View Full Version : Got my gi today :)

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Mike Hamer
08-25-2006, 01:54 AM
Hooray.....im not the one who sticks out anymore...ehehe. Got it used, only $25 bucks, it's in perfect condition except for a few patches on the legs.

You can just wash them like normal right? I know, I know, dont wash the belt, lol.

08-25-2006, 04:54 AM
no holding you back now mate go for it, give it five years and you have a full wardrobe of them

Neal Earhart
08-25-2006, 05:32 AM
Congrats on your first Gi ! :) As Justin said you will "eventually have a full wardrobe of them."

Most Gi manufacturers, such as Iwata, say to: 1) wash in cold water, 2) do not use bleach, 3) do not use the dryer, 4) line-dry.

Personally, I use hot water and the dryer. I also use bleach about every 10 washings or so (white Gis, of course). I have some Gis that are 10+ years old and they still look good, so washing them in this way doesn't hurt them.

And most importantly, wash your Gi after each day of practice. No one likes to practice with someone wearing a stinky Gi... :yuck: Plus it's good hygiene, especially if you sweat a lot during practice.

08-25-2006, 05:41 AM
When I got my first gi, it was a touch large so I really fried it in the dryer a couple of times to shrink it. Since it fits well now and I am afraid to shink it any further, I try to air-dry it when I can, but this takes a very long time...and lends the garment an unfortunate cardboard-like consistency. In a pinch, I've found, using the dryer on "low" works just fine.

And if you haven't got time to wash your gi between every workout, say an evening practice and a lunchtime session the following day as I often do...a little Febreze, strategically placed, will do wonders.

Good luck! :D

08-25-2006, 08:29 AM
and remember not to leave it in your kit bag always let it out for a good airing if you cant find the time to wash it ect god i sound like an old woman !

08-25-2006, 09:48 AM
and remember not to leave it in your kit bag always let it out for a good airing if you cant find the time to wash it ect god i sound like an old woman !
yeah, dont leave it in your bag after training, that gets a little nasty, Ive found if I dont have time to was it, hanging it in the bathroom when I shower gives it a sorta steam clean and that helps some, along with using fabreese(sp?) but I try to wash it every week, I need to get another gi though

Mike Hamer
08-25-2006, 06:41 PM
Thanks for the info guys.

Yea, I could definitly see myself with a whole wardrobe full down the line, hahaha.

I dont have a laundry line...... I live in a small little second floor apartment space..

08-25-2006, 08:04 PM
yeah, dont leave it in your bag after training, that gets a little nasty, Ive found if I dont have time to was it, hanging it in the bathroom when I shower gives it a sorta steam clean and that helps some, along with using fabreese(sp?) but I try to wash it every week, I need to get another gi though
And relatedly, Things I've Learnt Recently number 57 in a continuing series - when you get your first coloured belt (or any coloured belt, but I'm assuming that you'd learn your lesson after the first time) wash it once or twice before wearing it! Otherwise you end up with pretty pink marks around the middle of your jacket...

Keith Gotschall
08-29-2006, 12:03 PM
And stay away from wooden hangers. Left mine wet on a sturdy wooden hanger to air dry.... once. The wood stained the inside of the shouders right through to the outside. Now I use plastic only.


Lyle Bogin
08-30-2006, 10:15 AM
The first gi I ever bought was for a shotokan dojo. I went and did what any sensible 15 year old otaku would do...I airbrushed Goku on the back of it.

Needless to say, I never made it out of the locker room, haha.

I still have it, btw.

Shannon Frye
08-31-2006, 09:26 PM
Not sure if this was covered in the above responses, but feel free to wash the belt as well. It's a martial myth about how, long ago, students never washed theirr belts, and eventually, they turned black with practice. If it's dirty, wash it.

Unless the color it turns reminds you of all the hard work you've done in the process. But that's a personal thing, not mandated by some martial myth.

09-01-2006, 05:16 AM
Not sure if this was covered in the above responses, but feel free to wash the belt as well. It's a martial myth about how, long ago, students never washed theirr belts, and eventually, they turned black with practice. If it's dirty, wash it.

Unless the color it turns reminds you of all the hard work you've done in the process. But that's a personal thing, not mandated by some martial myth.

If nothing else, washing that belt a few times certainly makes it easier to tie! :D

Nick Simpson
09-01-2006, 06:16 AM
Congrats mate, may it bring you many years of use!

I've been in 4 years now and I still only have my original gi jacket, gone through two pairs of pants mind and I've inherited another gi from my instructor (lovely man that he is). Im such a leech ;)

Mike Hamer
09-27-2006, 10:58 PM
Ugh......I still cant tie my DAMN BELT

whut, I said it.

Nick Simpson
09-28-2006, 02:39 AM
Ugh......I still cant tie my DAMN BELT

Neither can I. Dont worry about it ;)

09-28-2006, 04:44 AM
it will soon come to you mate dont panic, you will be able to tie it in the dark with your eyes closed before you know it.

09-28-2006, 01:45 PM
Yes, wash the belt, I met someone last fall who was proud of the fact they hadn't washed their belt in close to 5 years. I desperately wanted to wash my hand after sating my curiousity as to its texture.

Tying knots in the dark / eyes closed? One might suggest silk scarves for that kind of thing. Or a moldy rope.


- i hope someone catches that reference -