View Full Version : Columns
- Bamboo
- Reigi and the Aikido Hakama Fetish
- Reigo Sa Ho, an Aiki Perspective Revisited
- The "F" Words: Fear, Forgiveness, and Freedom
- Aikido Teaching Information Silence
- It Had to be Felt #6: Tada Hiroshi: "Like an Eagle"
- It Had to be Felt #5: Tanaka Bansen: "You Tokyo People!"
- It Had to be Felt #4: Arikawa Sadateru: "Please, put your hand Down!"
- It Had to be Felt #3: Osawa Kisaburo: Simply Perfect
- Hard and Soft
- It Had to Be Felt #10: Shioda Gozo: "A Wonderful Feeling"
- It Had To Be Felt #9: Watanabe Nobuyuki: How the Mighty Have Fallen
- It Had to Be Felt #8: Saotome Mitsugi: One Strike
- It Had to Be Felt #7: Yamaguchi Seigo: Suburi with People
- Getting Your Groove Back
- Kata and Aikido
- Dog Chases Tail, Tail Wags Dog
- G: Gift, Giving, and Growth
- How do we learn, an Aiki Perspective
- It Had to Be Felt #11: Kuwamori Shigeyuki: Chi-chan and Reimei Juku
- Paper House: Four Stories from the Dojo
- Intelligent Fools, Dragons, and Princesses
- It's Just a Matter of Time
- Teaching Aikido, an Aiki perspective
- H: Hatred, Healing, and Happiness
- It Had To Be Felt #14: Nishio Shoji: White Gold
- It Had To Be Felt #13: Takeno Takafumi: Sharp, Fast, Powerful and Very Scary
- It Had To Be Felt #12: Sasaki Masando: Actions Speak Louder than Words, or They Don't
- It Had to Be Felt #15: Abbe Kenshiro: "Trying to Catch the Wind"
- I: Ignorance, Intelligence, and Integrity
- Journals and the thoughtful aikidoka
- Conformity and the Bicycle Lesson
- They're All the Only One Doing It Right
- Being Committed to Aiki
- Why Have Martial Arts Demonstrations?
- It Had to Be Felt #19: Nakazono Masahilo: A Man of Peace and Pieces
- It Had to Be Felt #18: Terry Dobson: The Knight of the Mouldy Rope
- It Had To Be Felt #17: Chida Tsutomu: You Never Felt his Hands
- It Had To Be Felt #16: Ichihashi Norihiko
- It Had To Be Felt #23: Imaizumi Shizuo: "True Aiki"
- It Had To Be Felt #22: Kato Hiroshi: The same show, but it suddenly becomes living
- It Had To Be Felt #21: Shibata Ichiro: A Lean and Hungry Look
- It Had To Be Felt #20: Noro Masamichi: The White Tornado
- Aikido and Purpose
- Badger Stops Looking Up, Finds The Sky Within
- J: Judgment, Jokes, and Joy
- Rip Van Winkle
- Strategy and Tactics
- Superman
- Emptiness, Space, Ma ai, Irimi, and the True Void
- K: Kick-Ass, Kindness, and Kindred-Spirits
- It Had to Be Felt #25: Kanai Mitsunari: "Cradles and Clotheslines"
- It Had to Be Felt #26: Jan Hermansson: "Yust Bench Press Me Oop"
- It Had to Be Felt #24: Chiba Kazuo: "There We Were, Two Handsome Young Men"
- Whitetop Mountain
- How to Turn
- It Has to be Felt #0
- In the Spirit of Partnership
- L: Loser, Learn, Laugh
- It Had to Be Felt #27: Inoue Kyoichi: "Pure Class"
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 22
- It Had to Be Felt #29: Masuda Seijuro: "Tall & Short"
- The Best Laid Plans...
