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Maryellen Doak
04-19-2007, 05:38 PM
This is my very first post and I would like to plug in and learn more about aikido from other people's experiences with the art. Briefly about me:

A few years ago I decided to return to something I had left behind many years ago and had always missed - that was practicing Japanese martial arts. I found an aikido dojo here in the St. Petersburg area and, after observing a few classes, thought it would be the right place to start. I have been practicing here for almost three years under Messores Sensei, a pupil of Saotome Sensei.

I found Aikiweb through another aikido instructor in Florida after asking him for help translating from Japanese my karate certificate. Is there anyone out there who may be able to help me read what is on my certificate?

I do look forward to meeting some of you and sharing our interest in aikido.


P.S. I like looking at old reels/new videos of aikido masters.

Mark Uttech
04-19-2007, 09:16 PM
welcome. Pleased to meet you. John Messores sensei is a decent sort of chap. Please extend a greeting to him from me. In gassho,

04-20-2007, 05:52 PM
Hi Maryellen,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

Maryellen Doak
04-22-2007, 06:11 PM
Hi Jun,

I I didn't realize until reading more on this site that you are the very same Jun I met at the Winter Intensive and in our St. Pete dojo - nice to meet you here as well.

I am planning to attend the weapons seminar in D.C. this summer (just 2 months away). Are you going to be there? If so, would you be kind enough to look at my karate certificate and translate it for me?


Maryellen Doak
04-22-2007, 06:20 PM
Thanks for the note, Mark, and I will say hello to Sensei for you - please tell me what gassho means...:)


04-23-2007, 08:26 AM
I am planning to attend the weapons seminar in D.C. this summer (just 2 months away). Are you going to be there?
At this point, I don't think I will be at that Summer Camp.

-- Jun