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04-15-2007, 09:05 PM
or what this seems to be. what do you guys do when no matter how content with life you become something just comes up and bites ur a@#(not quite sure about the rules on cursing)? cuz im generally pretty chill and a easygoing guy. but what do you do when u just get really upset and have no where to go? how do you deal with that? im serious, anyone have any ideas? any great wisdom to impart?


p.s.- not really aikido related. sorry.

04-15-2007, 09:15 PM
o, and i spelled deppresion wrong too. sorry.

Mark Uttech
04-16-2007, 03:00 AM
First thing, you accept yourself for what you are. Radical acceptance is the term for want of one; so it is not giving up, but continuing to try. One of the breathing meditations to use is to simply focus on the outbreath. Sometimes the more we try to straighten things out, the more tangled up they get, but if we bear with things and with ourselves, we may notice that things tend to straighten themselves out.

In gassho,


04-16-2007, 04:41 AM
thank you mark, ill think on it

Roman Kremianski
04-16-2007, 07:18 AM
Train harder would be my suggestion. :D
Works for me.

Janet Rosen
04-16-2007, 09:39 AM
I keep putting one foot in front of the other and doing what needs to be done to support my life, even if it doesn't make any sense at tthe time, on the assumption that one day my depression will lift, and when that happens I will want my job, home, friends, etc.
This is different from existential angst, which requires that I actually consider the need to change my life conditions and then do so.

John Kelly
05-04-2007, 07:38 AM
Life isn't fair. Pain is just as natural as bliss. You must accept pain and grieve when necessary. It is perfectly natural and healthy to have negative feelings. Express them in a safe environment, and forgive yourself and others for any transgressions that may have occured to cause the grief. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason for problems in life, but that's life, as they say. Remember that as alone as you may feel, we all suffer together. Find someone you can open up to and share your grief. Love yourself and move on.

jennifer paige smith
05-04-2007, 11:25 AM
or what this seems to be. what do you guys do when no matter how content with life you become something just comes up and bites ur a@#(not quite sure about the rules on cursing)? cuz im generally pretty chill and a easygoing guy. but what do you do when u just get really upset and have no where to go? how do you deal with that? im serious, anyone have any ideas? any great wisdom to impart?


p.s.- not really aikido related. sorry.

Why are you so sad? Is it related to your dojo? Perhaps without saying too much you could say a little about your situation.

05-06-2007, 08:15 AM
For me, as long as it's not excessive or destructive, I try to accept that having ups also sometimes means having downs.

Sounds silly and simplistic, but whenever I'm depressed, repeating this to myself helps me to get through the bad times without fracturing my self esteem.