- In Tolerance
- Practicing Aikido Cosmology
- The House of Pain
- M: Maai, Metsuke, and Musubi
- It Had to Be Felt #28: Robert Mustard: The Bastard from Angry White Pyjamas
- Losing
- Entrance
- Sempai and Kohai - The Ultimate Transmission
- The Way is Walked
- It Had to Be Felt #30: Kobayashi Yasuo: A Living Axle
- True Budo is a Work of Love, Even Down the Rabbit Hole
- N: Nowhere, Nothing, No-One
- O: Obstacles, Opportunity, and Openness
- Like an Unsheathed Sword
- Past Perfection
- Eyes in the Martial Arts
- The Maths of Aikido
- It Had to Be Felt #31: Tamura Nobuyoshi: The Sharp Blade
- What I Learned by Not Going to a Seminar
- The Aiki Puzzle
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 9a / 22a
- P: Problems, Possibilities, Progress
- It Had to Be Felt #32: Seishiro Endo: Practice Basics - Be as Free as Nature
- Playing with Others
- Creation Myths
- Q: Question, Quiet, Quit
- Aikido, Cross-training, Aiki and the Arts
- A Consideration of Aikido Practice within the Context of Internal Training
- Arikawa Sensei and the End of Showa
- True Stories
- The Gordian Knot of Grading
- R: Resistance, Relaxation, and Resolution
- The Joy of Ukemi
- It Had to Be Felt #34: Suganuma Morito: The Calligrapher
- It Had to Be Felt #33: Alan Ruddock: I Don't Know What It Was, but He Had It
- La Petite Mort
- A Rising Tide
- Violent Socks and Haiku
- It Had to Be Felt #35: Tomita Takeji: Cold Rain and Wild Strawberries
- It Had to Be Felt #36: Clyde Takeguchi: Ecce Homo
- It Had to Be Felt #38: Hiroaki Izumi: Uke Should Feel Like He's in Control
- S: Seriousness, Silliness, and Silence
- It Had to Be Felt #37: Dennis Hooker: This Has Never Happened Before. This Will Never Happen Again.
- T: Transitions, Transformation, and Tranquility
- Seven Rules of Training
- Winning
- The Least Amount of Force Necessary
- It Had to Be Felt #39: Ohba Hideo: He Felt Almost Like Nothing
- It Had to Be Felt #40: Inaba Minoru: Creating Diamonds Under Pressure
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 23
- Shinken
- Learning How I Learn
- I'm Better than You
- Like in Water
- U: Unimaginable, Unknowable, and Unexplainable
- It Had to Be Felt #41: Shirata Rinjiro: "Your Aikido Techniques Must Become Majestic"
- There Are No Shortcuts
- V: Violence, View, and Victory
- The Aiki Web
- It Had to Be Felt #42: Seki Shoji: "Cold Autumn Wind Rustling Through the Gingko Leaves"
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 24
- Fit
- Leading a Low Impact Aikido Class
- Aikido Paradoxes
- W: Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How
- It Had to Be Felt #43: Kanetsuka Minoru: "Following in the Footsteps"
- Division of Divisiveness
- The Little Kids' Class
- X: Unknown Mysteries, Buried Treasures, and Multiplicity
- Instruction
- Y: Yearning, Yielding, and You
- Don't Miss This!
- The Last Seiza
- The Knot in the Plywood
- Performing on the Dojo Stage
- Z: Zazan, Zanshin, and Living in the Zone
- It Had to Be Felt #44: Takeda Yoshinobu: Boundless Energy and the Joy of Practice
- Interview with Tanaka Tadamitsu Shihan
- Pop Quiz
- Coincidence, Serendipity, Synchonicity
- The Intention behind the Technique
- It Had to Be Felt #45: Kubota Ikuhiro: The Power of Ki no Renma
- Learning, Teaching, Repeat
- Floating
- Outgrowing the Hollywood Cliches
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 25
- It Had To Be Felt #47: Kobayashi Hirokazu: Meguri
- It Had to Be Felt #46: Kinoshita Takehisa: Edge of the Cliff
- Growing Up
- Always Moving Forward...
