- Sumo What Can It Teach Us?
- Internal Power Development Methods
- Glima and Sumo Cousins?
- Full contact taiji
- Pain and control in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu
- YouTube: Internal strength demo...
- Daito ryu Aikijujutsu in Serbia/Europe?
- Kuroda: the more dimensional body
- Inoue sensei: "mysterious waza"
- Ogawa Tada - aiki techniques& training methods of Kodo Horikawa
- Aiki-age theory
- The story of fire
- Recent Purple Belt Demonstration
- Some similarities in Internal Body Skills between Chinese and Japanese arts
- True Test of IT
- YouTube: Vladimir Putin Doing Judo
- Review of Aunkai but has some similarities to Aikido Principles
- even newer aunkai video
- Gravity and the body
- Short INFORMAL video of some of my stuff (frame based waza)
- New Website on Araki-ryu
- Instructive Daito Ryu clip
- Winjutsu
- Basic Internal training exercises?
- What is what with Scott Sonnon's material?
- Traditional English Stick Fighting
- "Hidden in Plain Sight" - oshikiuchi
- "Hidden in Plain Sight" - Shinkage ryu menkyo
- Thinking about TKD
- Mysteries of tai chi
- Hormonal & Psychological Responses to Combat
- And then there's this ...
- What is this?! (Wikipedia article based Daito Ryu book)
- Yin/yang in Taiji
- Long tern effects on the body from Internal Trainig, is there a risk?
- Matt Thorton recounts an experience with Aikido
- I.S. the search continues...
- Battodo Training - Tanren
- Fight Science...just what it says!
- YouTube: Li Chugong teaching taiji usage
- Discussion of Aiki Video
- Physical Tension - Another Thought
- Root arts connected to Daito-ryu and Aikido
- Daito ryu UK?
- Internal (Hunyuan) Strength from a Yi Chuan Perspective
- training clip...
- Comparative clip
- Zen in Motion: lessons from a master archer on breath,posture and intuition
- kung fu documentary 'fighting arts of borneo' is out
- Aiki Age 'shape'?
- Repeating the same old mistakes
- George Lucas and Internal Training
- Seeking internal power information (preferably) in VA/DC/MD area
- Awakening and Harmonizing...
- Goto-ha Yagyu Shingan-ryu
- Control in the martial arts.
- Training/sparring versus who can kick butt
- Chen Style Wresling
- "Transparent Power" Book
- Tai Chi Ruler
- Spine Awareness
- Shinto Ryu tameshigiri videos
- Essential reading for internal skills (aiki) training
- NYT karate article
- Interesting Video: San Shou Tuishou with Chen Ziqiang
- So I started the solo exercises...
- DAI KEKON RYU - Tamishigiri at its best !!
- TKD dilemma
- high school wrestler; BJJ world champion
- Lesson with Akuzawa Minoru
- Likelihood of Going to the Ground during a Fight
- The Ura of Kiai
- IP at War
- some exercises for getting the structure going and why they're done
- The realms of Possibilities!
- Henry Wang sifu's no touch
- New Website
- Sinanju
- What paths lead to internal power??
- Kage Shihan ?
- Yin-Yang and Store-and-Release and Hara
- Tai chi eases fibromyalgia symptoms
- Traditional AikiJutsu Training Dojo in Denver?
- Do you want to help KoryuWeb?
- Breathing Exercises
- Bruce lee and the nunchucks.
- BJJ: 2nd Degree Black Belt Exam
- Jim's Questions Regarding Dan
- Tsuri Waza !!
- Aiki Pointers?
- Anyone care to feed back their Systema experiences?
- 3 Videos from Chen Zhonghua
- Shaolin As A Way Of Life
- from Howard Popkin
- Looking for authentic Daito-Ryu AJJ in San Diego
- Tai Chi Masters
- Lyoto Machida training with Steven Seagal
- jumankai: kata no chikara o nuite
- Kung Fu for Philosophers
- Spear Training for Internal Power
- Judo or BJJ?
- Why you SHOULDN’T go to a seminar presented by Howard Popkin.
- Form does not equal function aka The Shape of Aikido
- Chain whip
- The Secret of Shotokan
- Does Extension Mean Straight? or Central Axis Neither Central Nor Axis?
- Looking for good videos that look like BS
- Direction of Groundpath
- Finding Jin in the weirdest places.
- Deliberations on the transmission of knowledge
- Iaido in Pittsburgh, PA?
- Ki Eureka
- Judo and Aikido
- Metaphors
- integration of myofascial perspective and neigong, 4 days!
- Thoughts On Visualization and Power Generation
- Training Internal Strength
- Any Kenjutsu people here? need advice..
- Training Paradigms and Science
- Internal strength/aiki vs. mechanically efficient movement?
- Aiki & Star War (How it really was)
- Breathing Practices
- True Liuhebafa and Taiji: From a Nerd's Perspective
- Aiki in a Kali Scrimmage?
