11-06-2006, 04:27 PM
Hi, I'm Jake.
I'm with the Shin-Gi-Tai Aikido Society, started by Shihan Gwynne Jones 8th Dan. For those who don't know, the style of the society is both Aikikai and Ki Aikido blend. Both soft and harmonious, yet solid. Using traditional Aikido and Tohei Sensei's Ki training.
I've been training since January, I've only done my white belt as I'm not really worried about gradings, however I'm confident of doing my yellow in the next couple of weeks.
I've been training once a week unitl recently when I started making a 50 mile voyage to Bury Port, Shihan Jones' Dojo on a Sunday afternoon and another class by my regular Sensei Brian Hancock (4th dan) afterwards.
Wow, I'm going on again. I thought I'd sign up to a forum as I've been obsessing about aikido and I thought rather that annoy my family I should find a better way to get it out!
So yeah, Hi!
Hi Jacob,
Welcome to AikiWeb.
-- Jun
11-07-2006, 02:25 PM
Hi dude,
Knock yourself out! :D