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03-11-2007, 09:10 PM
I don't know where to start, I guess a quick intro will help ;)

I am an 18 year old male (180cm, 64Kg)living in South Australia, I am studying Software Development and working nightfill. I have only really played volleyball briefly, I've never been very good at groups but lately I feel more comfortable about joining a MA or Sport.

Don't ask me what this photo was about O_O ... I was just trying to look strong, but you can see it didn't work :o :o ;)

I have been intensively reading up on many different styles of MA for the last few days. When I registered on this forum yesterday I was determined that Aikikai Aikido was the MA for me, but come today and the reading of more threads I am questioning that decision.

Basically as it stands I am looking at TJJ, Aikikai Aikido, Yoshinkan Aikido and BJJ. I am sure people will suggest some other styles and my list will grow back up to encompass pretty much every MA out there.
I love the principle of using the attackers energy against them hence why I am looking at the MA's that I am. It just seems so much more smooth than bashing the crap out of them will all my force (which isn't much), so stuff like Muay Tai etc.. seem to be out of my focus.

In terms of what I want to achieve:

I don't ever plan on getting into a street fight but the ability to defend myself untill I can "get away" is an objective of mine. I don't want to be a lethal weapon or anything I just want to defend myself.
I also want to keep fit and feel like I have some "strength" under my belt. Which is the problem I see with Aikido. It'sn't the most physically demanding MA (as I see it). You may think my appreaciation of using the attackers energy against them goes against this point and I guess it kinda does.

Dojos available here:

Adelaide Aikido [Aikikai]- http://www.aikidoadelaide.net/
In between me and my learning institution. They seem to be friendly.

Adelaide Aikido 2 [Yuishinkai] - http://www.aikidoadelaide.com/
I don't know I haven't really read much about this style, the only reason I really looked at them is they share the dojo with the group above.

Aiki Kai South Australia [Aikikai] - http://www.adelaide-aikido.websyte.com.au/
They give me the creeps, I don't know what it is but I just don't feel welcome before I have even spoken to them. I guess it's a pretty poor excuse but their website just gives me a vibe that has made me "ignore" them in favour of Adelaide Aikido above. Their training locations are a bit out of the way for me but I can get there and being able to go on saturday fits around work alot better.

I have seen mention of one Jujutsu club that is anywhere near me but I have not been able to find websites for them just a phone number. I find that really offputting not even having an address or yellow pages ad.

If you know of any others here that are easily accessable from the Adelaide hills then let me know.

I know this post is quite muddled up but hopefully you can help put my mind somewhat at ease o_O
Just ask if you want to know anything... >_>

03-11-2007, 09:14 PM
Hi Kane,

Welcome to AikiWeb.

As far as the choosing of dojo goes, I will point you to an article I wrote a little while back:


Here is another by William Witt sensei, 7th dan:


Hope that helps,

-- Jun

03-11-2007, 09:35 PM
Thanks for that Jun.

I have read alot of threads with people suggesting to find a good dojo and go with that style but I don't want to go to a dojo just because it is a 'nice place'. I want to effectivly learn a style that I find interesting.

The main reason for me listing dojos was a personal thing to show what options of styles I have available. But still if I find I want to do a particular style but my local dojo sucks I would rather not do any style.
If that where not the case I could say, ohh there is a karate dojo just down the road I should got there because it is run by friendly people (which I am sure it is, but I have never been because karate doesn't interest me).

I know the eventual decision is up to me but at the moment I am off balence, I actually want one of you Aikidokas to use your skills and move me in the right direction for what I want to achieve.

03-11-2007, 11:44 PM
I forgot to mention in my initial post that I am not interested in competition. I don't mind if the style has competitions as long as they are not required.

On that note I have been looking into Judo, I didn't initially think about it too much but I quite like the sound of it now. I still think I favour Aikido but Judo is just another possibility for me.

03-12-2007, 07:52 PM
I guess I would let you all know that I am going to turn up to "Adelaide Aikido" next tuesday.

If anyone from here goes there then look out for me ;)


03-13-2007, 04:55 PM
Hey Kane,

I'm from Melbourne, and practise Aikikai. I had a look at the dojos you had listed, and sorry to say, but I've only met one of the instructors at the last dojo you listed (Matt Aiken). He's pretty friendly, but then again, so are most of the aikidoka I've met. Hopefully you are able to go to a couple of sessions at both dojos to get a feel for them in real life.