- Inch, Yard, Mile
- The Challenging Instructor (Part 1 of 2)
- It Had To Be Felt #48: Nakashimada Tamami: A Beautiful Gem
- Chronoscopic Perception
- A Lesson in Salt and Pepper (Part 2 of 2)
- Obvious, Subtle, Elegance
- The Four-Chambered Heart
- Cultivating Yin and Yang
- It Had to Be Felt #49: Tohei Koichi: Master of Relaxed Power
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 1 :: Balance
- In Praise of Selfishness
- Apathy, Empathy, Epiphany
- Lesson 2 :: Arm Zones and the Distribution of Pressure
- Impossible, Possible, Probable
- Effective Technique
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 3 :: Interaction
- A Curriculum for Teaching Falling Skills, Part 1
- Self Defense, Self Development, and No Self
- Total Disaster (Part 1 of 3)
- It Had To Be Felt #50: Masatake Fujita: When is a Hombu Deshi Not a Deshi? When He's the Secretary
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 4 :: Directed Action
- A Curriculum for Teaching Falling Skills, Part 2
- The One-Liner (Part 2 of 3)
- Imitation, Improvisation, Self-Expression
- Training New Muscles
- Awareness, Action, Contemplation
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 5 :: Roles
- It Had To Be Felt #51: Isoyama Hiroshi: "No harm was done to any uke in these performances!"
- On Good and Evil
- Pull, Push, Place
- Ichi go Ichi e
- Crystal Clear Path (Part 3 of 3)
- Hello, Good-Bye, Today
- Structure, Connection, Inclusion
- A Defining Moment
- What is Peace?
- The Non-Violence of Aikido
- In the Name of the Center (Part 1 of 3)
- Start, Continue, 20 Years
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 6 :: Exploiting the Intransitive
- I'm Just Not Good At...
- Fungus and Chopsticks (Part 2 of 3)
- I Got Nothing
- Configuring the Inevitable :: Practice :: Lesson 7 :: Matching Forms
- From Darkness to Light: Clarifying Intent
- Teaching Myself (Part 3 of 3)
- Randori
- New, Old, Re-Solution
- Holding Your Tail Up
- Stone Love (a Rock 'n' Roll Suicide)
- And now for something completely different …
- How I Am
- Road Rage
- Imagine Not Being
- Are Aikido Organizations Relevant?
- Cause and Effect
- One Thing Happening
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 26
- Adverse
- Guess Who I Ran Into?
- Please Help Me
- Bow
- Empathy, Compassion, Connectedness and Conscience
- Touch
- Finishing Touches
- The Illusion of Knowing
- Nothing
- Interview: Bill Leicht and Bertram Wohak -- International Aiki Peace Webinar
- Is Aikido Unique?
- The Day I Lost My Mind
- Musings on Keeping a Dojo Alive
- The Kuzushi Question
- Apples and Oranges
- It Had to Be Felt #52: Inagaki Shigemi: "A Gentleman of Aiki"
- Transmission, Inheritance, Emulation 27
- The Orthogonal Drill, or How to Work Constructively at Cross Purposes
- Feeling My Way Through Career Change
- Chunking
- It Had to Be Felt #53: Mochizuki Minoru: "History was handing itself down to the future and asking me to pass it on"
- Let Go and Flow
- Facing Demons and Slaying Dragons
- The Atom Bomb
- Root and Branch
- The Liberating Power of Doubt
- Some of What I Said, Some of What I Should Have Said
- It Had to Be Felt #54: Murai Kyoichi: “After he threw you, you could not help laughing”
- Violence
- Pillow Book
- Pain
- Memento Mori
- Looking for Aiki (in all the wrong places)
- Seminar, Salmon, and Sleep
- In, Up, Turn, and Down
- Solid as a Sword, Flexible as a Whip
- Aikido and the Third Generation
- Sensei Jekyll and Sensei Hyde
- It Had to Be Felt #55: Murashige Morihiko: "Heavy Hand, Light Heart"
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