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09-16-2006, 12:38 AM
I am running into a dead-end finding Kyudo (Yumi and Ya - Bow and Arrow) equipment for Kyudo here in the United States. Anybody know where I can find them?

Thanks in advance.

09-16-2006, 12:43 AM
There's a kyudo group in Santa Fe, New Mexico that might have some info: http://www.jinkokyudojo.com/

They link to an equipment site, don't know anything about it though: http://www.kyudo.com/asahiam.html

09-16-2006, 12:52 AM
Thanks for the links. I was hoping it wouldnt be that expensive! :eek:

09-16-2006, 10:48 AM
Not only is the equipment expensive, but you can easily ruin a yumi if you don't know how to use it correctly. Beginning kyudo students may use practice tools such as a gomoyumi for months before using the real thing. Those with any experience will tell you not to bother unless you are practicing under a qualified teacher.

Neal Earhart
09-16-2006, 11:46 AM



The Tokokyudojo / Zenko Northeast conducts "First Shot" programs for new and beginning students at the Shamballa cutural center in NYC. You may want to check for similar programs in your area.

• Austin Kyudo Group / Contact: Craig Thompson 512-445-6346