View Full Version : Aiki Is Truely The Way
05-18-2006, 09:20 AM
Hello everyone, this is a vey cool site. I do Aiki Ju Jutsu with a very spiritual foundation. Aikido principles are taught to us as well. For the first 6 weeks of training as a white belt, we were required to read, study, apply and become the book of Ki in Daily Life. Ki in Daily Life is a book that is highly recommended to get.Once accomplished then yellow belt was awarded,(slap outs, roll outs,etc.). This book is my 2nd Bible, Ouus!
KI IN DAILY LIFE = ISBN 0-87040-436-9
Alos another great book is:
THE ART OF PEACE = ISBN 0-87773-851-3
05-18-2006, 10:29 AM
Dojo: Newark School of Makoto Ryu Aiki Ju Jitsu
Location: Orlando
Join Date: May 2006
Newark...New Jersey?
Man, I thought driving 65 miles to train was tough...
Kevin Leavitt lists his dojo as "Aikido of Northern Virginia" and his location as Hohenfels, Germany.
Kevin Leavitt
05-18-2006, 02:15 PM
Yea, that is who I am affliated with concerning aikido. I think it is importantto indentify where I am coming from as far as aikido. I try and stop by there once or twice a year when I am in town.
Right now I am Ronin!
Kevin Leavitt
05-18-2006, 02:19 PM
oh also, I can project myself with KI anywhere in the world I want to train, so it doesn't really matter where I live :)
Ron Tisdale
05-18-2006, 02:21 PM
Yeah, but Kevin...can you FIGHT with it?!?!?
R ;)
Kevin Leavitt
05-18-2006, 02:26 PM
Oh man! your on to me...gotta stop reading my post Ron! I can't get an inch of room here!
Oh By the way...welcome Sadiyq! It was rude of me not to mention that in my post!
You will find a very receptive and mature audience for discussion of aikido, aiki-jitsu, and jiujitsu arts here. Lots of perspectives and opinions from many different styles and philosophies!
Hope you jump right in and start taken randori with us!
Mark Freeman
05-18-2006, 06:04 PM
Hi Sadyq,
Welcome to aikiweb!
I read Tohei's Aikido in Daily Life while at a friend's house on holiday in the US. My life changed from that point on..It started me on a journey that has so far lasted nearly 15 years, and I know will continue until I can't drag myself onto the mat....A good book I'd say!
You will find a very receptive and mature audience for discussion of aikido, aiki-jitsu, and jiujitsu arts here. Lots of perspectives and opinions from many different styles and philosophies! Kevin, Ron and many others are like this, some of us are less so and should know better :D
12-18-2009, 09:27 PM
The Law of Now
Your breath is your life force. You cannot take a breath yesterday and you cannot take a breath tomorrow. You can only take a breath NOW. Each breath you take can only take place in the present moment of now.
The breath you took yesterday at some time you survived and the breath you hope to take place sometime tomorrow may, or may not, occur.
The only moment there is, is NOW. The only breath that has any significance is the breath you are taking now.
The only time that has any significance for your life's continuance is now. Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. There is only NOW. Now well lived in conscious choice makes the memory pleasant and the dream potentially pleasant.
What choices are you making NOW, in the present moment of Now, to ensure your memories are pleasant and your potential future is pleasant? Accept what is NOW - not what was then and what may yet be.
Your only moment is NOW - make a conscious choice NOW.
Maarten De Queecker
12-19-2009, 08:02 AM
The Law of Now
Your breath is your life force. You cannot take a breath yesterday and you cannot take a breath tomorrow. You can only take a breath NOW. Each breath you take can only take place in the present moment of now.
The breath you took yesterday at some time you survived and the breath you hope to take place sometime tomorrow may, or may not, occur.
The only moment there is, is NOW. The only breath that has any significance is the breath you are taking now.
The only time that has any significance for your life's continuance is now. Yesterday is a memory and tomorrow is a dream. There is only NOW. Now well lived in conscious choice makes the memory pleasant and the dream potentially pleasant.
What choices are you making NOW, in the present moment of Now, to ensure your memories are pleasant and your potential future is pleasant? Accept what is NOW - not what was then and what may yet be.
Your only moment is NOW - make a conscious choice NOW.
If anybody needed a really cheap excuse to act really carelessly, you got one over here!
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