- Shinkage-ryu
- New Internal Style of The Wooden Staff
- Tameshigiri
- Steven Seagal Taught Anderson Silva The Front Kick He Knocked Vitor Belfort Out With
- Professional discussion of Test cutting in Koryu
- Anyone near/in Hyvinkää, Finland want to meet up to work on internal strength?
- Silk reeling
- My first TSYR session
- fedor vs silva
- Science, speed and spirals...
- On Koryu
- Fire and Water
- Albo Kali Silat
- playing with weight and a question
- MMA not a MA?
- No-touch atemi in UFC 129?
- Kodo Horikawa's aiki
- Kishomon/Keppan (Blood Oaths) in modern budo???
- "Baseline Parameters for Internal Strength"
- Solo Kokyu Practice
- Slight expansion on jin & flexible frame
- Experience of Zhan-Zhuang/pile stance
- Judo and IP/IS
- Dilemma: drop kyokushin or not?
- Love as a driver for I.S. skills
- Terms: I.S., I.P., Neijin, Fajin, Aiki, etc.
- Non-Aikido thoughts and considerations
- Muden Juku, Bristol UK
- Aiki
- Sagawa, Aiki and Tanren
- Why the extended fingers in Aikido postures
- Kurikara: The Sword and the Serpent
- Thoughts on DVD on aiki
- "Internal Strength" versus Aikido Speak
- Restart on Jin/kokyu and "Spiraling"
- The Descent of Aiki
- Lecture on fascia
- Basics of Spiraling Motion
- The Gathering - Who's going?
- Aiki Principles Seminar from this past weekend.
- The continuing Aikido or Non aikido aiki debate and what is or isn't aiki
- Dan Harden in Europe?
- Fascia, Anatomy Trains, and Tensegrity
- Is Mifune showing IP/Aiki
- Dan Inosanto Video Clip
- Son of Facia & Anatomy Trains
- Progression of Hip/Lower torso movement
- Single-side movement
- Internal Strength in sparring
- Tagalog translation?
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- Shigeru Egami
- Focal points for solo training
- Shinto Muso Ryu Jodo
- BJJ and Connection
- Keiko Fukuda documentary a Kickstarter project
- Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu Documentary
- Mook jong for internal training
- A different - albeit related - take on breath power
- How Much Dan Gets Paid
- The history of tapping
- Book request
- A Primer on Aikido, Aiki and IS
- Putting IS/Aiki back into Aikido?
- Is AIKI a regular occurance in professional fights?
- Ballet and internal structure
- Dan's Training History
- Baguazhang Class in Virginia
- Internal study - recommendation
- Adrenaline-based training?
- Dan Inosanto Quote
- Video: Daito ryu against judo throws etc
- [HQ] I Liq Chuan Documentary...
- Meiji Jingu Enbu
- fighting with tai chi/William C. C. Chen
- Systema "Ukemi"
- yamato ryu
- Ushiro Sensei's Sanchin Kata DVD
- Bowstring Power
- Real Internal Power
- Joint Locking into Push Hands
- the decline of body-conditioning basics in the CMAs
- The Deep Front Line
- cool blog post - Secrets of the Martial Arts Masters Revealed!
- Stress-testing structure
- Muneta and aiki
- Looking for Best Academic Works on the Historty of Tai Chi
- Roy Dean White Belt App
- Internal power in tai chi chuan
- New Forum "Events Listings: Non-Aikido Martial Traditions"
- Internal Power/Strength (IS/IP) in relation to non-human contact
- Chen Style Seminar Video
- IP : videos, explanations and hopefully more
- Abbé sensei video 1961
- Judo Dojo in Shuzenji, Shizuoka
- So where is your weight?
- Jan Childress vs. Timothy Hwang
- Kote Gaeshi (Aiki-no-jitsu) in a double stick Eskrima Fight
- Who is training IS and why still?
- With baston, Forget tappy-tappy and go for the Throw
- Koryu - Scotland/UK
- Aiki in MMA
- Opposing Rotation?
- Yamaoka Tesshu
- Popkin-Brogna Jujitsu Center New Address
- Where does this sound familiar?
- Martial tradition? - YouTube: Kids Muay Thai
- Sumo: light vs heavy and IS?
- Training TKD/Karate while taking aikido?
- Book: "The Second Life of Judo"
- MMA training: disciplines and hours per week
- Kyuzo Mifune and training
- Judo first?
- Choosen ninja
- Yi Chuan in Perth, Western Australia
- Tanomo Saigo & Asayama Ichiden-ryu: The Forgotten Roots
- Old style kendo
- Two centers making a connection or one- in a bujutsu body?
- Mike Sigman's Internal Strength Blog
- IS/IP Styles and results comparisons
- 2 Interviews: BJJ, Aikido, Competition, and the Martial Artist's Path
- Daito-ryu, Shinkage-ryu, Seigo-ryu, Shinkai-ho Dojo Opening
- I Was Wrong
- Taichi and IP/IS
- Sokaku Takeda footage
- Tai Chi Punching