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05-16-2006, 10:22 AM
Hi all, very excited at the prospect of joining the forum, getting to talk to people who love aikido. i have really just got into it, i practiced in a place called linlithgow for 6 months but the dojo disbanded and after a 6 month absence i am now back at training.
i have been fortunate enough to practice under mike flynn ( 6th dan)
i cant wait to develop physically and mentallyunder his instruction!

05-16-2006, 10:33 AM
Welcome, Gavin, to Aiki-Web! The most active / recent posts are listed at right on the main page, and threads related to the subject within a particular thread are listed at bottom of said thread. It's a great way to keep from asking questions everyone else has, thereby allowing you to ask better questions, sooner.

Not sure why I said that, but welcome again!


05-16-2006, 10:57 AM
Hi Gavin,

Welcome To AikiWeb.

-- Jun