View Full Version : Open Discussions
- Soldiers Train for Battlefield in Sports Medicine Lab
- What do you consider are the 3 undeniable truths to being a Ninja ?
- Please, take time to look at this website...
- Say something about the Aikidoka below You!
- Motorcycle Girl in Chernobyl Dead Zone
- A President's Thought
- And now for something completely different...
- traveling to SoCal soon...
- Forum member Kit LeBlanc wounded . . .
- Thich Naht Hanh
- Learn from my mistake.
- advantages dual boot winXP & ubuntu7.04
- no tax law in america?
- The easiest way to share your pictures
- Getting the gravel out...
- Word Association
- Book Recommendation. Political/Cultural.
- external debt?
- Islam vs. Islamists: Voices From the Muslim Center
- Only smart people can read this....
- What Really Happened on Tatooine
- Appropriation ????
- gonzales reasons for quiting?
- My Photography
- So like, this one time I decided to start animating...
- The Greatest Competion
- A song and video deep in meaning
- Gun Crimes
- 'The Triumph of an Ordinary Man'
- Ah, the liberal BBC
- What Could Be Coming
- 9-11: There are some sick puppies out there
- Superman vs Batman
- In Defence of George W. Bush
- Jena 6
- Where I live...
- Grandparents
- Deportation: I am ashamed to be American at times
- Fresno Blade seminar with Meynard Ancheta
- Radiohead: In Rainbows
- I'm Outta Here...political discussion RIP
- Ignore List
- For all you Kanji/Hanji lovers...
- The difference between
- AikiWeb Member Mike Haftel
- a little help...
- Spelling
- Phishing Scam?
- Jerome and Giancarlo's Thread
- John Cheng video
- George gets something right!!
- What systems have people used to learn Japanese?
- Cross-Training my kids?
- Harm Caused and giving up the booze
- I said I was leaving, now I'm posting??
- Play Station 3 Ad Music
- Egoscue and chronic pain
- Iron, sense and neurotoxicity
- Is America the new Rome?
- #1 Song on your birthday
- Think Twice About Going Out For Sushi
- What firewall is better to install?
- Anyone from Birmingham UK?
- Castro's Retirement
- A Man's Home Is His Castle, and He Can Defend It
- Lucky charm?
- What is 'Peace', anyways?
- Mike Patterson and Chris Parkerson's Thread
- Stamp of Approval ...or Kiss of Death???
- Who do you think is quote most closely describes?
- Advanced ukemi practice
- Save Billy Wolfe. a bullied Fayetteville High School student
- I am the universe
- Fighting is good for the Love in your life
- Scams, Sasquatch and the Supernatural
- The World and how I see it!
- New Children's Martial Arts Program?
- Non-Aikido Related: Darth Vader Blues
- MAF 8 Seaburn 26th April 2008
- New Book
- Chris & Ron's Thread
- Uplifted My Spirits
- Author Stephen King's Comment
- Tribute to Moms in Aikido on Mother's Day
- Sexual Orientation & Labeling
- What is a Superdelegate?
- Meeting with Remarkable Men
- Peace
- Sensei Steven Seagal
- Aikido Rewards Women In Aikido
- Aikido Handling Those Who Are Difficult
- A fellow Aikidoka Fallen
- Clinton, Obama and Aikido?
- Aikido Avatars
- Another Aiki Art
- Strength Comparisons between Men and Women
- On the subtle art of crap detection
- Nelson Nichols Doing Good As An Aikidoka
- Danny Hakim Karate and Aikido For Peace
- Andy McLean Does Good With Aikido
- Hell Hath No Fury Like A Woman Scorned: Threads About Women In Aikido
- You can't survive on technique alone
- Men and Women and Developing Internal Power
- Working in Japan
- Mike and William's Thread
- Tattoos (in General)
- sustainable living
- Question about japanese
- one of the largest bank failures in American history
- Want to be Batman? Here's what you need to do...
- The Death of Buddhism in Japan
- Massage Therapist's Gender
- New Force Science Study: Police Use of Force and Injury
- Jenny's Law: When Life Insurance Isn’t Any Insurance At All
- School Project - 2 Dimensional Fighting Game
- Taking Form...Being a Hero
- What Bush and Batman Have in Common
- Amazing gymnastic/body skill display
- Sports/Olympic Fever
- The Greatest Gift of the Greeks?
- Gymnastics useful to budo?
- a matt-acognitive effort, or, interpersonal communication-ing
- Anyone watch the movie red belt?
