher used to do it for each and everyone he graded for all of their yudansha tests. He does it less now but that's for a few reasons, one of which I suppose is that he's 65 now. The other is that he wants us (meaning the other yudansha and instructors) to do it more as do we. For my shodan he was my uke for 80-90% of the test but I think I was one of the last to have that, from then on other yudansha and instructors started helping people test more.

He still acts as uke for the black belt tests but doesn't do the whole test himself any more. For our higher dan grades he often acts as uke for the testee for most of the test, so I expect when we have our next 5th Dan exam in a year or two my teacher will be the uke for most of the process.

I doubt that we're the only people who do things in this manner in the aikido world.


Keith R Lee
05-16-2007, 08:29 AM
Nice video. Congratulations to her!

I also wanted to say that I've really been enjoying the E-Journal of Jujutsu. Well put together and good articles. If anyone hasn't checked it out, they should.

Ron Tisdale
05-16-2007, 08:53 AM
Ok, now that the good stuff is out of the way :D I'd like to ask a harder question..

What was with all the jumping and rolling around with the sai? The small amount of kobudo keiko that I've seen doesn't seem to do that. Just a small thing, but it had me currious.


05-16-2007, 12:54 PM
Some question Roy... why are you guys wearing Tabi boots? Does Sebukan Jujutsu have any connection with Ninjutsu?

Toribio Sensei does have some background in ninjutsu (I forget which 'kan'). More on him here. (http://www.seibukanjujutsu.com/founder.html)

The tabi thing isn't just for ninjas though, at lots of sword tournaments/embukai senior students (yondan and up) will often have tabi on. It's a bit more formal, and if you're sneaky, you can put some gel inserts into them so that you're not standing on hardwood all day.. :cool:

Roy Dean
05-16-2007, 07:36 PM
Yes, Sensei Toribio has been featured at the Aiki Expo's in the past, and has also performed demonstrations at the event. He is highly ranked in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu (10th dan+) directly under Maasaki Hatsumi.

Tabi are popular to wear in Seibukan, although not required. Personally, I feel they're slippery and don't use them.

Sensei Toribio took all the ukemi for the kata sections of the test, for all students, until the graduation of the first nanadan. Afterwards, students would take ukemi during demonstrations. Also, it is no longer necessary to do all the katas, consecutively, to receive the next grading. Only the kata for your level. A new jo kata has been added, etc. The art continues to evolve. Here's the link to another excellent demonstration, by William Candelario.


Ron, each dan level in Seibukan is correlated to a specific weapon (nidan: sword, sandan: hanbo, etc), and by the time you reach nanadan, you can have a weapon of your choice. Sai was Sheila's choice, and I'm sure the rolling and jumping was probably her jujutsu spin on another art's signature weapon.

Boon, Seibukan doesn't have full randori (like Judo or BJJ), but has henka instead. She does henka in the chair and on the feet towards the end of the video. I ommitted most of the attacks for the sake of visual rhythm.

Beard of Chuck Norris
06-04-2007, 12:21 PM
Would there be any chance i could have seen her taking ukemi for Saotome Sensei in an instructional video?

peace and love


Adam Alexander
06-05-2007, 09:05 PM
I don't have QuickTime...and I pretty much refuse to download anything Apple. So, I watched the low-quality one on YouTube.

With the exception of the sai and the kick, it looked identical to anything I've seen in our Aikido dojo.

I thought it was pretty sweet.

06-05-2007, 11:24 PM
Miss Haddad has beautiful form.

06-18-2007, 02:19 PM
Very nice! Thank you for sharing.
I went to look for more information on the origins of the style. I see a number of things that we do. I'm wondering if there's a Hakko Ryu connection. Hopefully they'll put more information on the web site - or make it easier to find.

06-18-2007, 04:27 PM
I'm wondering if there's a Hakko Ryu connection.

Check the link I posted above. All will be clear. :)

06-19-2007, 11:28 AM
Thank you and sorry I missed the first link.
I knew I was seeing some excellent "Hakko Ryu" in that video.