View Full Version : Question about being a uchideshi
05-24-2006, 01:13 AM
Hey fellas,
I am sure I am going to get hassled somewhat for this but I am going to ask it anyway. I am currently (and have been for one year) in Korea, training hapkido and I plan to be here for 2 more years. I feel that I owe that to myself and my instructors. At that time I am planning to apply to some uchideshi programs in aikido. I did aikido for a while in college/before I moved to Korea, and I really dig it. I was looking into the program at Iwama, but it seems that I "should have" (their words) one years training in an Iwama style dojo and a letter from my current instructor. Obviously I cannot accomplish this durnig my time in Korea, for there is no aikido here. And I doubt a letter in Korean would do them much good.
What I am wondering is if it is advisable or indavisable just to show up, explain my situation, and hope to the gods that they will allow me to train? I understand their position to make this a requirement, or at least a guideline for accepting uchideshi, but at the same time I would very much like to train there. Any suggestions woudl be greatly appriciated.
Josh Reyer
05-24-2006, 01:53 AM
Hey fellas,
I am sure I am going to get hassled somewhat for this but I am going to ask it anyway. I am currently (and have been for one year) in Korea, training hapkido and I plan to be here for 2 more years. I feel that I owe that to myself and my instructors. At that time I am planning to apply to some uchideshi programs in aikido. I did aikido for a while in college/before I moved to Korea, and I really dig it. I was looking into the program at Iwama, but it seems that I "should have" (their words) one years training in an Iwama style dojo and a letter from my current instructor. Obviously I cannot accomplish this durnig my time in Korea, for there is no aikido here. And I doubt a letter in Korean would do them much good.
What I am wondering is if it is advisable or indavisable just to show up, explain my situation, and hope to the gods that they will allow me to train? I understand their position to make this a requirement, or at least a guideline for accepting uchideshi, but at the same time I would very much like to train there. Any suggestions woudl be greatly appriciated.
Who said you should have one year of Iwama style training?
According to the Aikikai's Ibaragi Dojo webpage (, you need to be a member of the Aikikai and be recommended by an instructor, but that's it. Nothing about training in an Iwama style
According to Saito Hirohito's uchideshi program webpage (, there is no style requirement.
If you want to go with the Aikikai's uchideshi system, I think you might be out of luck. I would recommend emailing Saito Hirohito and inquiring about his program. They seem quite open to all visitors.
But, for God's sake, don't just show up and ask to train. At the very least lay some groundwork with emails and/or phone calls.
05-24-2006, 02:14 AM
Nemoto sensei of Aikikai Ibaragi Branch dojo has an uchideshi-program at his "Aiki House". You train with Nemoto sensei during the day and do the regular evening classes at the old dojo.
05-24-2006, 04:44 AM
FYI, there's a dojo in Jeju island.
2nd Floor Bit Computer Book Store, 398-23, Yido 2-dong, Jeju City
Instructor : Young Chan Moon (011-9458-7556)
M~F : AM 10:00~11:00, PM 5:00~6:00, PM 7:50~9:00, PM 9:40~11:00
SAT : PM 3:00~5:00, SUN : AM 11:00~1:00
The dojo is belong to Korea Aikido Federation affiliated by Kobayashi Dojo in Japan.
Ron Tisdale
05-24-2006, 07:34 AM
You may want to consider the Yoshinkan Senshusei program as well. If you like Iwama style aikido, there are some interesting similarities (my opinion, based on limited experience) with Yoshinkan training. If you go to the main Yoshinkan site, you will find descriptions and the application process.
05-24-2006, 05:55 PM
Thanks for all the info guys. And a serious thanks to Jaemin Yu for telling me about that Aiki dojang. I looked at the addres and it is about a 5 minute walk from my house, but I never would have found it on my own. Will start cross training hap/ai kido on monday. Met the instructor, he seems really cool.
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