View Full Version : Dogi care?

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04-11-2006, 12:26 AM
I'm told you're supposed to wash dogi in warm water, and then either hang dry them, or dry them about half-way, then hang dry them. My question is, would tumble drying (also known as "Fluff" or "No Heat" drying on some dryers) them be sufficient?

Has anyone tried this? Did it result in any shrinkage or negative effects?

Thanks for your replies :)

Josh Reyer
04-11-2006, 10:05 AM
You will get shrinkage, but not as much as with normal heat.

Eric Webber
04-11-2006, 10:59 AM
I bleach the heck out of my dogi's when I wash them, then dry them in the dryer on medium heat. They shrink after the first time, but they only shrink so much. Could also depend on the type of dogi you buy, I use a judo gi which takes significant abuse.

04-11-2006, 12:17 PM
Has anyone tried this? Did it result in any shrinkage or negative effects?

Thanks for your replies :)

I purchase white judo-style gis. I select a top whose sleeves reach to my knuckles with my arms held comfortably out in front of me. Then I wash it in hot water, and throw it in the dryer on high. Shrinks down to my size nicely. Then I can use a little bleach, or whatever I need to keep it clean and toss it in the dryer or not -- it only shrinks the first time if you abuse it from day one. Consistent bleach use of course will make the gi softer and will make it fall apart quicker.

Tom Liauw
04-11-2006, 04:39 PM
I wash my gi in cold water and just put them in medium heat dryer.

The first two wash will shrink the gi significantly, but after that, not much change.

Michael O'Brien
04-11-2006, 05:33 PM
I have a judo gi/dogi as well and I wash it and then hang it to try. For me I allow 24 hours for it to hang to make sure it is completely dry before class. I had to go to class once with a slightly damp gi and it was annoying; Well at least until I worked up a sweat. LOL

04-11-2006, 10:47 PM
I have always washed my dogi in cold water and then hung them up to dry.

04-13-2006, 05:47 PM
Myself, I drop by Kyota every couple of years, hold my arms out and say, "I need some more gis." They're a little big on me at first and I keep getting my bokken caught up in my sleeve. But then I always wash the things in the hottest water and then pop them straight into the dryer. Pretty soon they're just right and they stay that way.

04-13-2006, 06:55 PM
I think it is easier to buy big and shrink it right away, than buy one that fits and live in fear your housemate will throw it in the wash!

(I now have a gi which fits me nicely but is pale lavender, from just this event. It went in the wash with something else that really shouldn't have been washed at all. All my aikido undershirts are lavender too. I guess I will have to start a new style trend.)

Mary Kaye

Pauliina Lievonen
04-13-2006, 08:40 PM
Hey Mary Kaye, we had a lavender lady at our dojo as well, for quite some time. Now her gi has mostly lost it's colour again, you'd only know if you knew to look for it. Some people got inspired to make plans for different pastel shades with matching undershirts, but we thought better of it...
