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03-18-2007, 10:17 AM
Just thought I would introduce myself.

I'm an 18 year old 5th kyu Aikidoist from Scotland who has been training now for about 8 months. I study Ki-Aikido in the Ki Federation of Great Britian under Adams Sensei [conincidently my uncle] and I'm basically hooked to this great martial art and everything involved with it. So far my experiences have ranged from seminars and my grading in Wales, to already working in a dynamic club where we study randori as early as our 2nd week!

My next grading is in April where I will finally study under the head of the Ki Fed - Williams Sensei - so I am really looking forward to that. Outwith aikido, I am a 2nd year Physics student at Strathclyde University, and enjoy rugby, football, music and reading.

So hello everyone.

03-18-2007, 11:41 AM
Hi Jason,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

-- Jun

Mark Freeman
03-21-2007, 12:48 PM
Just thought I would introduce myself.

I'm an 18 year old 5th kyu Aikidoist from Scotland who has been training now for about 8 months. I study Ki-Aikido in the Ki Federation of Great Britian under Adams Sensei [conincidently my uncle] and I'm basically hooked to this great martial art and everything involved with it. So far my experiences have ranged from seminars and my grading in Wales, to already working in a dynamic club where we study randori as early as our 2nd week!

My next grading is in April where I will finally study under the head of the Ki Fed - Williams Sensei - so I am really looking forward to that. Outwith aikido, I am a 2nd year Physics student at Strathclyde University, and enjoy rugby, football, music and reading.

So hello everyone.

Hi Jason,

I will be at the grading ( if it's the one on the 15th ) as I have 3 students up for kyu gradings. No doubt I will know which one is you, when your name is called out:D

Good luck, relax, and enjoy the moment.



Larry Cuvin
03-21-2007, 01:10 PM
Hi Jason,
Welcome. It would be interesting to see how ki and aikido training will improve your rugby/football, even music.

Best regards,

03-24-2007, 09:06 AM
Hi Jason,

I will be at the grading ( if it's the one on the 15th ) as I have 3 students up for kyu gradings. No doubt I will know which one is you, when your name is called out:D

Good luck, relax, and enjoy the moment.



Small world, eh!

Hi Jason,
Welcome. It would be interesting to see how ki and aikido training will improve your rugby/football, even music.

Best regards,

Interesting you should say that actually. I've found that since I have began my aikido training and working on my technique/ki extension/randori and breathing that my stamina rates seem to have increased notably - and I am more relaxed why playing sports. It promotes a great feeling of wellbeing and helps me focus under pressure - if I'm feeling a bit ragged I simply stretch my wrist in the nikyo and kotegaeshi turn-outs. It's almost like a cue to me to relax.