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09-07-2006, 01:01 PM
How many people here/ schools practice their jo ( and bokken katas if they practice) with attackers sometimes to hone them??

How do they feel it benefits?

09-07-2006, 01:05 PM
Sorry Weapon........excuse my spelling

09-08-2006, 06:58 AM
I think you are referring to kumijo and kumitachi (for ken). There are kumijo for the 13 and 31 count jo kata, as well as other kumijo (paired jo practice).
In Nishio Sensei's style of aikido there is also ken tai ken and ken tai jo (ken vs. ken and ken vs. jo). Each of these paired forms demonstrate a specific aikido technique (eg ikkyo, nikkyo, irimi-nage, shiho nage, etc).
Practicing weapon katas with an "attacker" is an integral part of weapons training.

09-08-2006, 07:39 AM
I think you are referring to kumijo and kumitachi (for ken). There are kumijo for the 13 and 31 count jo kata, as well as other kumijo (paired jo practice).
In Nishio Sensei's style of aikido there is also ken tai ken and ken tai jo (ken vs. ken and ken vs. jo). Each of these paired forms demonstrate a specific aikido technique (eg ikkyo, nikkyo, irimi-nage, shiho nage, etc).
Practicing weapon katas with an "attacker" is an integral part of weapons training.
My experience from Iwama style bukiwaza.
5 kumitachi + ki musubi no tachi
10 kumijo+ 31 kata kumijo.

There is an partner exercise for the 13 count kata, but that is considered as an awase excercise, not a kumijo

Exept from the kumitachi and kumijo there is formalised "ken awase" exercises (more or less the suburi with a partner) and lots of different awase exercises with ken and jo.
Also the 6 count kata is also frequently done as an awase exercise.
There is also formalised ken tai jo (at least 7 basic forms, my memory is not what it should be).

09-08-2006, 08:15 AM
Thank you, that was very helpful.
We also do sandan uchi. Three attacks with the bokken (kote, men, do) and the other partner defends. Then switch roles.

Eric Webber
09-08-2006, 12:41 PM
How many people here/ schools practice their jo ( and bokken katas if they practice) with attackers sometimes to hone them??

How do they feel it benefits?

In the ASU, we have both kumijo and kumitachi, which are practiced regularly at my home dojo. We also do other paired exercises with both the jo and bokken (though mostly with the bokken) - kokyu, taking center line, etc.

I find all weapons training very beneficial, especially when working with a partner. Accuracy, distance, timing, connection, all are made more clear when engaged in paired weapons practice.

Occasionally we also get the shinai out and beat each other senseless - "it's good for you." :D

Amir Krause
09-10-2006, 07:52 AM
In Korindo, most of the weapons practices are paired. All the weapons Kata we have are paired. Aside from the formal Kata, we practice techniques in a structured way with Uke and Tori, just like in empty hand, and we (sometimes) practice weapons Randori too.