- aiki and kids
- San Diego, CA
- If you don't post here I'll cry, or, passive aggression
- "No Engine Brakes"
- Particle Accelerator Webcam
- Lenin was right!!!
- Derren Brown "Psychological Punch"
- At least I know the sun is going to rise.
- Yahoo Group on Oomoto
- this Obama guy knows some Aikido!
- Any fellow Table-Top RPG'ers?
- Aikido near South Ogden Utah
- Biological Warfare
- Trans Siberian Orchestra
- Man On Wire
- Stanley Pranin's Mother Passed Away
- Internal Strength Workshop with Mike Sigman
- Happy Holidays
- Hard Work!!
- Aikidu Music Compilation (17Min)
- Connection versus Attachment?
- Bruce Lee Playing Ping Pong
- Bacon Explosion
- Jackie Chan & The New Karate Kid
- Uchi Deshii/ Shrine Intern Position at Tsubaki Grand Shrine- opening in Spring
- Help on video segment
- Japanese futon
- Al Gore Ice Sculputure
- Cup of tea
- Forward Breakfalls
- Sensei's B-Day
- looking for a japanese translator in the DC area
- Should effective self-defense be limited to the fit and strong?
- Grounding and surfing
- Interesting show last night
- Boxer Rebellion Podcast
- Buying a custom made katana in Japan
- Tired of this too?
- Obama Chia Pet
- Law Enforcement Officer Ronnie
- Can anyone help with a translation?
- Rising tide of hooligans and mass attacks
- Obama's Spending vs Obama's Spending Cuts
- Club Organisation....
- OpEd mentions aikido
- Smuggle With 14 Birds In His Pants
- Story's, Anecdotes, and Other Stuff of Wisdom
- Truth
- A new knowledge toy: computational knowledge engine
- Jujutsu Jazz
- AKI. Aiki Camping Reserve
- Memorial Day
- Terrorism, torture and US foreign policy
- Latest UFC event (May, 2009)
- Complementary medicine for the neck
- Go/Weiqi?
- Martial Arts Quotations
- Advice on Carrying a Weapon
- 'Kung Fu' star David Carradine has died
- Carrying Weapons
- Netiquette and Posting
- What Edition is this version of Draeger's Vol 3 Book?
- Concussion guidelines
- Private and Government Entities
- TRX bodyweight exercise system - my impressions
- Open challenge! Chess on Facebook
- Meditation Is Useless
- Aaargh weather!
- Nihonjinron
- Good Night Bad Guy
- Immoral and Illegal - YouTube Videos of Copyrighted Material
- 72 year old boxer beats down knife wielding punk
- Going to Japan - JET Program Questions
- Help with placing an order from Japan: motorcycle part(s)
- The Samurai Exhibit at Asian Art Museum in San Francisco
- Danzayémon, Chief of the Etas
- Most Flexible Women
- I'd like to answer your question, but . . .
- U.S. Debt Clock
- Lesson Learned: The mat does not like your face
- Poetry
- True Internal Strength
- Cheese
- Bill would give president emergency control of Internet
- Japan's Change Of Power?
- On Judging Others
- YouTube: Kenjutsu Clip from a Movie
- Respect...
- Anderson the Spider Silva
- Acorn
- "Indians"
- Student kills intruder with Samurai Sword
- Disconnect to the Food Chain
- Loose with the facts
- Ryan Hall on BJJ and the 50/50 Guard
- Funny Japanese commercial
- on finding a teacher
- Obama Cult of Personality
- Any other horse lovers out there?
- British "Universities" vs American "Colleges"
- Ong Bak 2
- No more Kimbo Slice
- Things i learned this week because of AikiWeb
- Weird News of the Day
- Societal Responsibility
- Zen Ice Cream
- The metaphor of fascia?
- Ron Paul on President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize
- "Discrimination".
- Scientific aiki
- total knee replacements
- Did you know this? I didn't. (Wasp Spray for Self Defense)
- Funny vid of the shenanigans of Dems
- Obesity
- Machida Vs Shogun!!! UFC 104 at the Staples Center
- Halloween is...
- Where to buy kadomatsu (or materials)?
- "Everything You Know About Muscle is Wrong"
- Fedor! Fedor! Fedor!
- Muscle strength and the Brain
- only a man would do this ;) be prepared to laugh t'ill you cry
- Mona Lisa's Sword, anyone know about it?
- Dog saves dog
- Obowma-gate
- What do you eat? (and when? and how?)
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