Tarik Ghbeish
Tarik Ghbeish is an eager student of Aikido who strongly believes that
good students are as rare as good teachers and that both roles take
sincere and constant effort and exploration. He also believes that
good aikido practice models how to live and strives to refine his
practice and his life accordingly. Tarik is currently a student at North Bay Aikido in Santa
Cruz, CA and has a number of budo influences, many of whom probably
would appropriately deny any association or knowledge of him.
Mike Collins
(b. 1957) Mike Started Aikido in 1990 under Jack Wada (6th dan) in San
Jose, CA. His present teacher is Kato, Hiroshi (8th dan). He teaches
in San Jose at Rocky Valley Aikido, and trains with Brian Heery at
Rocky Valley Aikido and with Wada Sensei at Aikido San Jose (not as
frequently as he should). He trains with Kato Sensei at his
twice-yearly seminars, in San Jose, at San Francisco, and occasionally
in Texas, and has been to Japan several times to train with Kato
Sensei and at Hombu dojo (Aikikai).
Mike takes Aikido seriously, but doesn't take himself too
seriously. You shouldn't take him too seriously, either.
"There's a lot of good Aikido out there, and some isn't even called
David M. Valadez http://www.senshincenter.com/