View Full Version : Memorial Day Weekend Gasshuku at Tahoe

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03-22-2006, 11:39 AM
Train with ten excellent instructors (many of them will be on the mat for most of the seminar) over the course of the weekend at the same beautiful site that Morihiro Saito Shihan taught a seminar almost 20 years ago. The instructor slate includes five of the seven most senior Iwama-style practitioners in the US (Witt, Tatoian, Goto, Newens, Peuser).

The Aikido training alone is worth the trip and a weekend at Lake Tahoe adds to the pleasure and camaraderie. Taijutsu and Bukiwaza (aikiken and aikijo) will be emphasized. A great training event if you are interested in learning about or deepening your understanding of Aikido as passed down from the founder through Saito Shihan (and now through his senior students). Special basics classes are included on Sunday afternoon.

Ride Out Elementary School, Tahoe City, California
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