View Full Version : Warning!! If you are a college student you could have a psychopathic teacher

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07-16-2000, 08:04 PM
Fellow College Students,

I am an easy-going kind of a guy. Anyone who knows me first-hand will agree with that I hope. I've liked and benefitted from every teacher (Sensei) I've ever had except one.

I'm a finance student at Florida State University, and I began my post-liberal studies work in the field of advertising. I've always had an interest in psychology as well, partly due to some of my own bouts with hypomania / depression / what not.

I had this one teacher for a class. Everthing told me during the first day of class that this guy brings a good and honorable name unto a field which can be so powerful in the improper hands. We never had anything but a positive personal interaction from that day onward.

I had this second "teacher" for another class. Everything told me during the first day of class - in my nonprofessional opinion - that this guy is a paranoid schizophrenic who delusionally believed he was on some special mission in life. He was extremely intelligent, but his motives were - seeming to me - about as pure as the grain alcohol he probably drank every night by the case (i.e. not very pure.) Before he became psychoticly obsessed with me (the fact that he couldn't scare me,) he taught the class a valuable lesson...["in the U.S., there is no right to gather information"]. So, I guess he taught at least a little law. Sometimes the most dangerous perverted "sex offendors" are the ones who never even touch another physically, they instead just kind of linger around like a disease(psychopath=mind of disease).

Lesson 1...uncover psycopaths
Lesson 2...remember that diseases can be spread
Lesson 3...eliminate the disease at the source(s)
Lesson 4...begin self-purification
Lesson 5...help rebuild society

07-16-2000, 08:47 PM
This thread has been moved to "Chit Chat" forum due to non-Aikido topic.

-- Jun

07-16-2000, 11:22 PM
akiy wrote:
This thread has been moved to "Chit Chat" forum due to non-Aikido topic.

-- Jun

Very well, Sensei, no offense taken. I feel it indirectly has something to do with aikido, but this is your website, not mine 8).

Drew Brandon Gardner

07-18-2000, 10:16 AM

how does that have anything to do with Aikido?

If your aikido sensei is psychopathic, perhaps you should find somewhere else to train...


07-19-2000, 04:16 PM
dbgard wrote:
Very well, Sensei, no offense taken. I feel it indirectly has something to do with aikido, but this is your website, not mine 8).

Drew Brandon Gardner

The definition of sensei from the Eric Sotnak language primer.

Teacher. It is usually considered proper to address the instructor during practice as "Sensei" rather than by his/her name. If the instructor is a permanent instructor for one's DOJO or for an organization, it is proper to address him/her as "Sensei" off the mat as well.

I've known Jun for years (although he might deny this and could be showing good judgement in doing so) and he's no more a sensei in the context of this conversation than most of the rest of us here.

The funny thing is that I've never met an instructor who wanted to be called sensei off the mat. Then again I'm not in the posse of any of the big honchos so maybe it's different with them.

07-19-2000, 04:24 PM
I agree, Erik. I was talking to my shihan via email (he teaches when I can't get there) when I first started, and he said:

"Save that Shihan stuff for the dojo. You can call me Fen or Mr. Ackerman."

Which shows he truly deserves to be called "Shihan."


[Edited by Nick on July 20, 2000 at 10:27am]