View Full Version : Looking for good 'martial arts' bookshop, London/South East England area

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Karol Kowalczyk
05-12-2007, 04:29 AM
My dojo is going to be closed for two months over summer, so Im looking to buy a few books about Aikido so I can at least read about it if I cant do it.

Does anyone know any good bookshops specializing in martial arts books?

I need a shop that will have the books in stock, rather than having to order them, because I will be staying near Brighton for 3 weeks only, but I think I could manage a trip to London (or anywhere in the South East) if I had to. Any 'second hand' bookshop with these kinds of books would also be appreciated.

jennifer paige smith
05-12-2007, 11:53 AM

here's a clue. Good luck. (why don't you try out another dojo for a while ?)

05-12-2007, 05:18 PM
If you can manage a trip to London you don't need to find a shop that specialises! There are six or seven HUGE bookshops in the Oxford Street area (Waterstones has a great MA section), you can venture into China town or the Japanese Cultural Centre in Piccadilly (not too sure if they have MA books). Then there is always the SENI show weekend of 19 / 20 May (Earls Court) where there are MA specialist booksellers.

Yeah, why not find another dojo for while?

Karol Kowalczyk
05-12-2007, 05:53 PM
Thanks for the replies, and about trying another dojo, I have tried to find some places by using the internet, but I would need to travel to them, and so with bus fare, mat fee and insurance, I reckon it would get rather expensive, considering I live and work in Poland, and my salary is about $500 a month. With that I have to support a wife and child, and it's easy enough here, but abroad in the 'decadent west' it gets a lot harder :) (Just to make you all jealous, I pay about $12 a month for 3 times a week Aikido here :cool: , although the instructors are 1st Dan and 2nd Kyu...)

Im already stretching the budget with the books I want to buy, you see, I could buy some of them here, but I dont read that well in Polish :D I suppose the pictures might be good though!

And I was trying to remember the name of that really big shop...Foyle's. And now I have the address too! Im sure there will be something in there for me.

jennifer paige smith
05-13-2007, 10:46 AM
Thanks for the replies, and about trying another dojo, I have tried to find some places by using the internet, but I would need to travel to them, and so with bus fare, mat fee and insurance, I reckon it would get rather expensive, considering I live and work in Poland, and my salary is about $500 a month. With that I have to support a wife and child, and it's easy enough here, but abroad in the 'decadent west' it gets a lot harder :) (Just to make you all jealous, I pay about $12 a month for 3 times a week Aikido here :cool: , although the instructors are 1st Dan and 2nd Kyu...)

Im already stretching the budget with the books I want to buy, you see, I could buy some of them here, but I dont read that well in Polish :D I suppose the pictures might be good though!

And I was trying to remember the name of that really big shop...Foyle's. And now I have the address too! Im sure there will be something in there for me.

1st Dan and 2nd Kyu is an awesome resource for training.

Karol Kowalczyk
05-13-2007, 12:40 PM
Hehe I know, but judging from another thread a lot of people believe 1st dan to be too soon for teaching, but I do believe they can teach this old fart a thing or two before he gets too old :D

(36 last Thursday!)