View Full Version : hello from Portland, Maine [kinda long!]

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02-21-2007, 04:33 PM
I'm writing in from Portland, Maine, where I've been studying Aikido since September and am loving it. I'm about to turn 39 and it's great to know my body still works! (for the moment, anyway ;) )

My interest in Aikido first got piqued by my contact improv instructor in college who was new to it and was loving it. I had a long interest in various traditions from Asia, including practicing Tibetan Buddhism, an interest in Zen & Taoism, and studying Chinese for three years including a stint translating poetry with Red Pine. Then, a friend's husband, who was one of the most grounded and mellow people I've ever met, turned out to be an Aikido instructor. I attend Quaker meeting whose peace testimony speaks deeply to me, and Aikido puts that into action.

Several moves and two children later, I found myself pushed to limit dealing with my own dark side, especially my temper. All of these things kept pointing to studying Aikido. Finally I gave in, asked around about dojos, ponied up the bucks and started training. It's been absolutely wonderful. The folks I train with are top notch people and very helpful to newcomers (hi, if any of you are reading this!). My two boys (6 & 4) are taking class, too, as is my husband (though we avoid each other on the mat, for the moment).

Anyway, thank you for this great forum. I probably won't post much but am really enjoying the reading and the international community here.


Eric Webber
02-21-2007, 07:05 PM
Congrats and welcome. You've found some really good teachers where you're at (I got the opportunity to train with Gary at the ASU Instructor's Seminar in DC in December), have fun and enjoy yourself.

02-21-2007, 07:12 PM
Hi Jenny,

Welcome to AikiWeb and thank you for your introduction.

-- Jun

02-21-2007, 11:51 PM
Hello Jenny,

I originally hail from Maine and now live in Portland, Oregon. Welcome to Aikido and to Aikiweb! I wish you and your family the best in this new journey you have begun.


02-22-2007, 12:10 AM
Hi, Jenny! Welcome to Aikiweb. I live in New York State, but Maine is my spiritual home. I went to school at Orono 15 years ago, and I vacation in Bar Harbor every August. Ayuh, hope you like it heah! :)

02-22-2007, 05:49 AM
thank you all!!

Congrats and welcome. You've found some really good teachers where you're at (I got the opportunity to train with Gary at the ASU Instructor's Seminar in DC in December), have fun and enjoy yourself.
it's great to hear that. I feel like the instruction is excellent but I have nothing to compare it with. Gary & Ania came recommended both locally and from someone I knew in Connecticut.