View Full Version : Parcour Russian style.

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Mark Freeman
12-28-2006, 05:48 PM
Just thought you might like to feast your eyes on this gem of a video.


Just some Russian dudes, displaying some awesome free running skills.

I think you'll agree that their ukemi is 'pretty good'. :D



Neil Mick
12-29-2006, 11:42 PM
I think you'll agree that their ukemi is 'pretty good'. :D



Umm...yeah. :hypno: ;)

Kevin Wilbanks
12-30-2006, 12:05 AM
I first heard of this when someone posted some parkour links here a few years ago. The things they do are near literally unbelievable. I try not to watch too much, as it makes me want to go outside and hurt myself.

Tim Fong
12-30-2006, 01:22 AM
Previously I had been skeptical of the stories of the old kung fu masters and their "light body skills." After seeing the French documentary on Parkour, I am no longer skeptical.


Honestly, I think a lot of the "skeptics" around here need to realize that they haven't seen everything, and it's not "just simple physics." There's a lot that western science still doesn't understand about how the human body works, and how much it can be conditioned.

That doesn't mean it's magic. It just means the exact mechanisms are still waiting to be documented. The best thing to do is for people to get out from behind their computer screens, and go find out in person what is really going happening. :)

12-31-2006, 12:12 PM
Previously I had been skeptical of the stories of the old kung fu masters and their "light body skills." After seeing the French documentary on Parkour, I am no longer skeptical.


Honestly, I think a lot of the "skeptics" around here need to realize that they haven't seen everything, and it's not "just simple physics." There's a lot that western science still doesn't understand about how the human body works, and how much it can be conditioned.

That doesn't mean it's magic. It just means the exact mechanisms are still waiting to be documented. The best thing to do is for people to get out from behind their computer screens, and go find out in person what is really going happening. :)

Unfortunately, most people can't explain how they do it. It's just chi. And then to learn it they require blind faith for years. You can't just go out and see what's happening.