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Mike Galante
12-23-2006, 06:02 PM
Just saw King of Kings again last night. The scene where the crowd is yelling "madman madman" as this barbarian is kneeling on top of a villager jumps up and, seeing Jesus, does a two handed grab, at the shoulders as J. blends with the attack looking him right in the eye, holding his arms as the man is stunned as he is gently lead to the ground where we see the confused state, the insanity/hate transformed before our eyes. He then starts to smile, kissing Jesus hand and rising peacefully as the heavenly music played.

Now that's what I call Ki ! O sensei would have loved it.

I wonder it the king of kings was good with a bokken?

Just kidding.

God bless you all,
Merry Christmas,
Happy Hanuka
Happy New Year,
Happy Holidays

From the Galante's

12-23-2006, 06:50 PM
Can't stand that film with it's beautiful western - and highly feminized - Jesus!

However, I have spoken of "spiritual aikido" a few times when referring to the Christian teaching of the death of Jesus. I was amazed to recently meet someone who used the phrase "spiritual judo" to make a very similar point!

Anyway, Happy Christmas!

Kevin Leavitt
12-24-2006, 02:30 AM
You forgot Festivus! How could you forget that! It was yesterday.

Mark Freeman
12-24-2006, 09:45 AM
You forgot Festivus! How could you forget that! It was yesterday.

Ah Festivus! we had a great time, hope you did too :D



Kevin Leavitt
12-24-2006, 01:19 PM
Yes I did, I wrestled my two kids at the end of the day, using my best aikido and bjj skills...it is my obligation as head of the household you know.

12-26-2006, 12:37 PM
We celebrated Winter Solstice here, you know, the 'the tilt of the planet is the reason for the season' holiday? And lo! Just like magic, the sun is coming back, it won't forsake us! We get a new lease on life and a New Year!

I love Solstice-time!
