View Full Version : Kato Shihan, 8th dan, Aikikai, in Monterrey, Mexico, 6/2-6/3

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AikiWeb System
04-10-2007, 08:15 AM
Posted 2007-04-10 08:10:32 by Joe Cavazos
News URL: http://www.freewebs.com/acst

Kato Shihan will be in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico on June 2-3, 2007. Saturday classes are 10am to 12noon and 3pm to 5pm. Sunday morning will be 9am to 12noon. There will be one-hour of testing during the Sunday session. The seminar fee is $60 (1 day or both days - same price). The address is
Edificio: Jorge Trevino (Unidad Deportiva CEDECO)
Direccion: Arturo B. de la Garza 1600 cruz con Plutarco Elias Calles (Antes Sendero), Colonia Villarreal, San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon. This location is near the international airport of Monterrey. In Mexico call Carlos Reyes Sanchez 8186 61 00 71 or email at carlos_reyes_s@hotmail.com or Jose Angel Hinojosa Alonso at 0448110750354 or email jhinojosa@vitro.com. In the US call Joe Cavazos 956 369-6423.

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05-14-2007, 07:44 AM
we have a CHANGE IN LOCATION (effective May 14)
Location: Unidad Deportivo Revoluciòn
Address: Pico Sorata S/N entre Avenida las Puentes Y Altamira
Colonia las Puentes 10º
San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon Mexico C.P. 66427

Due to the interest in our seminar with Hiroshi Kato Shihan, we are moving to a larger and new location. This is still in the same area of Monterrey, nearer to the airport. There are very good 4 star hotels in the area. Kato Shihan will be touring Monterrey on Friday, June 1 before the seminar on Saturday and Sunday (June 2-3). All martial art styles are welcome to attend. Certificates of attendance will be handed out after Sunday's training.

Join us for two days of training with Hiroshi Kato Shihan, a student of O'Sensei Morihei Ueshiba, the founder of aikido.

05-24-2007, 09:10 AM
San Nicolas de los Garza is a suburb of Monterrey. It is closer to the airport than the downtown area of Monterrey. We will be staying at the Howard Johnson in the MacroPlaza area.... It is really a tourity place at the Macro Plaza. Several of us will also be staying at hotels closer to the site of the seminar. There are really nice hotels in this area too. If you need information in Spanish contact either me (in the US) or Carlos Reyes Sanchez (Mexico).

This is a really good opportunity to study with a shihan who had direct instruction from Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei for 15 years. Kato Shihan was not an uchidechi of the founder, but rather a student who took classes on a daily basis. Like you and me, Kato Sensei had a regular job during the daytime and took classes in the evenings and weekends since he was a boy of 19 years of age. Kato Shihan has taken instruction from all of the Ueshiba family since the 1954 and continues to teach at the hombu dojo in Tokyo as well as the Suginami Aikikai (his branch of dojos). I don't think anybody will get a better deal for this price ($60USD) at 3 training sessions. Kato Shihan speaks only Japanese and translation will be made available for both Spanish and English speakers....

05-29-2007, 06:52 AM
Don't forget, if you are traveling into Mexico, DO NOT call your jo, bokken or tanto a weapon..... CAll them "sticks".... Otherwise you could be detained for quite awhile. Please bring you jo, bokken and tanto, but call them sticks at the Mexican immigration declaration....

Hope to see you in Monterrey!

jennifer paige smith
05-29-2007, 09:29 AM
If you're thinking about going, GO!!!!!!!
I have trained much with Kato Sensei in my aikido life. He is extremely skilled and carries pre-war methods in his waza. He is a living storybook of a certain dialectical aikido that will soon be generationally passed on. You should be one of the lucky ones to receive his teaching. I cannot make it. I'm encouraging anyone who can to go.

