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Just got back from the two day seminar with Kato Sensei. Four hours yesterday and two today. It was great.
For those of you who remember my story of how I got into aikido, I watched Kato's seminar last year and met Joel, who's now our sensei.
Anyway, it was a lot of fun! Got to do what John said was some pretty advanced stuff...some of it was hard enough for me to believe that. Kote Gaeshi was awesome...and when I did it with John as nage, he showed me how to do the hardfall from/for it.
We did tenchi-, irimi-, koshi-, shiho-, and kaiten-nage, all kinds of ikkyo, nikyo, and sankyo pins (sankyo hurts!)...information overload! But, like pretty much anything, being introduced to something makes it a hundred times easier to do next time.
Also I got to work with the bokken and jo for my first time. Kumitachi and kumijo was really cool...and watching Kato sensei do jokata while the rest of us white belts stood around and watched was cool, too. :]
My sister loved the bokken work and was good at it, but she kept tripping up on the jo stuff. I think I did decent except on the 5th teaching of jumijo, where you go back on the same side...I kept going on the wrong side and messing it up. Anyway *shrug* we're starting weapons in a week, so I'll be able to practice some more before working on it at home.
I have pictures, too, which I'll put up when I unload my camera. It was great. I'm sore. Mom wants me to do something with the cars for her. Zzzzzzzz....