Good luck, and hope you have fun at your first session!

- Diana

03-15-2007, 12:26 AM
Thanks Diana, I have spoken to patrick of Adelaide Aikido and The secretary of Aiki Kai South Australia.

I am going to Adelaide Aikido on Tuesday and I may go to Aiki Kai but the location and times are a bit of a hassel to fit around work and study so unless Adelaide Aikido really rubs me the wrong way (I'm sure they won't) then I may not bother to visit them. Also according to the secretary you need to pay for lessons and insurance two months ahead of time O_O.... too bad if I don't find it suits me.

Oh well, I am spending too much time looking at this forum and other Aikido sites ATM. It's exciting ^_^

03-15-2007, 01:24 AM
Hi Kane,
Good luck in your search. I know of Patrick Sensei only through my Sempai John Ward Sensei who runs the aikido yuishinkai dojo in the same location. Theres a great budo scene going in Adelaide where many of the aikido (and derivative) sytles get together that Patrick and John are in the thick of


03-15-2007, 01:33 AM
Hi Kane,
Good luck in your search. I know of Patrick Sensei only through my Sempai John Ward Sensei who runs the aikido yuishinkai dojo in the same location. Theres a great budo scene going in Adelaide where many of the aikido (and derivative) sytles get together that Patrick and John are in the thick of


Ohh, that sounds good. It would be nice to be able to interact with some other clubs around the place once I get my foundations set.
I may see you at some stage!

Have fun,

Stephen Searle
03-18-2007, 06:46 PM
Also according to the secretary you need to pay for lessons and insurance two months ahead of time O_O.... too bad if I don't find it suits me.

Hello Kane

I train with Aiki-Kai Australia in South Australia.

All Aiki-Kai Australia (AKA) dojos all over the country require students to be a member of AKA before stepping on to the mat. This is primarily for insurance reasons. Membership is paid via a yearly fee to AKA.

However AKA understands that prospective new students don't want to commit a full year's fee if they just want to try out Aikido. For this reason AKA offers new students an "interim membership" which lasts for two months and is considerably cheaper than a full years' subscription. So rather than charge you money for something which doesn't suit you, this is actually designed to save you money!

Furthermore nobody is required to pay for lessons in advance. You pay a "mat fee" whenever you turn up.

I just wanted to clear up any misapprehensions about AKA. Good luck and best wishes to you; may you tread the Aikido path for many years to come!

03-18-2007, 10:25 PM
Thanks Stephen,
Heath threw me an email to clear up my misconceptions. I'll see if I can make it to a session at the seaview dojo sometime.

Seeya round.

03-20-2007, 06:17 AM
I tried Aikido today and I am not so sure it is what I want to do.

It sounds great in theory but in practice it failed my expectations. I know I am just beginning but I saw the criticisms that many people (especially bullshido) put forward.

So I am going to try and check out some other styles.... There isn't a huge choice in Adelaide but I am sure I will find something suitable.

03-23-2007, 05:26 AM
I tried Aikido today and I am not so sure it is what I want to do.Hi Kane,

Each to their own, I'm sure. If you're referring to the Adelaide uni group, was that a Tomiki/Shodkona club? (Easily recognisable by lack of hakama and ... well ... maybe some blue sleeve cuffs on the jackets (maybe). Oh hang on, here's their website (http://shodokanaikido.usasa.unisa.edu.au/)

Anyway, suggest that if this was the group you checked out, maybe give some time to the other groups. The Tomiki approach can seem quite different to what you read in books etc about the art.

Recommend you check out the aikikai group.

(And this is coming from a Shodokan guy! I better go wash out my mouth ;) )


03-24-2007, 05:08 AM
Haha no it was actually a Aikikai dojo. It was reccomended I check out out the other Aikikai club in Adelaide but it is a bit out of the way.

I was planning to take a visit to the Shodokan club you mentioned, this tuesday. So I will see what that looks like....

I hate the lack of easily acessable dojos in Adelaide :(

Thanks for the advice,