View Full Version : Getting stains out of a judo gi
Justin Anthony Hamilton
03-28-2006, 03:41 AM
I recently started doing Aikido, and was very pleased to recieve the new gi that I ordered only a few weeks after starting. I start going through the whole process of shriking it and after pulling it out of the wash, I see a small collection of black/brown grease stains peppered in various places.
Great, the time my washing machine decides to break on me is when I get a perfectly new, pristine, white gi.
I've soaked the gi in vinegar and cold water for sometime now, and I have also applied a grease stain remover. This has worked to some degree, as the spots are no longer black or brown, but unfortunately it has left a greasy looking slightly yellow stain behind.
Granted, it is hard to see, and most of the stains happen to be either in the coat on on the back of the pants or right near the feet or some other area like that, but I still would like to get it as clean as possible.
So are there any really effective ways for removing stains of these sorts? I suppose they aren't too common, which is probably why I wasn't able to find much info on it. Just wondering if someone has had a similar experience, or knows a whole lot about cleaning.
Thank you,
Justin Hamilton
03-28-2006, 05:03 AM
How about soaking it in some kind of solvent?
03-28-2006, 06:45 AM
when we got our gi as kids (the yellowy ones) we used to shrink them in the bath and whiten them at the same time by soaking them in bleah in the bath.
bleach is ace it kills everything. try this? or take it to a dry cleaners, they have solvents to remove everything.
the dryer used to leave black marks on the kits, so it was drip dry from then on-which takes like for ever.
good luck
Michael Neal
03-28-2006, 07:23 AM
do not use bleach it will significantly shorten the life of your gi
try oxyclean
03-28-2006, 07:40 AM
If the gi is cotton the stains will wash out over time - bleach will tear up your cotton gi. I hear oxyclean works. If the stains were fresh I would suggest Dawn dish soap and a fingernail brush - scrub it out.
And I thought you were going to ask how to get blood out!
03-28-2006, 08:11 AM
Blood is easy to get out, peroxide does the trick very weill
03-28-2006, 09:04 AM
Or you can skip the chemicals and just wash in cold water. Mud, OTOH, can be kinda heinous.
I would be careful about solvents. You might get the stain out, but you rn the risk of weakening the fabric.
Justin Anthony Hamilton
03-28-2006, 03:23 PM
Or you can skip the chemicals and just wash in cold water. Mud, OTOH, can be kinda heinous.
I would be careful about solvents. You might get the stain out, but you rn the risk of weakening the fabric.Yeah, that's why all I did was soak it before asking, aside from using a light stain-remover on each spot.
I suppose it looks fine enough right now. I'll probably just run it through the was a couple more times before class to ensure that it doesn't look too bad. The stains left over are not that noticible as it is, hopefully another two washes or so will fix the rest.
Thank you for all of the replies.
Michael O'Brien
03-28-2006, 05:00 PM
I would try regular washing a couple more times to see what happens. If they just refuse to come out and you really want to try and get them out one wash cycle with bleach is not going to do anything to significantly shorten the life of your gi.
I wouldn't advise a weekly gi bleaching though.
03-28-2006, 06:15 PM
I thoughly reccomend gettingh someone else to wash it ... it appears over time my mother has developed the unique ability to was ANYTHING and get it sparkling white .... (even if it was black to start with!!!)
failing that .... i reccomend freezing it .....
seriously ... bung it in the freezer .... then when its all crispy and VERY cold .. slam it on a boil wash ....
eh .... always worked for me!
Michael O'Brien
03-28-2006, 06:53 PM
failing that .... i reccomend freezing it .....
seriously ... bung it in the freezer .... then when its all crispy and VERY cold .. slam it on a boil wash ....
eh .... always worked for me!
Interesting, although I must confess I'm very much a novice still when it comes to laundry techniques.
03-28-2006, 10:19 PM
I have never had a problem treating small spots with just a couple of drops of bleach straight out of the bottle. Leave it on for just a couple of minutes ONLY, and then immediately launder as usual. Bigger spots are riskier to clean this way, and DO NOT get any straight bleach on the stitching.
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